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  1. Ik zie dat er al 17 mensen hebben gekeken naar mijn message, maar niet een heeft er gereageerd, wil je mij zeggen dat geen enkele nederlander een mta server heeft draaien,, die hier op het forum zit,... Ik begin mij sterk af te vragen waarom dit forum dan eigenlijk bestaat, als er toch niemand is die je kan helpen,.. Jammer, khad meer van deze community verwacht, maar blijkbaar is er geen plaats voor noobs hier,...
  2. snaggelpoes


    yes this is one of the mta servers i want to run,... But what am i doing wrong? And where can i download the DM standalone Version? Is there a chatbox where i can talk to some people that can help me? tia, Bo.
  3. snaggelpoes


    Sorry i cannot get it bigger:( i tried everything with paint to resize it, but still nothing:( But this is what it say: MTA Blue Racing mod :: 0/16 players :: 138 maps :: 0/0 finished ###### Name: 'Drive or Die !!!' Port: 22003 Mod: San Andreas : Race Mod 1.1.1 Max Players: 16 ###### Server successfully started on port 22003 Type 'quit' to shut the server down [15:40:13] Server log being saved to 'mtaserver.log' [15:40:13] Administration access successfully started on port 44003 [15:40:13] All Seeing Eye listing enabled. Port 22126 (UDP) must be accessible from the internet [15:40:13] Querying game-monitor.com master server... [15:40:13] Querying game-monitor.com failed! (500 - Internal Server Error) [15:40:13] Connecting to update server... [15:40:13] WARNING: Updating anticheat definitions failed (404 - Not Found) Your definitions might be out of date. [15:40:13] WARNING: Loading 'anticheat.def' failed! Anti-cheat is disabled. And this is what my . config say: # ServerName # Required: Yes # Purpose: Defines the name of the server # Format - ServerName <name> ServerName Drive or Die !!! # ServerPort # Required: Yes # Purpose: Defines the port for players to connect on # Format - ServerPort <port> # Notes: # Must be a numerical value ServerPort 22003 # MaxPlayers # Required: Yes # Purpose: Defines the max players that can connect to the server # Format - MaxPlayers <players> # Notes: # Must be a numerical value and must not go above 32 MaxPlayers 16 # ServerPassword # Required: No (Yes if server should be passworded) # Purpose: Defines the server password # Format - ServerPassword <password> #ServerPassword mypassword # ASE # Required: No # Purpose: Defines whether the server should report to the All Seeing Eye (can be seen in the Server Browser) # Format - ASE <on/off> # Notes: # Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable ASE 1 # AdminServer # Required: No # Purpose: Defines whether the server should enable Remote Admin # Format - AdminServer <1/0> # Notes: # Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable # REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE ADMIN PASSWORD! AdminServer 1 # AdminPort # Required: Yes (if AdminServer is enabled) # Purpose: Defines the port for Remote Admins to connect on # Format - AdminPort <port> # Notes: # Must be a numerical value AdminPort 44003 # AdminPass # Required: Yes (if AdminServer is enabled) # Purpose: Defines the Remote Admin password # Format - AdminPass <password> AdminPass 210573 # AllowAdminShutdown # Required: No # Purpose: Defines whether the server can be shutdown from Remote Admin # Format - AllowAdminShutdown <on/off> # Notes: # Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable AllowAdminShutdown 1 # LogFile # Required: No # Purpose: Defines the file which the server log should be written to # Format - LogFile <file> LogFile mtaserver.log # AntiCheatEnabled # Required: No (defaults to 1) # Purpose: Defines whether anticheat is enabled or not. # Format - AntiCheatEnabled <1/0> AntiCheatEnabled 1 # AutoUpdateAntiCheat # Required: No (defaults to 1) # Purpose: Defines whether the server should check Anti-Cheat for updates automatically on server start. # Format - AutoUpdateAntiCheat <1/0> AutoUpdateAntiCheat 1 # InstantVoteMapEnabled # Required: No (defaults to 0) # Purpose: Defines whether instant map voting is enabled/disabled # Format - InstantVoteMapEnabled <1/0> # Notes: # Due to heavy abuse of this feature in previous releases, we recommend that # you disable this. InstantVoteMapEnabled 0 # InstantVoteMapPercentage # Required: No # Purpose: Defines the percentage of votes needed for a map vote to pass. # A high value is recommended (over 80%) to prevent voting abuse. # Format - InstantVoteMapPercentage <0-100> InstantVoteMapPercentage 80 # InstantVoteMapTimeDelay # Required: No # Purpose: Defines how long a player must wait before they can vote for a new instant map change # Format - InstantVoteMapTimeDelay <seconds> # Notes: # This does not take effect if there are 2 or less players in the server InstantVoteMapTimeDelay 90 # InstantVoteMapGlobalTimeDelay # Required: No # Purpose: Defines the minimum time between instant map-change votes on the server. # Format - InstantVoteMapGlobalTimeDelay <seconds> # Notes: # This does not take effect if there are 2 or less players in the server InstantVoteMapGlobalTimeDelay 60 # DefaultRespawnTime # Required: No (defaults to 10 seconds) # Purpose: Defines what respawn time to use if none is specified in the map # Format - DefaultRespawnTime <seconds> DefaultRespawnTime 10 # DefaultMapDuration # Required: No (defaults to 600 seconds which is 10 minutes) # Purpose: Defines what map duration to use if none is specified in the map. # Format - DefaultMapDuration <seconds> DefaultMapDuration 600 # MaxMapDuration # Required: No (defaults to 1200 seconds which is 20 minutes) # Purpose: Defines how long a map can maximally run before the next map is started. This is neccessary for # maps with dynamic respawn when instant vote map change is disabled. # Format - MaxMapDuration <seconds> MaxMapDuration 1200 # MapNominationEnabled # Required: No (defaults to 1) # Purpose: Defines whether the server will use map nomination votes between maps to decide the next map to play. # If this is set to 0, the server will pick a random map instead. This is recommended rather than instant votes. # Format - MapNominationEnabled <1/0> MapNominationEnabled 1 # MaxNominationMaps # Required: No (defaults to 4) # Purpose: Defines how many random maps that will be picked during a map election between maps. # Format - MaxNominationMaps <2-8> # Notes: # Range for this value is 2 to 8. MaxNominationMaps 4 # IncludeLastMapInNomination # Required: No (defaults to 1) # Purpose: Defines whether the server should put the last map played in the nomination for the next map to play. # Format - IncludeLastMapInNomination <1/0> IncludeLastMapInNomination 1 # Admin # Required: No # Purpose: Defines all the people in-server who can rcon_login to admin # Format - Admin <name> <password> <admin-level> # Notes: # admin-level must not go above 5 # Names and passwords are case sensitive #Admin snaggelpoes 210573 5 # RCON # Required: No # Purpose: Defines the admin level for <command>. If this is not specified it is defaulted # Format - RCON <command> <admin-level> # Notes: # <admin-level> must be between 1 and 5. If it is invalid, the level is defaulted RCON kick 4 RCON ban 4 RCON mute 2 RCON unmute 2
  4. snaggelpoes


    Hello you all,... I am a noob with MTA, Is there someone who can help me setup a dedicated MTA server with some maps and scripts in it? I hope someone can help me, cause I want to set it up, so my two sons can play on it with their friends. (Sometimes i will join them ) I started on setting it up, but i cannot see what i am doing wrong, or what i am forgetting,... I red the wiki helpfiles, but still no use:( I am dutch, and sometime english is hard to understand. not the reading, but to understand what they are saying (in wiki) What i need is someone, who can help me step by step, looking in my config files what i am doing wrong,... So please all you wizzards, I need your help,... T.I.A. Bo
  5. Hallo allemaal, ik ben een noob met MTA, maar wil toch graag een dedicated server opzetten. Alleen lukt het mij niet om dit te realiseren, zonder hulp van jullie,... naar mijn gevoel heb ik bijna alles gedaan, wat ik moest doen, maar de server komt niet in de lucht, zoals het moet. Als een van jullie mij hier stap voor stap mee zouden kunnen helpen, zou ik dat zeer op prijs stellen, aangezien ik niet helemaal uit diverse helpfiles kom als dit eenmaal gelukt is, heb ik nog een 2e vraag, maar dat komt daarna wel,... eerst maar eens kijken of we mijn servertje in de lucht kunnen krijgen,... Wie helpt mij aub,... Alvast bedankt,.... GRTZ Bo.
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