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Posts posted by -ffs-Sniper

  1. What exactly do you mean by "groups sys"?

    Which is better in terms of lag ?

    They are both using the registry.db (SQL) or internal.db (account data) to store the data. Since they are both using the SQLlite database engine there is no difference in terms of lag.

    However SQL has a lot more possibilities to manage/sort the data.

  2. That is actually a pretty frequent question. The script integrity test is used to protect all the global tables from being messed up. Normally the server is supposed to kick the messed up player but this often fails for a reason: The race resource does not have the permission to kick a player.

    To solve this problem just add this to the Admin Group:

    <object name="resource.race"></object> 

  3. I was able to open your registry.db without any problem using a standalone SQLite browser. The problem is probably caused by your script. Therefore I recommend you to post parts of your stats system showing what is being executed when a player joins.

  4. I recommend you to use screen sessions for your MTA servers.

    Just install "screen" with "apt-get install screen" and read the following tutorial made by me:

    Screen usage 
    Don't forget to remove the < and > when using the commands! 
    Start a screen (MTA server) with a <name> (You must be inside of the directory where the "mta-server" file is located): 
    screen -S <name> ./mta-server 
    CTRL + A + D to deattach from a running screen (closing it without stopping the process) 
    Reattach to a screen called <name>: 
    screen -x <name> 
    List all screens with their <name>s: 
    screen -ls 
    To shutdown a server first reattach to the screen using "screen -x <name>" and then type in: 

  5. Uhm, sorry, but this is forum dealing with the Multi Theft Auto multiplayer not with the singleplayer.

    Can you please be more specific about what you need? Do you want a speedo for the singleplayer, do you need a speedo for your own Multi Theft Auto server or do you just want a speedo for your favourite MTA server?

  6. Hello!

    We are aware that our servers are out of stock for a longer period now, that's why we are happy to announce that we have ordered a new 16 GB Intel i7 dedicated server in France, Roubaix!

    We are expecting it to be ready by Wednesday when MTA:SA servers will be back, ever better, faster and stronger!

    For everyone choosing JiHost as his new MTA:SA hosting solution, we are willing to give 20% discount! More information soon, stay tuned.

    Most likely the 16G from kimsufi for <50€/month. Sorry, but hosting at VPSs and then on a 100MBit line does not sound professional to me. Not mentioning the missing RAID 1.


  7. 20000 is the maximum model ID in the GTA world while 8192 determines the radius of the area where models should be deleted. (8192 and -8192 are the maximum X and Y coordinates).

    Take a closer look at the removeWorldModel function in the wiki.

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