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Status Replies posted by IIYAMA

  1. :love7:

    1. IIYAMA


      Looks like my head has fallen off. ?

      ?, you too!

  2. WIKI

    Yesterday I added my first wiki page. Which is not necessary something you call 'news'. But it was a lot of fun figuring out how the interface actually works. It is to be honest not very beginner friendly, even though there is a lot of documentation added. documentation


    The page/function which I added to the useful functions list:


    This useful function allows you to use passive timers in your conditions. For example you want to prevent players repeatedly using a command.

    I named the function 'checkPassiveTimer', not sure if that is the best name for it, since it it does SET, CHECK and UPDATE, (+ Clean up cycle), depending on the situation. Checking is what you expect it actually does, so I picked that one.


    function (player)
    	if checkPassiveTimer("candy timer", player, 5000) then
    		outputChatBox("YES, EAT!", player)
    		outputChatBox("NO CANDY FOR YOU!", player)


    Does anybody have any suggestions/idea's/?? Or more experience than me with the WIKI + suggestions or improvements for the format?

    1. IIYAMA


      I also added the remaining wait time, which is the finish touch for this useful function. It is very awkward that you only notice `that it was missing something` after using it yourself. ?

      function ()
      	local status, remainingTime = checkPassiveTimer("candy timer 2", true, 5000) 
      	if status then
      		outputChatBox("YES, EAT!")
      		outputChatBox("NO CANDY FOR YOU! You will have to wait " .. math.ceil(remainingTime / 1000) .. " seconds.")



    Hello, could you help me? I am creating a punishment panel, but I am missing a set timer to kill punished players and return to normal. Could you help me?

    1. IIYAMA


      I don't mind helping you out, as long as you do most of the work.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Hey people, that some how get once again another super annoying pop-up...  ☹️


    I just wanted you to know that I kept my promise, project trains V2.0.0  is out with open source.

    It took a little bit longer to clean up the old code, so `soon` was unfortunately not so soon. If you want to edit it, I have to apologies that I didn't clean up all the inconsistency within the code style. But never the less it has tabs and comments ?!



    I wish you the best of luck in these crazy times!

    1. IIYAMA


      @majqq Nice! Enjoy developing it!

      It is probably in Russian language I assume?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hey people, that some how get once again another super annoying pop-up...  ☹️


    I just wanted you to know that I kept my promise, project trains V2.0.0  is out with open source.

    It took a little bit longer to clean up the old code, so `soon` was unfortunately not so soon. If you want to edit it, I have to apologies that I didn't clean up all the inconsistency within the code style. But never the less it has tabs and comments ?!



    I wish you the best of luck in these crazy times!

    1. IIYAMA


      @majqq thx!

      What kind of server are you creating?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Lol, I am the old founder of fts.


    Anyway, I sad I don't help bcs I don't play mta, just wanted to release our MGM for other servers. If it's not allowed then I just don't release it.


    Have a nice day.

    1. IIYAMA



      I am here to make sure, that:

      • The forum stays clean of leaked resources.
      • People do not download unwanted stuff of suspicious links.


      Even if that is not the case with you. Which I have no knowledge of.

      You know just as well as me that it is not OKE, to break a lot of the section rules because you think your content is more important than the section itself.



      If it's not allowed then I just don't release it.

      My life doesn't depends on it.


      Have a nice day.

  7. MTA-Communication-Enchantment

    It is finally far enough in development to share this with you. I made an announcement a few days ago about solving some struggles, that people have with communicating between the server and the client. Today is the day that it isn't just rumour, but for you to use.


    Before I am going to write a topic for it, I prefer to solve any unknown issues first. That is where you guys might come in!


    Just an example:(1)

    Passing arguments like you used to@

    callServer("passingArguments", "arg1", "arg2", "arg3")
    -- SERVER
    function passingArguments (arg1, arg2, arg3)
    	outputChatBox(arg1 .. " " .. arg2 .. " " .. arg3, client)



    Just an example:(2)

    Calling back!

    -- CLIENT
    	function (value)
    		outputChatBox("Value: " .. value)			  


    -- SERVER
    function calculation (value1, value2)
    	return value1 + value2



    Just an example:(3)

    Calling before a client has loaded his scripts!

    addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, 
    function ()
    	callClientAwait(source, "testCallClientAwait")


    -- CLIENT
    function testCallClientAwait ()
    	outputChatBox("Yes this works!")




    List with examples you can explore:



    List with the syntax of functions you can use:



    Set-up for your own resources:





    Thank you @Xwad and @JeViCo for early testing!


    Repository: (+ download)


    [NOTE] The documentation on the repository is not 100% complete.


    Direct download link:
    On the repository there is syntax highlight


  8. MTA-Communication-Enchantment

    It is finally far enough in development to share this with you. I made an announcement a few days ago about solving some struggles, that people have with communicating between the server and the client. Today is the day that it isn't just rumour, but for you to use.


    Before I am going to write a topic for it, I prefer to solve any unknown issues first. That is where you guys might come in!


    Just an example:(1)

    Passing arguments like you used to@

    callServer("passingArguments", "arg1", "arg2", "arg3")
    -- SERVER
    function passingArguments (arg1, arg2, arg3)
    	outputChatBox(arg1 .. " " .. arg2 .. " " .. arg3, client)



    Just an example:(2)

    Calling back!

    -- CLIENT
    	function (value)
    		outputChatBox("Value: " .. value)			  


    -- SERVER
    function calculation (value1, value2)
    	return value1 + value2



    Just an example:(3)

    Calling before a client has loaded his scripts!

    addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, 
    function ()
    	callClientAwait(source, "testCallClientAwait")


    -- CLIENT
    function testCallClientAwait ()
    	outputChatBox("Yes this works!")




    List with examples you can explore:



    List with the syntax of functions you can use:



    Set-up for your own resources:





    Thank you @Xwad and @JeViCo for early testing!


    Repository: (+ download)


    [NOTE] The documentation on the repository is not 100% complete.


    Direct download link:
    On the repository there is syntax highlight


    1. IIYAMA


      Thanks! @KillerX


      If you are going to try it, then beware that I am really hungry for feedback! ?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


    1. IIYAMA



      Sorry my English very bad, i not understand you.

      Maybe it is better to ask somebody from your country for help.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


    1. IIYAMA



      I have set a very clear line between scripting help and free scripting. Not going to cross that because you think all humans on this earth hate you.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


    1. IIYAMA



      What should I do?

      I just told you?



      It doesn't matter how it is, just want to add :(

      If you do not care about the process, then why are you asking for scripting help? It is not like I am here to build a custom resource for you. It is YOUR development process, not mine.


    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


    1. IIYAMA


      The clientside syntax for outputChatBox is different from serverside. On clientside you can't send outputChatBox's to other players. So the send to argument shouldn't be added.


      Why are you testing also for other cars except for the elegy? You haven't even build that functionality yet.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


    1. IIYAMA


      What did you do? I haven't seen you added it.

      And if you did, it would be visible in your chatbox which you did hide behind the debug console, for some strange reason... ?

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


    1. IIYAMA


      Pff, so many attemps, without searching for logic.


      But yes this is the command:

      /setPointJob pj1.png


      - Make sure you are inside of the vehicle.

      - Make sure you applied the GTA paintjob 1 upgrade on your vehicle.

      Which is probably this one:




      And if it still doesn't work. Add some outputChatbox's in the code so that I know which part/line doesn't work of the code.




    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


    1. IIYAMA




      NOT /setpointjob and not /setpointjobs ...

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


  17. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


  18. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


    1. IIYAMA


      no fileName, how you named the png files.

      Read the code

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


  20. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


    1. IIYAMA


      How did you test this script?


      Because it does indeed do nothing when you do not do any thing. See line 45.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  21. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


    1. IIYAMA


      I edited the code a bit, but not finished it for 100%. As that is not my purpose.

      But this should you give you a direction.


      The code is untested, your job to test it as well.

      If there are any errors/warnings with the current state, feel free to ask advice about those.



      	Custom paintjobs | Elegy
      	Finally they're here ! Custom paintjobs (1-3),you can easyli change them in 'paintjobs' folder
      	simply replace pj1,pj2,pj3 with new ones ! ;)
      	You are allowed to modyfi this script widhout my premission,but you aren't allowed that you did it !
      local paintjobAccessPoint = {}
          local paintjobImportList = {
              {fileName = "pj1.png"},
              {fileName = "pj2.png"},
              {fileName = "pj3.png"}
          for i=1, #paintjobImportList do
              local paintJob = paintjobImportList[i]
              local shader = dxCreateShader ( "texture.fx" )
              local texture = dxCreateTexture ( "paintjobs/" .. paintJob.fileName)
              paintJob.texture = texture
              paintJob.shader = shader
              dxSetShaderValue ( shader, "gTexture", texture )
              paintjobAccessPoint[paintJob.fileName] = paintJob
      function (cmd, fileName)
          if fileName and paintjobAccessPoint[fileName] then
              local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer )
              if theVehicle then
                      You need to write here a cleanup here
                      * https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture
                  engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( paintjobAccessPoint[fileName].shader, "elegy1body256", theVehicle )


    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  22. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


    1. IIYAMA


      (From work) I am right now waiting for my train in Amsterdam and I haven't even had my dinner yet.

      Please have some respect for the grandpa's that need to earn their meals.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  23. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


  24. Hello friend, sorry my English is bad.



    please help paintjob :( you help me?....


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