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Everything posted by x[Dev-PoinT]x

  1. The Bug is 1-gameSpeed become very slow on i hit The Plyaer Head 2-how to add outButChatBox HeadShot! addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerDamage",getRootElement(), function (attacker,weapon,bodypart) if bodypart == 9 then if weapon == 24 or weapon == 31 or weapon == 34 then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local sound = playSound ("sounds/headshot.mp3",false) setSoundVolume (sound,4) setGameSpeed (1.1) fxAddBlood (x,y,z+0.8,0,0,0,500) setPedHeadless (source,true) setElementHealth (getLocalPlayer(),0) end end end) outputChatBox("HeadShot_x[Dev-PoinT]x",255,255,0)
  2. i Start The Script Dont work local shit = createColSphere ( 1651.1312255859,-2543.0141601563,17.234375 ) local random_spawns = { [1]={1651.1312255859,-2543.0141601563,17.234375}, [2]={1651.1312255859,-2543.0141601563,13.546875}, [3]={1651.1312255859,-2543.0141601563,17.234375}, [4]={1651.1312255859,-2543.0141601563,13.546875}, [5]={1651.1312255859,-2543.0141601563,17.234375}, [6]={1651.1312255859,-2543.0141601563,15.602038383484}, [7]={1651.1312255859,-2543.0141601563,13.546875}, [8]={1651.1312255859,-2543.0141601563,13.546875}, [9]={1651.1312255859,-2543.0141601563,13.546875}, [10]={1651.1312255859,-2543.0141601563,15.602038383484}, } function onClientColShapeHit3( theElement, matchingDimension ) if theElement == getLocalPlayer() then if source == shit then local rand_int = math.random(1,table.getn(random_spawns)) triggerServerEvent ( "super", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer()) setElementPosition(getLocalPlayer(),random_spawns[rand_int][1],random_spawns[rand_int][2],random_spawns[rand_int][3]) -- setElementInterior(getLocalPlayer(),15, random_spawns[rand_int][1],random_spawns[rand_int][2],random_spawns[rand_int][3]+5) end end end addEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit",getRootElement(),onClientColShapeHit3) function aha2( p ) setElementInterior(p,0) end addEvent ( "super", true ) addEventHandler ( "super", getRootElement(),aha2 )
  3. Back!!! i have Start The script dont work Help Any scripter
  4. Hi all i have Bug with My Wasted_System v2 See The Script and Fix Please function wasted (killer, weapon, bodypart) local sound = playSound("sounds/wasted.mp3") setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), wasted) and This addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerDamage",getRootElement(), function (attacker,weapon,bodypart) if bodypart == 9 then if weapon == 24 or weapon == 31 or weapon == 34 then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local sound = playSound ("sounds/headshot.mp3",false) setSoundVolume (sound,4) setGameSpeed (0.25) fxAddBlood (x,y,z+0.8,0,0,0,500) setPedHeadless (source,true) function giveBackHead(thePlayer) setPedHeadless(thePlayer, false) setElementHealth (source,0) setTimer (setGameSpeed,2000,1,1) end end end addCommandHandler("headmeup", giveBackHead)
  5. ..... Please see The Pic and tell me what is the bug in script
  6. Back!! i uplode Pic see The Bug http://www.gmrup.com/d1/up13107671371.png The Head dont Back !!! and Anti-Fist dont work
  7. Jr10 You Are The Best i put 3 scrptis in 1 file fix Please messages = { "هههه مسوي برو ق1", "لول نوب انت؟؟", "خخخخ انت ولعبك المنوب", "ههه انا لله وانا اليه راجعون" } function wastedMessage ( killer, weapon, bodypart ) local randomID = math.random ( 1, #messages ) local randomMessage = messages[randomID] outputChatBox ( randomMessage, 255, 0, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), wastedMessage ) outputChatBox("Wasted_System_v2.0",255,255,0) outputChatBox("AnTi-Fist_v1.0",0,255,255) end function wasted (killer, weapon, bodypart) local sound = playSound("sounds/wasted.mp3") setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), wasted) end addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerDamage",getRootElement(), function (attacker,weapon,bodypart) if bodypart == 9 then if weapon == 24 or weapon == 31 or weapon == 34 then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local sound = playSound ("sounds/headshot.mp3",false) setSoundVolume (sound,4) setGameSpeed (0.25) setCameraTarget (source) fxAddBlood (x,y,z+0.8,0,0,0,500) setPedHeadless (source,true) setElementHealth (source,0) setTimer (setGameSpeed,2000,1,1) end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", root, function(attacker, weapon, bodypart) if weapon == 0 then cancelEvent() end end) Love You JR10
  8. Hi i want Make Anti-Fist i did make it but its Not Work Player Damge on Fist hit Fix Bug Please function xx ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if ( weapon == 0 ) then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), xx )
  9. ok i weel Test it soon and tel you:D
  10. Hi all i have make Anti-Melee Attack Fix it Please outputChatBox("No-Tbges_x[Dev-PoinT]x",255,255,0) function a ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if ( weapon == 0 ) then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), a ) Please Fix it 0=id [Melee]
  11. Hi Guys in BaseMode There are Noobs write in F8 [gun] and They have 2 grenades any one Help me Make Anti-Gun Love You Community.com
  12. Hi all you know BaseMode or Titics Righ? in arena 30 They Throw grenade on walll The grenade enter in wall and come down and kill us How to make anti-mod For That ??
  13. can any one fix it i wnat make No-Car Kill+No-Maverick kill +No Fist kill in one script?
  14. outputChatBox("<==Ant!-System[xDev-PoinT]==>",0,255,0) function x(attacker, bodypart) if getElementType(attacker) == 'vehicle' then cancelEvent() end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(),x) function x ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if ( weapon == 0 ) then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), x ) function x(attacker, bodypart) if getElementType(attacker) == '487' then cancelEvent() end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(),x) end
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