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  1. And how i can add my account name there , and set first / second car color ? (
  2. X-SHADOW just for me only car color. But idk how in that script add my Account what i have in server and car color.
  3. then no one can give script ? Someone give me function checkName() local players = getElementsByType("player") for theKey, thePlayer in ipairs(players) do auto = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) thePlayerAcc = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) for i = 1, #names do if auto and (getAccountName(thePlayerAcc) == names[i][1] ) then setVehicleColor(auto, names[i][2], names[i][3], names[i][4], names[i][5], names[i][6], names[i][7]) setVehicleHeadLightColor (auto, names[i][2], names[i][3], names[i][4], names[i][5], names[i][6], names[i][7]) setVehicleOverrideLights (auto, 2) end end end end addEvent("checkColour", true) addEventHandler("checkColour", getRootElement(), checkName) But idk how set car color for my Account . I am noob in Scripting.
  4. I think i can set to him color what he want. Or like to my car. And that color is all time to my car.
  5. But i want it for race gamemode. And if someone donate he can get Car color what he want.
  6. extlatvia

    Car paint

    Hey. I want ask. What is script to set in server car color only for me. ? I saw something like this on other servers.
  7. extlatvia


    i think make other text where show Timeleft. but idk how set. "Timepassed: #FFFFFF"..g_Timeleft <-- tryed doesnt work.
  8. extlatvia


    Hi. I want something ask. I have here timepassed its look like this. Here is code. dxDrawingColorText ( "Timepassed: #FFFFFF"..g_TimePassed,screenWidth/2.1, 54, screenWidth/2.1, 54, tocolor(253, 208, 23,255), 255, 0.5, "bankgothic", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) But is possible set like this a Timepassed and down is Timeleft: time.
  9. extlatvia

    Car color

    Hey, i want set to my team car color . i use auto teams. And i want a set car color for me only or other player. can give or tell how make that.? function vehiclepaint(player,seat) if (seat == 0 and getPlayerTeam(player)) then local r,g,b = getTeamColor(getPlayerTeam(player)) setVehicleColor(source,r,g,b,0,0,0) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter",getRootElement(),vehiclepaint) addCommandHandler("addteam", function(source, cmd, clantag, color, ...) local name = {...} if not name[1] then outputChatBox("syntax: "..cmd.." ", source) return end local r,g,b = getColorFromString(color) if not r then outputChatBox(cmd..": invalid color code", source) return end name = table.concat(name, ' ') local config = xmlLoadFile("config.xml") -- local config = getResourceConfig("config.xml") local teamset, teamname for name,settings in next,teams do if settings.tag == clantag then teamset, teamname = settings, name break end end if teamset then local name_differs, color_differs local c = teamset.color local t = getTeamFromName(teamname) if c[1] ~= r or c[2] ~= g or c[3] ~= b then teamset.color = {r,g,b} color_differs = true if t then setTeamColor(t, r, g, b)end end if teamname ~= name then name_differs = true end if color_differs or name_differs then for k,child in next,xmlNodeGetChildren(config)do if xmlNodeGetAttribute(child, "tag") == clantag then if color_differs then xmlNodeSetAttribute(child, "color", string.format("#%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b)) end if name_differs then xmlNodeSetAttribute(child, "name", name) end break end end end Here is code from script. And when start map in Race gamemode i have car color gold and black, but when i change car its a some other color and i want to gold and black color stay all time.
  10. GTX next time we try it and make better i hope.
  11. My and friend first map. Hope you like it. Next map we try make better. And fraps make some moments lagy.
  12. extlatvia

    Help .

    local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawColorText ('#00FF00Next Map: #ffffff' .. g_NextMap, 3, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(2.00, 'bankgothic')/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 0.55, 'bankgothic', 0.55, 'left') if (g_MapInfo) then How make to show next map? I in server remove votemap. and set next map .
  13. extlatvia

    Help .

    But it is on true.
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