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Everything posted by Norhy

  1. Norhy

    Login GUI

    Hi, again. So the Login GUI Worked. But.. I have a problem. So i created a account Name: "Norhy", Password: "Password". So, now when i connect to my Test server, the GUI appears, i type the Username and Password. But then, it doesn't log me in. Draken helped me before with the script, it worked. But just this one isn't working. I'm testing the Login GUI on a Race server so when someone login he has to wait until the next map. The Script: - Server: addEvent("submitLogin",true) function loginHandler(thePlayer,username,password) local account = getAccount ( username, password ) if account ~= false then logIn ( thePlayer, username, password ) outputChatBox("Nie si registrovaný? Stlač F8 a napíš register MENO HESLO.", thePlayer) else outputChatBox("Zle zadane Meno alebo Heslo, skus znova prosim.",thePlayer) end end addEventHandler("submitLogin",root,loginHandler) - Client: wdwLogin = guiCreateWindow(0.375, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, "Prosim prihlas sa", true) guiCreateLabel(0.0825, 0.2, 0.25, 0.25, "Meno", true, wdwLogin) guiCreateLabel(0.0825, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, "Heslo", true, wdwLogin) edtUser = guiCreateEdit(0.415, 0.2, 0.5, 0.15, "", true, wdwLogin) edtPass = guiCreateEdit(0.415, 0.5, 0.5, 0.15, "", true, wdwLogin) guiEditSetMaxLength(edtUser, 50) guiEditSetMaxLength(edtPass, 50) btnLogin = guiCreateButton(0.415, 0.7, 0.25, 0.2, "Prihlasit", true, wdwLogin) guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, false) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, true) showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == btnLogin then local user = guiGetText(edtUser) local pass = guiGetText(edtPass) if user and pass then triggerServerEvent('submitLogin',localPlayer,user,pass) guiSetInputEnabled(false) showCursor(false) guiSetVisible(wdwLogin,false) else outputChatBox("Prosim napis svoje meno a heslo.") end end end )
  2. Norhy

    Login GUI

    Welcome back and Thank you!
  3. Norhy

    Login GUI

    addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement( ), function() getElementType ( attacker ) == "player" ) then outuptChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ).." died. ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWaster, getRootElement(), player_Waster ) Tried to make a script when a player kills you a message will appear. Is it working? Cuz i don't have someone to test . Please, is the script working?
  4. Norhy

    Login GUI

    No, i just want that what i said before, this is just from Wikipedia. Can you pls give me the script?
  5. Norhy

    Login GUI

    I want to make a script. I will explain: When on a Race gamemode, a Hunter kill you then a Message will appear: getPlayerName (So the name of the player who killed you) killed you. Example: Norhy killed you. So when i shoot you with a hunter a message will appear: Norhy killed your, or the name of the Attacker. function player_Wasted ( ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if ( attacker ) then local tempString if ( getElementType ( attacker ) == "player" ) then tempString = getPlayerName ( attacker ).." killed "..getPlayerName ( source ).." ("..getWeaponNameFromID ( weapon )..")" elseif ( getElementType ( attacker ) == "vehicle" ) then local tempString = getPlayerName ( getVehicleController ( attacker ) ).." killed "..getPlayerName ( source ).." ("..getWeaponNameFromID ( weapon )..")" end if ( bodypart == 9 ) then tempString = tempString.." (HEADSHOT!)" else tempString = tempString.." ("..getBodyPartName ( bodypart )..")" end outputChatBox ( tempString ) else outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ).." died. ("..getWeaponNameFromID ( weapon )..") ("..getBodyPartName ( bodypart )..")" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), player_Wasted ) How to make that pls?
  6. Norhy

    Login GUI

    Working now, Thank's. Last question about the GUI: How to make a Register panel to it?
  7. Norhy

    Login GUI

    Still not working .
  8. Norhy


    I mean, for example someone kill you and a text will appear in the middle "thePlayer pwned you" or something like that.
  9. Norhy

    Login GUI

    I did, but nothing happened.
  10. Norhy


    Please, what is the function for text that appear in the middle of the screen?
  11. Norhy

    Login GUI

    Still doesn't work.
  12. Norhy

    Login GUI

    Working now. But.. Another problem: When i click on the Login button nothing happens.
  13. Norhy

    Login GUI

    Good, but how to make it work?..
  14. Norhy

    Login GUI

    Didn't helped me, i tried it before too.
  15. Norhy

    Login GUI

    No errors, warning. When i come online no GUI Appear. Something wrong?: Client: function createLoginWindow() local X = 0.375 local Y = 0.375 local Width = 0.25 local Height = 0.25 wdwLogin = guiCreateWindow(X, Y, Width, Height, "Please Log In", true) -- define new X and Y positions for the first label X = 0.0825 Y = 0.2 -- define new Width and Height values for the first label Width = 0.25 Height = 0.25 -- create the first label, note the final argument passed is 'wdwLogin' meaning the window -- we created above is the parent of this label (so all the position and size values are now relative to the position of that window) guiCreateLabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Username", true, wdwLogin) -- alter the Y value, so the second label is slightly below the first Y = 0.5 guiCreateLabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Password", true, wdwLogin) X = 0.415 Y = 0.2 Width = 0.5 Height = 0.15 edtUser = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true, wdwLogin) Y = 0.5 edtPass = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true, wdwLogin) -- set the maximum character length for the username and password fields to 50 guiEditSetMaxLength(edtUser, 50) guiEditSetMaxLength(edtPass, 50) X = 0.415 Y = 0.7 Width = 0.25 Height = 0.2 btnLogin = guiCreateButton(X, Y, Width, Height, "Log In", true, wdwLogin) -- make the window invisible guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () -- create the log in window and its components createLoginWindow() -- output a brief welcome message to the player outputChatBox("Welcome to My MTA:SA Server, please log in.") -- if the GUI was successfully created, then show the GUI to the player if (wdwLogin ~= nil) then guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, true) else -- if the GUI hasnt been properly created, tell the player outputChatBox("An unexpected error has occurred and the log in GUI has not been created.") end -- enable the players cursor (so they can select and click on the components) showCursor(true) -- set the input focus onto the GUI, allowing players (for example) to press 'T' without the chatbox opening guiSetInputEnabled(true) end ) function createLoginWindow() -- create all our GUI elements ... -- now add our onClientGUIClick event to the button we just created addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLogin, clientSubmitLogin, false) function clientSubmitLogin(button,state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then -- get the text entered in the 'username' field local username = guiGetText(edtUser) -- get the text entered in the 'password' field local password = guiGetText(edtPass) -- if the username and password both exist if username and password then -- trigger the server event 'submitLogin' and pass the username and password to it triggerServerEvent("submitLogin", getRootElement(), username, password) -- hide the gui, hide the cursor and return control to the player guiSetInputEnabled(false) guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, false) showCursor(false) else -- otherwise, output a message to the player, do not trigger the server -- and do not hide the gui outputChatBox("Please enter a username and password.") end end end Server: -- create our loginHandler function, with username and password parameters (passed from the client gui) function loginHandler(username,password) end -- define our custom event, and allow it to be triggered from the client ('true') addEvent("submitLogin",true) -- add an event handler so that when submitLogin is triggered, the function loginHandler is called addEventHandler("submitLogin",root,loginHandler) function loginHandler(username,password) -- check that the username and password are correct if username == "user" and password == "apple" then -- the player has successfully logged in, so spawn them if (client) then spawnPlayer(client, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10) fadeCamera(client, true) setCameraTarget(client, client) outputChatBox("Welcome to My Server.", client) end else -- if the username or password are not correct, output a message to the player outputChatBox("Invalid username and password. Please re-connect and try again.",client) end end addEvent("submitLogin",true) addEventHandler("submitLogin",root,loginHandler) Meta.xml: PS: Yep, i used Wiki.
  16. Norhy

    ACL Group

    ... I'm a noob, i should check everything before posting ... Anyway thank you, i hope this problem will never appear.
  17. Norhy

    ACL Group

    So, i created a new Group is ACL, "SWAT": "SWAT"> "SWAT"> "user.Norhy"> Well, then i created a Script, that will create a Team on the start and check if the Player is in the ACL Group "SWAT". Something like Admin. There, i got problems . It says Bad argument @ addEventHandler. Script function createSWATTeamOnStart () SWAT = createTeam ( "SWAT", 0, 255, 0 ) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createAdminTeamOnStart) function setAdminTeam() if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("SWAT")) then setPlayerTeam(source, SWAT) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),setSWAT)
  18. Norhy

    Info box

    Hello. Can please someone show me a code, how to create a Info box? Something like on Argonath RPG, the box at the bottom.
  19. local BodyguardMarker = createMarker( -2765.46118, 368.87973, 5.17000, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150) local BodyguardTeam = createTeam ( "Bodyguard", 47, 79, 79 ) function MarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension ) local elementType = getElementType( hitElement ) setPlayerTeam(BodyguardMarker, BodyguardTeam) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", Bodyguard, MarkerHit ) Please, did i something wrong here? I'm new to scripting.. Debug doesn't show any errors or warning, so please what's the problem?
  20. Hello. I'm sorry for asking such stupid questions, but i'm new to Scripting, i've readed the Wiki too, but i need to know Something. 1. How to make a Scoreboard Group with Color. Like in SAUR, they have a Group called SWAT with the color Blue, and the group stay forever. And they have an another Scoreboard, i have a Another, where my Group color Doesn't appear. 2. How to give a Player a Skin at the beginning and a weapon. I want to make a group called SWAT so i need color, skins and weapons. 3. Always, when i die at testing my new script, my char doesn't Respawn. How to make that my char respawn at the All Saints hospital? I got the x,y,z cords. Thank's for help and sry for noobish questions. I want to learn fast Thank's..
  21. Norhy


    Nah, Xeno is lazy Anyway thx.
  22. Norhy


    Hello i'm new to LUA. I've learned some basics from my friend, Xeno (We play on SAUR). I want to know how to put Objects in my gamemode script. I've learned some things from the Wikipedia, so i have my own spawn point now. So please someone tell me how to put Objects in the script. And how to make Weapon pickup? And, if it would be possible, how to make a Gate opens when a player with the name for example: Norhy is near it?.. Thank's
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