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Everything posted by Perfect

  1. Google is working fine here, Here it is:- http://www.autodesk.com/education/free-software/3ds-max
  2. Haha, new gamemodes always make me anxious. Waiting for the video and your announcing. Good luck again.
  3. How many hairs you loss so far. Looks like i am bit late here. (Don't know if you are still working on it though) This is a great idea and surely will bring some new atmosphere in the field of mta. Tired of Dayz,Role play and other sh:~ except freeroam and some unique game modes. Good luck from meh.
  4. That's the thing... I'm not sure how it happened myself. All I did was spawn quite some rhinos into each other until one actually blew up and killed me. When I TPed back to the location, I saw the Rhino like that while the Admin that was with me (Darius) didn't see it like that. Then I decided to kill him and try to reproduce it but it was still the same for him. Once I left the area and came back, it was all back to normal And i was thinking there is someway to increase/decrease object's size. Still that is quite interesting, gonna test it out myself soon.
  5. Yeah that was funny but one question, How can a rhino (Gta object) can change its size without modifying?
  6. @Anubhav Maybe i am wrong but not totally, I have experience the similar type of problem, ports are closed and i open them by allowing the mta server in firewall recently... @ProTheKiller If you still having problem in opening your ports, try those suggestions listed in that topic. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=75696
  7. Put the script server-side and try this:- --Create teams on resource start function createTeams() staff = createTeam("GameCentral //Admins", 102, 0, 0) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), createTeams) --Set Admin team function setAdminTeam(thePlayer) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then setPlayerTeam(thePlayer, staff) local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(thePlayer) local name = getPlayerName(thePlayer) outputChatBox("#00FF00Greetings: "..name, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), setAdminTeam)
  8. I think it means that your internet was slow at that time. Try typing openports again and post the result here. Btw, have you allow the mta server in firewall ?
  9. Try the following script and say what does it says in chat:- local theMarker = createMarker(-292.40191650391, 1170.1153564453, 20.00,"cylinder",1.3, 255, 255, 255) for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player"))do setElementData(v, "invincible", false) end function VaccineMeh(Player,mD) if (getElementType (Player) == "player") and mD then if isPedInVehicle (Player) then outputChatBox("You are in a vehicle.", Player) end setElementData(Player, "invincible", true) outputChatBox("You're Now Vaccinated Against Zombies!", Player) else outputChatBox("Element is not a player.", Player) end end function onWasted(Player) if getElementData(source, "invincible", true) then setElementData(source, "invincible", false) outputChatBox("Invincible data is set to 'false'.", Player) else outputChatBox("Invincible data is already set to 'false' or some other value.", Player) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", theMarker, VaccineMeh) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, onWasted) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", root, onWasted) addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", root, function() if getElementData(source, "invincible") then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("Element data is set to 'invincible'.", source) else outputChatBox("Element data is not set to 'invincible'.", source) end end )
  10. a51gate1 = createObject ( 3049, 2491.2, -1661.3, 14.6 ) a51col = createColCircle ( 2492.2, -1663.3, 14.6 ) function opena51gates(thePlayer) local team = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if not team then return end if (getTeamName(team) == "Criminals") then moveObject (a51gate1, 8000, 2491.2, -1661.3, 14.6, 90, 0, 0 ) setTimer(outputChatbox, 9000, 1, "You can go outside the colshape now.", source) end end function closea51gates(thePlayer) local team = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if not team then return end if (getTeamName(team) == "Criminals") then moveObject (a51gate1, 4000, 2491.2, -1661.3, 14.6, -90, 0, 0 ) setTimer(outputChatbox, 5000, 1, "You can go inside the colshape now.", source) end end addEventHandler( "onColShapeHit", a51col, opena51gates ) addEventHandler( "onColShapeLeave", a51col, closea51gates ) Only move inside/outside the colshape, when once the message is shown in the chat and say if its still happening.
  11. a51gate1 = createObject ( 3049, 2491.2, -1661.3, 14.6 ) a51col = createColCircle ( 2492.2, -1663.3, 14.6 ) function opena51gates(thePlayer) local team = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if not team then return end if (getTeamName(team) == "Criminals") then moveObject (a51gate1, 8000, 2491.2, -1661.3, 14.6, 90, 0, 0 ) end end function closea51gates(thePlayer) local team = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if not team then return end if (getTeamName(team) == "Criminals") then moveObject (a51gate1, 4000, 2491.2, -1661.3, 14.6, -90, 0, 0 ) end end addEventHandler( "onColShapeHit", a51col, opena51gates ) addEventHandler( "onColShapeLeave", a51col, closea51gates ) I don't know, which 90 degrees you want to rotate the gate, so adjust that according to your needs.
  12. Well, I know that, that's why i ask if he put the script server side ( which consists of both type="server" or empty). So again, @Bilal did you put the script server side ?
  13. What you really wanna do ? As i can see there is only one object/gate. Post your full script with your two objects/gates.
  14. function giveMehVehicle( cmd, player, vehname ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( player ) vehID = getVehicleModelFromName(vehname) createVehicle ( vehID, x+1, y, z + 3 ) outputChatBox ( "You Successfully Create a Vehicle", player, 0, 255, 0, true ) end addCommandHandler ( "vehicle", giveMehVehicle )
  15. For hosting your own local server:- 1) Go to MTA folder then go to server\mods\deathmatch and open mtaserver.conf 2) Edit it according to your needs and save it. 3) Then go to MTA folder then go to server folder and run MTA server.exe and you are done. For hosting your own server on internet:- 1) Go to MTA folder then go to server folder and run MTA server.exe 2) Type 'openports' without the quotes, if it says ports are closed, that means firewall is blocking your server from reaching the internet and you have to unblock it. 3) After unblock it, type again 'openports' without the quotes in MTA server.exe, if it says ports are open, then your server should be available on the internet. For adding custom resource:- Go to MTA folder then go to server\mods\deathmatch\resources\[gameplay] and put your resources there.
  16. Put it server-side in meta, if you already didn't. Then try this code:- local theMarker = createMarker(-292.40191650391, 1170.1153564453, 20.00,"cylinder",1.3, 255, 255, 255) for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player"))do setElementData(v, "invincible", false) end function VaccineMeh(Player,mD) if (getElementType (Player) == "player") and mD then if isPedInVehicle (Player) then return false end setElementData(Player, "invincible", true) outputChatBox("You're Now Vaccinated Against Zombies!", Player) end end end function onWasted(Player) if getElementData(Player, "invincible", true) then setElementData(Player, "invincible", false) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", theMarker, VaccineMeh) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, onWasted) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", root, onWasted) I just put script in order as some people STRICTLY do. And added a for-loop.
  17. Try this, Serverside:- addEvent("helmet") local cases = {} for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player"))do setElementData(v, "helmet", 0) end addEventHandler("helmet", function(player) if(getResourceState(getResourceFromName("bone_attach")) == "running")then outputChatBox("Resource is running.", player, 255, 50, 0) if(getElementType(player) == "player")then outputChatBox("Element type is player.", player, 255, 50, 0) if(getElementData(player, "helmet") ~= 1)then outputChatBox("helmet data is 0, helmet given.", player, 255, 50, 0) case = createObject(2054,0,0,0) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(case,player,1,0,0.04,0.06,0,0,180) setElementData(player, "helmet", 1) cases[player] = case elseif(getElementData(player, "helmet") == 1)then setElementData(player, "helmet", 0) exports.bone_attach:detachElementFromBone(cases[player]) destroyElement(cases[player]) outputChatBox("Data is 1, helmet removed.", player, 255, 50, 0) end end else outputChatBox("Resource is not running.", player, 255, 50, 0) end end ) Clientside:- if itemID then if (itemID==90) then -- Fullface Helmet triggerEvent("onClientGUIClick", source, triggerServerEvent("helmet",player)) outputChatBox("ItemID is 90.", player, 255, 50, 0) else outputChatBox("Error.", player, 255, 50, 0) end end
  18. What ? Who gave the what answer ?
  19. They are two ways to get this done. 1) Open your admin panel -> Resource -> freeroam -> Seetings -> vehicles/maxidletime --> 99999999. 2) Go to your mta sa folder -> server\mods\deathmatch\resources\[gameplay]\freeroam.zip -> meta.xml Then find this line:- <setting name="*vehicles/maxidletime" value="[300000]" /> And change it to:- <setting name="*vehicles/maxidletime" value="[99999999]" /> Save it. And you are done.
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