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Everything posted by icarus

  1. So this is a problem i've been having a lot , and not just at a specific server, but all. What happens is, im in a server playing normaly, then i get " Network trouble" then i get kicked out because of that. After that, i get a good time without being able to connect to any server, always get "timed out". Now this is a thing that happens a lot to me, at any server, and then i check my internet conection and there are no problems whatsoever, so that wouldnt be the problem either, also the computer is pretty good. I used MTADiag, is it safe to share it here? Edit: there was a mistake and i thought i did post this but i didnt, so if the MTADiag log is requiered ill have to do it again.
  2. lol, thanks works, i tryed this but only in "poor" mode maybe thats why it didnt work, thanks
  3. this time there is no Debugmessage and still not working
  4. still not working DEBUGSCRIPT MESSAGE: ERROR:\client.lua:3:attempt to call global 'setWeaponPropriety' (a nil value)
  5. still not working, omg, just a simple thing gives more work that a bunch of bigger things.
  6. yeah lol, this must be simplier, but still cant work with it ---clientside function tazerreload( startedRes ) setWeaponProperty ( 23, "maximum_clip_ammo", 1 ) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getLocalPlayer( ),tazerreload)
  7. yeah lol, but still i changed that, in jay's version and my version, still doesnt work
  8. no, no errors, and still doesnt work, idk whats wrong with it.
  9. still doesnt work ps:u can use ---this insted of pastbin
  10. I made this but for idk why it doesnt work, it doesnt even output a debugscript message, can u help ? ---Clientside function reloadtazerclient () if getPedWeapon ( getLocalPlayer())== 23 then triggerServerEvent ("ontazershoot", getLocalPlayer()) end end addEventHandler ("onClientPedWeaponFire", getRootElement(), reloadtazerclient) ---Serverside addEvent ("ontazershoot", true) function tazershootserverside(sourcePlayer) reloadPedWeapon ( sourcePlayer ) end addEventHandler("ontazershoot", getRootElement(),tazershootserverside) (i already tryed "(source)" insted of "(sourcePlayer)", and "weapon == 23" insted of " getPedWeapon ( getLocalPlayer())== 23", and didnt work.
  11. sorry, probably some bug, i tryed many times earlier and didnt work, tryed just now and works, thanks anyway.
  12. I made this part, i already tryed "if", nbut didnt work, so i tryed "if not", still the same. this is part of the script ---serverside function checkBBHQspawn() if not isObjectInACLGroup( 'user.'..getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( source ) ), aclGetGroup( "Admin" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ("onnotHQverification", source) else setPlayerNametagColor ( source, 255, 140, 0 ) spawnPlayer ( source, 2392, 2792, 14, 180, 211, 0, 0, blackbulletsteam ) giveWeapon ( source, 31, 500) giveWeapon ( source, 27, 500) giveWeapon ( source, 24, 150) giveWeapon ( source, 34, 150) giveWeapon ( source, 46, 150) giveWeapon ( source, 16, 30) end end addEventHandler("onHQbbmembersbutton", getRootElement(),checkBBHQspawn) ---Clientside addEvent ("onnotHQverification", true) function ifnotBBHQ() outputChatBox ( "#FF0000You need to be HQ or Admin to spawn as HQ", 255, 255, 255, true ) end addEventHandler("onnotHQverification",getLocalPlayer(),ifnotBBHQ) I dont know whats the problem, it outputs the chatbox, but it still it lets the player spawn, can u help me on this ?
  13. thanks, it works , i have other question, if i wanted to match a random place how could i do it. Like in this function (attacker, gun) if getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(attacker)) == "Police" then -- if attacker was a cop if gun == 23 or gun == 3 then -- if it was a tazer or stick setElementPosition(source, -643.82635498047, 1945.7033691406, 2) setElementPosition(source, -1980, 4991, 39)-- set there position end end end ) i wanted to make it to warp it or to a place or to the other
  14. i was trying to make that when a player that is inside a colshape after a timer get warped to a place. I dont know whats wrong with this. function warpplayer ( thePlayer ) if isElementWithinColShape ( thePlayer, Bankcol ) then setElementPosition ( thePlayer, 2655, 2706, 411 ) end end Also tryed this, actually i tyed this first function warpplayer ( source ) if isElementWithinColShape ( source, Bankcol ) then setElementPosition ( source, 2655, 2706, 411 ) end The debugscript 3 message is always the same: Bad argument @ "isElementWithinColShape" [Expected element at argument 1] Can someone help me at this ?
  15. ive been trying all day, but i think it works now.
  16. Sorry to bother again. What i wanna do is make is add a new gui that is almost equal to the other , but the difference is that i want to change they keypad window name to other that opens when i hit another marker, and updates other trigger vent, and the code is different. I tried doing it , but the results are almost everytime the same, like the display of the first gui shows in the second, the code is the same at the 2 guis. The Guis confuse themselves. can you help me, what do i need to add to the version i uploaded here client/server side , in order to make it work and simple.
  17. Actually, for what im doing its needed, cuz after it i wanna delete the Marker, for everyone after a player opens the gui.
  18. So what i wanna make is, create a marker at serverside, and when a player hits that marker it shows a gui that is at clientside. I made this but doesnt work, can someone help me. -----Serverside local door1marker = createMarker ( 2655, 2706, 411, "arrow", 1, 100, 20, 20 ) function door1markerhit( hitElement, matchingDimension ) if getElementType( hitElement ) == Player then triggerClientEvent ( Player, "ondoor1markerhit", Player ) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", door1marker, door1markerhit ) ----Clientside addEvent ( "ondoor1markerhit", true ) function showguidoor1 () guiSetVisible(keypadWindow,true) showCursor(true,true) setElementData(keypadWindow,"keypadID","GateKeypadCode") end addEventHandler( "ondoor1markerhit", getLocalPlayer ( ), showguidoor1 )
  19. Works 100% as it should. Thanks .
  20. kk, client side is this, the problem is probably there, im new at scripting,so thats probably it. local bankrob = createMarker ( 2655, 2706, 411, "arrow", 1, 100, 20, 20 ) function createKeypad() local sWidth, sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local Width,Height = 142,276 local X = (sWidth/2) - (Width/2) local Y = (sHeight/2) - (Height/2) keypadWindow = guiCreateWindow(X,Y,Width,Height,"Keypad",false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",keypadWindow,processKeypadClicks,true) guiWindowSetSizable(keypadWindow,false) keypadButton1 = guiCreateButton(13,68,37,36,"1",false,keypadWindow) keypadButton2 = guiCreateButton(53,68,37,36,"2",false,keypadWindow) keypadButton3 = guiCreateButton(93,68,37,36,"3",false,keypadWindow) keypadButton4 = guiCreateButton(13,108,37,36,"4",false,keypadWindow) keypadButton5 = guiCreateButton(53,108,37,36,"5",false,keypadWindow) keypadButton6 = guiCreateButton(93,108,37,36,"6",false,keypadWindow) keypadButton7 = guiCreateButton(13,148,37,36,"7",false,keypadWindow) keypadButton8 = guiCreateButton(53,148,37,36,"8",false,keypadWindow) keypadButton9 = guiCreateButton(93,148,37,36,"9",false,keypadWindow) keypadButtonAsterix = guiCreateButton(13,188,37,36,"*",false,keypadWindow) keypadButton0 = guiCreateButton(53,188,37,36,"0",false,keypadWindow) keypadButtonHash = guiCreateButton(93,188,37,36,"#",false,keypadWindow) keypadButtonExit = guiCreateButton(13,228,37,36,"Exit",false,keypadWindow) keypadButtonEnter = guiCreateButton(53,228,37,36,"Enter",false,keypadWindow) keypadButtonClear = guiCreateButton(93,228,37,36,"Clear",false,keypadWindow) keypadGridlistDisplay = guiCreateGridList(13,25,117,33,false,keypadWindow) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(keypadGridlistDisplay,2) guiSetAlpha(keypadGridlistDisplay,0.6) keypadLabelDisplay = guiCreateLabel(14,26,115,30,"Enter Keycode.",false,keypadWindow) guiLabelSetColor(keypadLabelDisplay,255,000,000) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(keypadLabelDisplay,"center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(keypadLabelDisplay,"center",false) guiSetVisible(keypadWindow,false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),createKeypad) function updateDisplay(text) if text then if tonumber(text) or text == "*" or text == "#" then guiSetText(keypadLabelDisplay,guiGetText(keypadLabelDisplay) .. text) else guiSetText(keypadLabelDisplay,text) end else guiSetText(keypadLabelDisplay,"") end end function processKeypadClicks(button,state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then if getElementType(source) == "gui-button" then triggerEvent("onKeypadButtonClicked",source,getElementData(keypadWindow,"keypadID")) end end end addEvent("onKeypadButtonClicked",false) addEventHandler("onKeypadButtonClicked",root, function(keypadID) if guiGetText(keypadLabelDisplay) == "Enter Keycode." or guiGetText(keypadLabelDisplay) == "Lower" or guiGetText(keypadLabelDisplay) == "Higher" then updateDisplay() end if guiGetText(source) == "Clear" then updateDisplay() elseif guiGetText(source) == "Enter" then local code = guiGetText(keypadLabelDisplay) if code then triggerServerEvent("verifyKeypadCode",getLocalPlayer(),code,keypadID) end elseif guiGetText(source) == "Exit" then guiSetVisible(keypadWindow,false) updateDisplay("Enter Keycode.") showCursor(false,false) else updateDisplay(guiGetText(source)) end end ) addEvent("onKeypadVerificationSuccessful",true) addEventHandler("onKeypadVerificationSuccessful",root, function() guiSetVisible(keypadWindow,false) updateDisplay("Enter Keycode.") showCursor(false,false) end ) addEvent("oncodeishigher",true) addEventHandler("oncodeishigher",root, function() updateDisplay("Higher") end ) addEvent("oncodeislower",true) addEventHandler("oncodeislower",root, function() updateDisplay("Lower") end )
  21. same debug script: ERROR:server.lua:13: attempt to compare nil with string
  22. you mean, like this ? local keypadCodes = { ["a51MainGateKeypadCode"] = math.random (0, 50000) } addEvent("verifyKeypadCode",true) addEventHandler("verifyKeypadCode",root,function(code,keypadID) if code then if code == tonumber(code) then triggerClientEvent(client,"onKeypadVerificationSuccessful",client,keypadID) elseif code >= tonumber(code) then triggerClientEvent(client,"oncodeishigher",client,keypadID) elseif code <= tonumber(code) then triggerClientEvent(client,"oncodeislower",client,keypadID) end end end)
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