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Everything posted by Perfect

  1. Perfect

    Installing MTA

    Please read this topic carefully and do what it says: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=31668
  2. Good job, I like it! One thing most users forgot to do, when posting a video, is adding a youtube tag. Adding a youtube tag to a video is good and easy thing to do. For your video, It would be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHW7YIFJPoU&hd=1 aHW7YIFJPoU[/*youtube] Remove the * and you successfully posted a video with a youtube tag!
  3. Try this one: local join = createMarker( -2975.974609375, 504.951171875, 1.3, "cylinder", 1.3, 255, 255, 0, 150) function joinjob(localPlayer) if (getElementType(localPlayer) == "player") and not ( isPedInVehicle( localPlayer ) ) then triggerClientEvent (localPlayer,"pesquero",getRootElement(),localPlayer) end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", join, joinjob) createBlip( -2975.974609375, 504.951171875, 2.4296875, 56, 3, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 250) local Barcos = { [ 453 ] = true, [ 453 ] = true } local BarcosSkins = { [ 210 ] = true, [ 225 ] = true } local barcoTable = { { -3038.4482421875, 604.1875, -0.340974599123 }, { -3095.3408203125, 766.5185546875, -0.31019884347916 }, { -3161.6103515625, 903.453125, -0.35642492771149 }, { -3094.2880859375, 998.7802734375, -0.32000458240509 }, { -3027.7529296875, 922.7392578125, -0.34394550323486 }, { -3041.1240234375, 856.3134765625, -0.3497366309166 }, { -3053.4599609375, 750.5791015625, -0.33944514393806 }, { -3045.521484375, 643.712890625, -0.375756919384 }, { -3057.8583984375, 549.732421875, -0.36067345738411 }, { -3143.16796875, 504.248046875, -0.39858004450798 }, { -3198.35546875, 605.2978515625, -0.35631018877029 }, { -3306.8505859375, 744.03125, -0.32741913199425 }, { -3430.1376953125, 963.283203125, -0.37901026010513 }, { -3384.814453125, 1068.4091796875, -0.32916113734245 }, { -3278.1748046875, 1114.71875, -0.3424257338047 }, } function getRandombarcoTable ( ) return unpack ( barcoTable [ math.random ( #barcoTable ) ] ) end function createbarcoTeam ( ) theTeam = createTeam ( "Pesquero", 255, 255, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createbarcoTeam ) function joinBarco( skin ) setPlayerTeam ( source, theTeam ) setElementModel ( source, skin ) setElementData( source, "Occupation", "Fisherman", true ) outputChatBox ( "aqui texto",source, 0, 255, 0 ) end addEvent ( "setBarco", true ) addEventHandler ( "setBarco", root, joinBarco ) function getNewBarcoLocation ( thePlayer ) local x, y, z = getRandombarcoTable ( ) triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "barco_set_location", thePlayer, x, y, z ) end function onVehicleEnter ( thePlayer ) if ( not Barcos [ getElementModel ( source ) ] ) then return end if ( getElementData( thePlayer, "Occupation") == false or getElementData( thePlayer, "Occupation") ~= "Fisherman" ) then return end if ( getElementData( thePlayer, "Occupation") == "Fisherman" ) then getNewBarcoLocation ( thePlayer ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", root, onVehicleEnter ) addEvent ( "pizza_finish", true ) addEventHandler("pizza_finish", root, function ( ) if ( not isPedInVehicle ( source ) ) then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if ( not Barcos [ getElementModel ( vehicle ) ] ) then return end local money = math.random ( 800, 1600 ) givePlayerMoney ( source, money ) setElementFrozen ( vehicle, true ) fadeCamera(source, false, 1.0) setTimer(fadeCamera, 1500, 1, source, true) setElementFrozen ( vehicle, false ) getNewBarcoLocation ( source ) end ) For checking player occupation, the syntax is as follows: if ( getElementData( thePlayer, "Occupation") == "Fisherman" ) then -- Check if player 'Occupation' is equals to 'Fisherman'
  4. Chappie, you should open a new topic for your problem, probably in the support board.
  5. Whenever you want to trigger newly created event, you need to put second attribute to 'true' else it will not work. In this case, it was: addEvent( "createSANCHEZ", true ) -- by putting true, we tell the script it is a triggering event Total changes are:- In client side: triggerServerEvent("createSANCHEZ", getRootElement()). is replaced with triggerServerEvent("createSANCHEZ", localPlayer). In server side addEvent("createSANCHEZ") is replaced with addEvent("createSANCHEZ", true). thePlayer is replaced with source.
  6. If there are no errors in debugscript, try the below: exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('Zombie kills',getRootElement())
  7. Great work you did there! It is a really useful program. And I have a suggestion, if you didn't already implemented it yet, adding a feature to change server name would be really good. Hope you will finish it soon or at least make it open source to speed up the process. And as xXMADEXx, I too want to know the backends of it.
  8. If you want a RPG resource with less or no bugs, you can use Nerd Gaming gamemode which is open source. Here's the link to the topic for the gamemode: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=82870&hilit=nerd+gaming
  9. Replace addEvent( "createSANCHEZ" ) with addEvent( "createSANCHEZ", true )
  10. And then new ideas started forming...
  11. Perfect

    Ipairs iterator

    Replace objects[i] = createObject (3929,yx,yy,yz) --line 49 with objects[i] = createObject (3929,yx,yy,yz,nil,nil,nil,false) If the above doesn't work (probably it should), you can try using the below function. setElementCollisionsEnabled
  12. Good job and keep it up MTA! Lets see where does this new possibilities will take us to. Cool features wait ahead, good luck everybody in utilizing most of it if not all.
  13. Perfect

    Ipairs iterator

    Replace destroyElement[objects[i]] with destroyElement(objects[i]) .
  14. Perfect

    Little help please

    Put the resource in MTA San Andreas 1.4\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\[gameplay] and add it in the ACL in admin group. You can find more information and steps to install it here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtop ... 1eeae819a6 Though I advice you to not install it as it is outdated/bugged resource as stated by the owner in the above topic.
  15. Check if they are any errors in debugscript.
  16. Perfect

    Ipairs iterator

    This should do the job. mines={} mines[1]={316.623046875, 2310.3662109375, 175.88377380371} mines[2]={368.55038452148, 2279.5004882812, 179.28540039062} mines[3]={371.35195922852, 2383.2370605469, 204.61744689941} mines[4]={322.07421875, 2455.6181640625, 209.29032897949} mines[5]={459.70449829102, 2427.0690917969, 191.66717529297} mines[6]={534.01818847656, 2469.5270996094, 183.58447265625} mines[7]={ 635.9619140625, 2403.568359375, 180.75654602051} mines[8]={629.318359375, 2513.05859375, 166.53332519531} mines[9]={ 757.48828125, 2565.681640625, 159.08197021484} mines[10]={881.20446777344, 2574.3151855469, 160.68569946289} mines[11]={778.15057373047, 2687.6740722656, 155.58869934082} mines[12]={958.9248046875, 2667.8623046875, 157.94715881348} mines[13]={912.7998046875, 2766.8828125, 182.83726501465} mines[14]={821.197265625, 2795.1171875, 166.05780029297} mines[15]={822.2978515625, 2455.7451171875, 140.25344848633} objects = {} marke = {} function createMarkerAttachedTo(element, mType, size, r, g, b, a, visibleTo, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset) mType, size, r, g, b, a, visibleTo, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset = mType or "checkpoint", size or 4, r or 0, g or 0, b or 255, a or 255, visibleTo or getRootElement(), xOffset or 0, yOffset or 0, zOffset or 0 assert(isElement(element), "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected element at argument 1, got " .. type(element) .. "]") assert(type(mType) == "string", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected string at argument 2, got " .. type(mType) .. "]") assert(type(size) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 3, got " .. type(size) .. "]") assert(type(r) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 4, got " .. type(r) .. "]") assert(type(g) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 5, got " .. type(g) .. "]") assert(type(b) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 6, got " .. type(b) .. "]") assert(type(a) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 7, got " .. type(a) .. "]") assert(isElement(visibleTo), "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected element at argument 8, got " .. type(visibleTo) .. "]") assert(type(xOffset) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 9, got " .. type(xOffset) .. "]") assert(type(yOffset) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 10, got " .. type(yOffset) .. "]") assert(type(zOffset) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 11, got " .. type(zOffset) .. "]") local m = createMarker(0, 0, 0, mType, size, r, g, b, a, visibleTo) if m then if attachElements(m, element) then return m end end return false end addEvent ("objs",true) addEventHandler ("objs",getRootElement(),function() for i,v in ipairs(mines) do yx,yy,yz=unpack(v) objects[i] = createObject (3929,yx,yy,yz) setElementData (objects[i],"mineununtrium","true") setElementData(object1s[i],"qununtrium",5) marke[i] = createMarkerAttachedTo (objects[variable],"corona",4,255,255,255,50,getRootElement(),0,0,10) end end) addEvent ("give1",true) addEventHandler ("give1",getRootElement(),function() local uut = getElementData (source,"ununtrium") for i=1, #mines do destroyElement[objects[i]] destroyElement (marke[i]) objects[i] = nil marke[i] = nil setElementData (source,"ununtrium",uut+3) end end)
  17. Perfect

    Ipairs iterator

    Any errors in dubugscript ? What you mean there ? You want to destroy the object, element and marker ?
  18. Post your full script.
  19. Perfect

    Group types

    What do you really mean by player group type ? player team, ACL group or something else.
  20. Try putting the event 'onClientGUIClick' inside the function 'createSpawnWindow'. Also add an if-statement to see, if its the correct button or not, inside the button function. function create( ) if ( source == btnSancheZ ) then triggerServerEvent("createSANCHEZ", getRootElement()) end end
  21. Firstly, Welcome on the forums! I don't know if you still want to learn or already did but I am putting my advice on here. 1) Start at: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Sc ... troduction If the above didn't work for you, you can try: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=148&t=75501 2) Ask questions about what you didn't understand at scripting board: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewforum.php?f=91 3) Try to make a simple script, such as outputting 'hello world' on screen. 4) If it didn't work, then ask help at scripting board. 5) Learn some more scripting by looking at tutorials: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewforum.php?f=148 6) download some scripts from community and understand how they work. Community: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ 7) Practice and challenge yourself for bigger projects, such as making a whole gamemode! In order to learn something, you need to be curious and ask questions. As basic as it may sound, search on the forums or ask it, don't be shy! Hope it helps.
  22. It would be really better, if you could follow your own words. A) I would do 2(1+1) = 1(2+2). Q) What would you do if you suddenly become an ant with human like physical and mental power ?
  23. If I died I go to heaven, I guess. Q: What would you do if you find out that you were adopted? Hard to believe in a place that doesn't exist Looks like you are breaking a forum rule,if i am not wrong. Well, according to me, heaven can be anything, it can be a beautiful place with flowers,peace,happiness and other such things or it CAN be a state in which we remain unconscious, where time has been stopped forever, in which we will never feel anything neither pain nor happiness. (And btw, if i am right, this topic is about questioning and answering and not about posting opinions or judging. No offence.)
  24. Perfect

    [HELP] Shader

    If 'VIP' is a team name then this should work:- addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () local vehicle = getOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) local Shader = dxCreateShader( "shader.fx" ) local Texture = dxCreateTexture( "mavericktexture.png" ) if (getPlayerTeam(localPlayer) == getTeamFromName("VIP")) then dxSetShaderValue( Shader, "Tex", Texture ) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( Shader, "Bell_206B_T", vehicle ) end end )
  25. A) Crawl like a snake. Q) What would you do if you met a real harry potter with magic wand ?
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