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  1. Kto powiedział, że nic nie oferuję w zamian? Jestem wstanie zapłacić za uzupełnienie kodu.
  2. No to chyba kolego nie przeglądasz rynku. Bo odkupiłem licencję IP.Board na forum invisionize.pl, za 320zł. Nie wiem skąd Ty masz taką cenę.
  3. Cześć! Szukam programisty, który wprowadziłby mnie w świat LUA. Chciałbym nauczyć się programować w tym języku, tylko angielski słabo umiem, więc z wiki.multitheftauto.com jest mi trudno. Interesuje mnie programowanie w LUA z połączeniem MYSQL, ponieważ w przyszłości chciałbym tworzyć zasoby pod serwery RP. Jeśli jest ktoś chętny, aby mi pomóc, to bardzo prosiłbym o kontakt w tym temacie, bądź skype: delejt.here. Pozdrawiam, Delejt!
  4. Witam! Poszukuję osoby chętnej do uzupełnienia kodu PHP pod forum IP.Board, aby sprawdzał userid i password z tabeli IPB i wysyłał do MTA. Potrzebne jest to do logowania. Mogę wysłać zasób i plik php, jeśli ktoś byłby chętny mi pomóc. Jestem w stanie zapłacić - co do ceny, dogadamy się. Kontakt: Skype - delejt.here
  5. Look, people register on vBulletin forum, next log in to server nick and password from forum, but ph_auth.php must authorized their password and nick from forum. And i haven't php_auth.php
  6. I haven't file 'ph_auth.php'. What i can do now?
  7. Okay, I came to this, from userid gets, this is another problem when I try to log data from vBulletin for userid 1 [figures are already in the database under this userid] in the console, there is this warning: [2012-02-01 14:52] WARNING: phoenix_Base\Authenticate_Class.lua:160: Access denied @ 'callRemote' And nothing in the game happens. Here, line 160: callRemote ( get( "#AUTH_SERVER" ) .. "/" .. get( "#AUTH_FILE" ), A cała funkcja wygląda tak: function Authenticate:DoAuth( ) theSelf = self; callRemote ( get( "#AUTH_SERVER" ) .. "/" .. get( "#AUTH_FILE" ), function ( ... ) theSelf:OnAuthResult( ... ); end , self.User, self.Pass ); end I found - user and password is export from vbulletin users, but i haven't ph_auth.php. Are you want to edit this resource to check users and passwords from users - vbulletin? Because i don't have ph_auth.php on localhost [xampp]. This is equivalent #AUTH_SERVER and #AUTH_FILE meta.xml of phoenix_Base: <setting name="#AUTH_SERVER" value="http://localhost" /> <setting name="#AUTH_FILE" value="ph_auth.php" /> Can you help me? PS. Sorry for my bad english.
  8. Okay, I came to this, from userid gets, this is another problem when I try to log data from vBulletin for userid 1 [figures are already in the database under this userid] in the console, there is this warning: [2012-02-01 14:52] WARNING: phoenix_Base\Authenticate_Class.lua:160: Access denied @ 'callRemote' And nothing in the game happens. Here, line 160: callRemote ( get( "#AUTH_SERVER" ) .. "/" .. get( "#AUTH_FILE" ), A cała funkcja wygląda tak: function Authenticate:DoAuth( ) theSelf = self; callRemote ( get( "#AUTH_SERVER" ) .. "/" .. get( "#AUTH_FILE" ), function ( ... ) theSelf:OnAuthResult( ... ); end , self.User, self.Pass ); end
  9. I have next problems, i join to server, and can't register, because is only login, how i can create account? In database is only ph_characters with pool - id, userid, name, money, etc. Where is nick und password? EDIT: What's sqlId? function GetUserCharactersAsTable( sqlId ) local query = "SELECT id, name, sex, age, model FROM ph_characters WHERE userid = '" .. sqlId .. "'"; local result = exports.phoenix_Base:SelectQuery( query ); local tabel = { }; if( result ) then local i = 1; for k, v in ipairs( result ) do tabel[i] = { }; tabel[i]["id"] = v["id"]; tabel[i]["name"] = v["name"]; tabel[i]["sex"] = v["sex"]; tabel[i]["age"] = v["age"]; tabel[i]["model"] = v["model"]; i = i+1; end end return tabel; end
  10. I have xampp, and base mySQL with this structure, connect informations add to meta.xml of phoenix_Base.
  11. Of course, it's meta.xml of phoenix_Base. <meta> <info author="eRP-Gaming" version="0.3" type="gamemode" name="Phoenix" description="Phoenix Base system." /> <settings> <setting name="#MYSQL_HOST" value="localhost" /> <setting name="#MYSQL_PASS" value="pass" /> <setting name="#MYSQL_USER" value="root" /> <setting name="#MYSQL_DB" value="erp" /> <setting name="#VERSION" value="0.3" /> <setting name="#REVISION" value="231" /> <setting name="#MotdTime" value="60000" /> </settings> <script src="Authenticate_Class.lua" type="server" /> <script src="base-server.lua" type="server" /> <script src="base-client.lua" type="client" /> <script src="motd.lua" type="server" /> <script src="motd_c.lua" type="client" /> <script src="settings.lua" type="client" /> <script src="combobox_rep.lua" type="client" /> <export function="MysqlUpdatebuild" type="server" /> <export function="MysqlSetField" type="server" /> <export function="UpdateFinish" type="server" /> <export function="DoUpdateFinish" type="server" /> <export function="DoSimpleQuery" type="server" /> <export function="SelectQuery" type="server" /> <export function="PayDayIncome" type="server" /> <export function="PayDayTax" type="server" /> <export function="AddMotdString" type="server" /> <include resource="cookies" /> <include resource="pmenu" /> <include resource="poffer" /> <include resource="phoenix_ServerTab" /> <include resource="phoenix_Estonia" /> <include resource="phoenix_Vehicles" /> <include resource="phoenix_Characters" /> <include resource="phoenix_Chat" /> <include resource="phoenix_Skills" /> <include resource="phoenix_SpawnManager" /> <include resource="phoenix_Infospots" /> <include resource="phoenix_Phone" /> <include resource="phoenix_Pockets" /> <include resource="phoenix_DropItems" /> <include resource="phoenix_Jobs" /> <include resource="phoenix_Housing" /> <include resource="phoenix_Business" /> <include resource="phoenix_Groups" /> <include resource="phoenix_CityHall" /> <include resource="phoenix_Cops" /> <include resource="rpg_vehicle_lights" /> <include resource="tutomanager" /> <config src="help.xml" type="client"/> <!-- Files --> <file src="files/images/logo.png" /> <file src="images/dropdown.png" /> </meta>
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