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  1. CRX


    Close this topic.
  2. CRX


    <meta> <info author="CRX" type="script" name="Cursor" /> <script src="cursor.lua" type="client"/> </meta>
  3. CRX


    All of your codes not working.
  4. CRX


    @1: Edited, it didn't work. @2: I can't use debugscript, "Incorrect client type for this command". @3: Any sugestions?
  5. CRX


    Hi! I've problem with showCursor. I made script for show Cursor, but not working. function toggleCursor () showCursor (true) end function bindKeys () bindKey ( "F3", "down", toggleCursor ) end addCommandHandler ( "bindme", bindKeys ) What wrong?
  6. CRX


    Where Can I edit "screenHeight" in race_client for "mapdisplay = dxText:create('Map: none', 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(0.6, 'bankgothic')/2, false, 'bankgothic', 0.6, 'left')"
  7. CRX


    Hi! How to add shadow to: "MAP: [DM]..." ?
  8. CRX

    Next map...

    Thanks! You can close this topic.
  9. CRX

    Next map...

    Hi! I wanna make "Next map starts in: 5...4...bla bla bla" but I can't delete/off "Vote for next map starts in: 666..." How to make "Next map starts in: 5...4...bla bla bla" ? (my edited) RACESTATES_SERVER: -- -- racestates_server.lua -- -- Possible states are -- -- undefined * -- NoMap * No map loaded -- LoadingMap * Loading a map -- PreGridCountdown * Pre race 'Gentlemen, start you engiens' -- GridCountdown * Countdown -- Running * Racing -- MidMapVote * Mid-race random map vote -- SomeoneWon * Someone won - Remaining race time is reduced to 'timeafterfirstfinish' -- TimesUp * Not everyone finished - (Immediately changes to PostFinish) -- EveryoneFinished * Everyone finished - (Immediately changes to PostFinish) -- PostFinish * Post race - '[Vote for] next map starts in 'n' seconds' -- NextMapSelect * Vote for next map or Random select -- NextMapVote * Vote for next map -- ResourceStopping * -- local currentRaceStateName = 'undefined' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- gotoState -- -- Change the current state ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gotoState(stateName) outputDebug( 'STATE', 'Changing race state from ' .. currentRaceStateName .. ' to ' .. stateName ) -- If leaving a state dedicated to voting, ensure the voting stops if currentRaceStateName == 'MidMapVote' or currentRaceStateName == 'NextMapVote' then exports.votemanager:stopPoll() end if currentRaceStateName ~= stateName then triggerEvent('onRaceStateChanging', g_Root, stateName, currentRaceStateName ) currentRaceStateName = stateName end --[[ local levelInfo = getElementByID('mylevelinfo') if not levelInfo then levelInfo = createElement( 'levelinfo', 'mylevelinfo' ) end if levelInfo then setElementData( levelInfo, 'state', currentRaceStateName ) end --]] end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsRandomMapVote -- -- Check if the current state allows a random map vote to take place ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsRandomMapVote() if currentRaceStateName == 'Running' then return true end return false end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsRestartMapVote -- -- Check if the current state allows a random map vote to take place ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsRestartMapVote() if currentRaceStateName == 'Running' then return true end if currentRaceStateName == 'SomeoneWon' then return true end return false end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsRandomMapVoteResult -- -- Check if the current state allows a random map vote result to apply ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsRandomMapVoteResult() if currentRaceStateName == 'MidMapVote' then return true end return false end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsNextMapVoteResult -- -- Check if the current state allows a next map vote to apply ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsNextMapVoteResult() if currentRaceStateName == 'NextMapVote' then return true end return false end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsKillPlayer -- -- Check if the current state allows killPlayer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsKillPlayer() if currentRaceStateName == 'Running' then return true end if currentRaceStateName == 'MidMapVote' then return true end if currentRaceStateName == 'SomeoneWon' then return true end return false end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsCheckpoint -- -- Check if the current state allows checkpoint processing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsCheckpoint() if currentRaceStateName == 'Running' then return true end if currentRaceStateName == 'MidMapVote' then return true end if currentRaceStateName == 'SomeoneWon' then return true end return false end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsPostFinish -- -- Check if the current state allows the post finish state to to entered ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsPostFinish() if currentRaceStateName == 'NextMapSelect' then return false end if currentRaceStateName == 'NextMapSelect' then return false end if currentRaceStateName == 'NextMapSelect' then return false end if currentRaceStateName == 'LoadingMap' then return false end return true end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsNextMapSelect -- -- Check if the current state allows the NextMapSelect state to to entered ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsNextMapSelect() if currentRaceStateName == 'NextMapSelect' then return true end return false end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsNotReadyMessage -- -- Check if the current state allows the 'other players not ready' message to be displayed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsNotReadyMessage() if currentRaceStateName == 'LoadingMap' then return true end if currentRaceStateName == 'PreGridCountdown' then return true end return false end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsGridCountdown -- -- Check if the current state allows the grid countdown to start ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsGridCountdown() if currentRaceStateName == 'PreGridCountdown' then return true end return false end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsManualSpectate -- -- Check if the current state allows a player to manualy select to spectate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsManualSpectate() if currentRaceStateName == 'Running' then return true end if currentRaceStateName == 'MidMapVote' then return true end if currentRaceStateName == 'SomeoneWon' then return true end return false end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsSpawnInNoRespawnMap -- -- Check if the current state allows a joining player to spawn when the current mode/map is no respawn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsSpawnInNoRespawnMap() if currentRaceStateName == 'NoMap' then return true end if currentRaceStateName == 'LoadingMap' then return true end if currentRaceStateName == 'PreGridCountdown' then return true end if currentRaceStateName == 'GridCountdown' then return true end return false end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stateAllowsTimesUp -- -- Check if the current state allows 'TimesUp' state to be entered ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stateAllowsTimesUp() if currentRaceStateName == 'NextMapSelect' then return false end if currentRaceStateName == 'NextMapSelect' then return false end if currentRaceStateName == 'NextMapSelect' then return false end return true end But this doesn't working, when i connect to server i see black screen.
  10. Why when I delete resource killmessages, i have errors in console?
  11. CRX

    Hunter Alert

    Thanks! Close this topic.
  12. CRX

    Hunter Alert

    Thanks, but when i get the hunter i see "[HUNTER] #00AADDC#FFC000RX has reached a Hunter! How to change [HUNTER] CRX (or CRX) has reached a Hunter!
  13. CRX

    Hunter Alert

    Heh thanks, but I need version with image (msg too). ;D
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