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Everything posted by anksel

  1. Can you fix that please?
  2. function buyMap(thePlayer,mapName) if mapIsAlreadySet == false then if not (mapName == "") then local playerCash = tonumber(loadPlayerData(thePlayer,"cash")) if playerCash >= mapCost then savePlayerData(thePlayer,"cash",playerCash-mapCost) triggerEvent("onExternalNextmapRequest",thePlayer,thePlayer,mapName) outputChatBox("#0FC0FC#* #FFFFFFNextmap: "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#FFFFFF has bought a next map!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#0FC0FC#* #FFFFFFNextmap: #ABCDEF"..mapName,getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) mapIsAlreadySet = true local oldmapbuys = loadPlayerData(thePlayer,"mapBuys") savePlayerData(thePlayer,"mapBuys", oldmapbuys + 1) CheckAchievement(thePlayer,13) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) else outputChatBox("#0FC0FC#* #FFFFFFYou don't have enough money to set a map!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#0FC0FC#* #FFFFFFPlease select a map from the list first!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#0FC0FC#* #FFFFFFA map is already set at the moment! Please try again later.",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end
  3. anksel

    Problem ACL Help

    Yea,sorry !! Gz.
  4. anksel

    Problem ACL Help

    Yea,im saying i edit it than stop and start server
  5. anksel

    Problem ACL Help

    Hello,people,when i restart server,acl back to defaults...anyone can help me??ù Thanks
  6. function randomVehColors() for i, car in ipairs( getElementsByType( "vehicle" ) ) do local color = {} color[1] = math.random(6,6) -- random from 0 to 126, because colors is from 0 to 126 color[2] = math.random(2,2) color[3] = math.random(6,6) color[4] = math.random(0,0) -- we take 4 random numbers because setVehicleColor have parameters with 4 colors setVehicleColor ( car, color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4] ) -- setting color to vehicle end end setTimer( randomVehColors, 500, 0 ) -- timer changes all vehicles colors to random every 0.5 sec. Aggiusta i colori e wala
  7. Nope,it changes colors of nitro,but with your color nitro are only white.
  8. if enabled then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( myShader, "smoke" ) outputChatBox ( "NITRO: Shader activated!",getLocalPlayer() ) function reddd () dxSetShaderValue( myShader, "gNitroColor", 255, 255, 0, 255 ) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( myShader, "smoke" ) setTimer ( redd, 1000, 1 ) end function redd () dxSetShaderValue( myShader, "gNitroColor", 255, 0, 0, 255 ) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( myShader, "smoke" ) setTimer ( greenn, 1000, 1 ) end function greenn () dxSetShaderValue( myShader, "gNitroColor", 0, 250, 0, 255 ) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( myShader, "smoke" ) setTimer ( blauww, 1000, 1 ) end function blauww () dxSetShaderValue( myShader, "gNitroColor", 0, 0, 250, 255 ) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( myShader, "smoke" ) setTimer ( rozee, 1000, 1 ) end function rozee () dxSetShaderValue( myShader, "gNitroColor", 250, 0, 250, 255 ) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( myShader, "smoke" ) setTimer ( reddd, 1000, 1 ) end setTimer ( rozee, 1000, 1 ) enabled = false setcolorativado = true else engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture ( myShader, "smoke" ) outputChatBox ( "NITRO: Shader disabled!",getLocalPlayer() ) setcolorativado = false enabled = true end I need fix that problem Else = colors are normal But it continue change anymore..Help me
  9. anksel

    Help Me

    Go on the server and see it
  10. anksel

    Help Me

    I've bought a new server,when i join i get an error The ip is: Help me,Thanks
  11. Yeah good,but i didn't use that syntax.
  12. Mhm that unright,cuz if one member change serial you need remodify full script,mine use the check with acl groups,that are serverside so not need modify
  13. Screenshot: On Join: On Login(if a realy member of the team): Kicked (ChatBox Messages): User who was kicked: Requirements: ACL(Add Resource in the acl Admin) ACL(An acl group for check) Cost: 3€ PayPal or Trade Resource Contact Skype: xlmskilledz7z N.B: I'm posting it for who want it,im not saying " Im a bastard,pay it ",we can trade resources/maps. Thanks,Anksel Thanks to UG|~Ludo for the help!
  14. anksel


    I've a script,i want do if a player have tag XX| the XX| are in a color (RGB)
  15. anksel


    Hey people i need help I Wan't make in a script if the have a tag XX| are in cyan color Anyone can say me how i can do it? Ty alot
  16. anksel

    Help me

    Thank resolved <3
  17. anksel

    Help me

    Hello,can anyone say me how i can encode my lua files in UTF-8? Thanks
  18. I putted download in the description of video
  19. My new Map Download in the description of video
  20. anksel

    Map Problem

    Hello when i mapping on map server,i get black screen and i restarted the server,after restart when i open map not appears any object in the current elements and if i test i get error editor map test Pls help me.
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