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Everything posted by DennisUni

  1. This is my modshop script: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=7001 I can add the things you want for a fair price, PM me if you are intrested.
  2. How can you proof that the developer actually made the script in the given time? He could already be working on it for months. I don't think there's a fair way to do this, unless you put all the dev's in a room with some supervisors.
  3. The Dutch language translation sucks really, some sentences are translated directly or just with Google translater. We should check that a couple times more, willing to help after the exams.
  4. Thanks! If there's anything I should add or change please let me know!
  5. Wups, forgot to add it! It's on the community, here's the link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=7001
  6. I know there's already a cool modshop around on the community, however I think this modshop is easier to use and uses alot less code, but does the same. NOTE: The core file is compilled due people being c*nts and re-uploading the script while it's not theirs. All the other files including the server file are not compilled! The colorpicker was made by Aiboforcen Features: - Let players upgrade their vehicles around SA, there are already a couple modshops mapped - A nice looking dx UI, uses only dx drawing no GUI and no images (except for the colorpicker) - Camera rotating around the vehicle - Supports vehicle headlight colors as well - Prices and names are easy to edit - You can see wich upgrades you already have set and remove them easily - Player can't be jacked while modding a car - Handles everything when the car gets destroyed or when a player disconnects/dies while modding Exported functions: - (Serverside) isVehicleModding( vehicle ) - Returns a bool - (Serverside) isPlayerModding( player ) - Returns a bool - (Clientside) getUpgradePrice( upgradeid ) - Returns a number or bool - (Clientside) getUpgradeName( upgradeid ) - Returns a string or bool Events: - onVehicleFinishedModding * Parameters: table mods, table colors, int paintjob, int price * source: The source of the event is the vehicle that finished modding How to install: Unzip the resource and upload it to the server, start it, and enjoy! How can I edit the prices, names or add modshops?: NOTE: This requires some scripting knowledge! If you want to edit the prices, names or some other settings check the 'client.lua' file. New modshops can be added in 'server.lua', there's a table wich contains the positions. Download: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=7001 THIS IS VERSION 1! IF YOU SEE ANY BUGS PLEASE REPORT THEM, I WILL FIX THEM ASAP!
  7. Kinda disrespectful to post something like this in a topic Solidsnake14 is advertising for his website, if you think you can do it better go ahead. If you buy a script from Solidsnake14 you at least know you have a good quality script wich does what you expect from it. Good work.
  8. Thanks for your help! I have it working now. I trigger the serverside event, and via there i start the 3DSound client side, so now all users hear it and not only me. Script is completed now!
  9. Thanks that works, i made i gui on it now so all works great. But i have one more question, where can i find info about attach the radio to a vehicle when player is in a vehicle?
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