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Everything posted by MrXz

  1. MrXz

    4 Preguntas ;)

    Yo tambien lo probe, pero solo manda un mensaje, lo cual yo necesito varias
  2. MrXz

    4 Preguntas ;)

    Hola, hago este post para ver si me ayudan a saber como se hace este script 1- Joinquit con el pais y las cuidades 2- Existe un script para bloqueos de redos en race o solo 1 redo por map y si hace un redo mas lanze random automatic ?? 3- Como es el script para lanzar mensajes random en el chatbox 4- Cual es el comando para reenombrar un top en toptimes ? EJ - XX-1 a XX-2 Se los agradeceria mucho
  3. MrXz

    Ayuda [Race]

    function DestructionDerby:handleFinishActivePlayer(player) -- Update ranking board for player being removed if not self.rankingBoard then self.rankingBoard = RankingBoard:create() self.rankingBoard:setDirection( 'up', getActivePlayerCount() ) end local timePassed = self:getTimePassed() self.rankingBoard:add(player, timePassed) -- Do remove finishActivePlayer(player) -- Update ranking board if one player left local activePlayers = getActivePlayers() if #activePlayers == 1 then self.rankingBoard:add(activePlayers[1], timePassed) showMessage(getPlayerName(source)(activePlayers[1]) .. ' Has Pwnd You All', 0, 145, 255) end end Seria asi? o modifico otra cosa?
  4. MrXz

    Questions Race

    Hi, this post is to know where this was shown in the image and if you can script what is shown would greatly appreciate they are Do not know how you call that, if you could tell where it is located and if you can the script And this is the end .. either do not know how you call this, in the end the car stops and get the message, where is this? and if the script can ^ ^! AD : I'm new to all that is script, so you do not know where are located the things I need ... eventually learn:)
  5. MrXz

    Ayuda [Race]

    Hola, este post es para saber donde se encuentra esto lo que se muestra en la imagen y si pueden el script de lo que se muestra se los agradeceria mucho ;D Nose como se llama eso, si pudiera decir donde se ubica esto y si puede el script Y esto es al final .. tampoco no se como se llama esto, al final el auto se detiene y sale el mensaje, donde se encuentra esto? y si pueden el script ^^! PD: Yo soy nuevo en todo lo que es script, por lo que no se donde se ubican las cosas que necesito... con el tiempo aprendere
  6. MrXz


    But .. that countdown? countdown_client or countdown? and that line?
  7. Alguien sabe el script para cambiarle el sonido al countdown del resouce Race? Porfa se los agradeceria mucho
  8. Now if many thanks Luck and keep well ;D
  9. But ... All is well up here, I put a map in Set and came out in nextmap^^! Buuuuuuuut .... After passing the map in Set, does not appear in random nextmap ... why? Help me on that and that would be all ^^!
  10. Ohohoho Thanks GTX ^^!
  11. I'd rather help me here Link race_client and race_server: Check it out and tell me that failure is Please http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QS2FS9JJ
  12. function setNextMap ( mapname ) g_NextMap = mapname end addEvent ( "setNextMap", true ) addEventHandler ( "setNextMap", getRootElement(), setNextMap ) function math.round(number, decimals, method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end end function setNextNil ( dis ) g_NextMap = "Random" end addEvent ( "setNextNil", true ) addEventHandler ( "setNextNil", getRootElement(), setNextNil ) function hudSet () local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawColorText ('Next: ' .. g_NextMap, 2+1, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(1.3, 'bankgothic')/2+1, 100+1, 100+1, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 0.6, 'bankgothic', 0.6, 'left') dxDrawColorText ('#FF0000Next: #FF0000' .. g_NextMap, 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(1.3, 'bankgothic')/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 0.6, 'bankgothic', 0.6, 'left') ES: Estube haciendo mi script de race y en eso vi que tenia un race que me lo habian pasado, lo probe y vi nextmap y map, pero al probar el nextmap (despues de poner nextmap) no salio el map seleccionado, este script estaba en race_client.lua Sera otros comandos o tiene que esta en race_server? PD: Adjunto los archivos race_server y race_client para que lo revisen, http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QS2FS9JJ Les agradecería mucho que me ayudaran
  13. EN: Sorry but it is not understand ES: No entendi lo que dijo e_e
  14. function setNextMap ( mapname ) g_NextMap = mapname end addEvent ( "setNextMap", true ) addEventHandler ( "setNextMap", getRootElement(), setNextMap ) function math.round(number, decimals, method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end end function setNextNil ( dis ) g_NextMap = "Random" end addEvent ( "setNextNil", true ) addEventHandler ( "setNextNil", getRootElement(), setNextNil ) function hudSet () local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawColorText ('Next: ' .. g_NextMap, 2+1, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(1.3, 'bankgothic')/2+1, 100+1, 100+1, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 0.6, 'bankgothic', 0.6, 'left') dxDrawColorText ('#FF0000Next: #FF0000' .. g_NextMap, 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(1.3, 'bankgothic')/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 0.6, 'bankgothic', 0.6, 'left') EN: Was doing my script race and had a race that I had past, and it had nextmap map, but the probe and did not work nextmap, this is the function and was in race_client e_e! Before that and just put setmap appears random in the nextmap ES: Estube haciendo mi script de race y en eso vi que tenia un race que me lo habian pasado, lo probe y vi nextmap y map, pero al probar el nextmap (despues de poner nextmap) no salio el map seleccionado, este script estaba en race_client.lua Sera otros comandos o tiene que esta en race_server? AD: Sorry for my bad english e_e
  15. Does not Operate I'll post again AD: elseif column.name == "Home" then dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y+s(1), 16, 11, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) where I have to add this code?
  16. I was testing a script and this is what came out not leave the country with their respective flag Script By -=I Blaawee I=- exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('Home') function showcountry() local flag = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry ( source ) if flag then setElementData(source,"Home",":admin/client/images/flags/"..flag..".png") else flag = "N/A" end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),showcountry) At the end I think it has to be something like this Please Help would greatly appreciate is the
  17. I wondered if anyone would have the resouce of AFK - Kick that after a while playing the same server kicks you they are grateful if you would have it ^^!
  18. MrXz

    Joinquit Country

    Thanks !! I'll be trying script Thanks for the support ^^!
  19. MrXz

    Joinquit Country

    addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), function() local country = exports['admin']:getPlayerCountry(source) if country then setElementData(source, "Country", country) local thecountry = countryNames[country] or country outputChatBox('[JOIN] #ffffff' .. getPlayerName(source) .. '#00FF09 Joined The Server From #FF8900[' .. tostring(thecountry) .. '] ', getRootElement(), 2, 255, 2, true) end end) This Script?
  20. MrXz

    Joinquit Country

    At the end what would be the correct script, because I'm confused e_e!
  21. MrXz

    Joinquit Country

    countryNames = { ["IT"]="Italy", ["MX"]="Mexico", ["SA"]="SAUDI ARBIA", ["EG"]="EGYPT" } addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin',g_Root, function () local country = exports['admin']:getPlayerCountry(source) setElementData(source,'Country',country) outputChatBox('[JOIN] #ffffff' .. getPlayerName(source) .. '#00FF09 Joined The Server From #FF8900[' .. tostring(country) .. '] ', getRootElement(), 2, 255, 2, true) end So the script would be?
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