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Everything posted by Baingo

  1. Baingo

    Area 51 Gates

    Damn alright I might just have to live with it. Thanks for the time and effort you guys have put into helping me with this. I've seen this on another server, might try asking the host see if he can help me. I'll just work on other stuff in the meantime.
  2. Baingo

    Area 51 Gates

    you mean with the command? just testing with it ill fix that afterwards, using playerjoin event probably.
  3. Baingo

    Area 51 Gates

    Ok.. I thought i had it working perfectly. it kind of is but only on my computer. when i test it on my other computer, it will be gone on some angles you look at it, but then when u turn a bit it appears and turn and it disappears, just keeps poppin up =\ got to be something to do with the other computer not downloading somethin? instead of using a col to just remove the gate im using a col to remove the whole fence all together, ive tried several different things, just cant seem to get it workin. Im using a commandhandler for the time being so i can test it Heres what I got: Client function ReplaceObject ( ) txd = engineLoadTXD( "world/a52_ext.txd" ) col = engineLoadCOL( "world/remover.col" ) dff = engineLoadDFF( "world/des_a51infenc.dff", 0 ) --modelid is everytime 0, when you replace no vehicle engineImportTXD( txd, 16094 ) engineReplaceCOL( col, 16094 ) engineReplaceModel( dff, 16094 )-- replace the model at least end addEvent ( "replaceObj", true ) addEventHandler ( "replaceObj", getRootElement(), ReplaceObject ) Server function ReplaceCommand ( ) triggerClientEvent( "replaceObj", getRootElement(), replaceObj ) end addCommandHandler( "replace", ReplaceCommand ) Meta
  4. Baingo

    Area 51 Gates

    Ah ok Yeah i understand, I got it sorted now, working pretty sweet Thanks for the help guys. Much appreciated
  5. Baingo

    Area 51 Gates

    I see. there was a problem in my meta. its pretty awesome man i can run through it except i can still see the gate, but when I disconnect and come back there is no gate but cant go through it is this the problem you were talking about? or do you think maybe there is another error i need to fix?
  6. Baingo

    Area 51 Gates

    Oh yeah right, except. I stil have gates. the txd col and dff replacement part seems fine?
  7. Baingo

    Area 51 Gates

    Thanks heaps man for using your time to make this for me, except im still pretty newb to all this, but im trying to learn. so should this be how i get it working? nothing changes thats all. function clientsetup() local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "world/a51_ext.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( skin, 16094 ) local col == engineLoadCOL ( "world/des_a51infenc.col" ) engineReplaceCOL ( col, 16094 ) local model = engineLoadDFF( "world/des_a51infenc.dff",0 ) engineReplaceModel(model,16094) end Then this in the meta I shouldn't need server functions should I?
  8. Baingo

    Area 51 Gates

    I cant get the kamsMax script to open with 3ds Max 2010 i copied all the files over into the directory startup is there but it doesnt come up in utilities, is there a certain kams Max for 2010? im using gmax for now, I also cant work out how i delete parts out of it, or use it at all.
  9. Baingo

    Area 51 Gates

    Is it possible to delete the whole piece from the map then build my own fence with map editor or do I need to edit the dff?
  10. Baingo

    Area 51 Gates

    awesome thanks quick reply. EDIT: Oh ok thanks for that tip i thought it was all one yeah mate you dont see many would it be easier to delete the whole piece then create my own with a gap for a custom gate? im just not sure how to delete world objects, whether i do that in map editor or by scripting.
  11. Baingo

    Area 51 Gates

    How do i go about either getting the gates at area 51 (near Las venturas) to open and close when a car or ped comes near it or deleting the gate completely and adding a custom gate, i can work out how to make the gate i just dont know how to get rid of the big one that is there, would much prefer to keep the one that is there and have it open and close but im not sure what to do =S all help would be really appreciated Thanks.
  12. Ah ok thanks i see how it works. starting to get a bit better at this thanks to these forums =D sorted out last problem i had using this help u gave me was creatingblipattatched to and tryna work out how to delete the blip i made a variable theBlip = createBlipattachedTo and a local theBlip at top very thankful for your help guys. [sOLVED]
  13. I create the marker and i go to destroy it but i get there is not an event marker i changed a few names only commands really and i changed it to event marker not entry but nothing that should matter i dont think. function cMarker (thePlayer, commandName) if (thePlayer) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition (thePlayer) local theMarker = createMarker ( x,y,z+0.5, "checkpoint", 4, 0, 255, 0, 0, getRootElement()) ---- ( Type of marker = Checkpoint, 4 = radius, (size), 0 Red, 255 Green, 0 Blue) if (theMarker) then outputChatBox ("Event Marker Created", thePlayer) else outputChatBox ("Failed to Create Marker", thePlayer) end end end addCommandHandler ("createmarker", cMarker) function rMarker (thePlayer, commandName) if (isElement(theMarker) == true) then destroyElement(theMarker) outputChatBox ("Marker has been destroyed!", thePlayer) else outputChatBox ("There is not any Event marker!", thePlayer) end end addCommandHandler ("destroymarker", rMarker)
  14. Awesome thanks guys, how would I go about Adding a command to remove/destroy the marker
  15. EDIT: Ok sorted the problem, another script =\ thanks heaps for your help everyone. except now what im trying to do right, is have it so when they type /staff it will change their skin and whatever else, then the type a command to go to a normal team non admin related how can i get it to change back to the skin that they had previously? This is what i have: Staff script ^^^^^ function assignCivTeam ( source, commandName, teamName ) if (isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)),aclGetGroup("Everyone"))) then local theTeam = getTeamFromName ("Civilians") -- add to team if theTeam then setPlayerTeam ( source, theTeam ) setPlayerNametagColor ( source, 255, 255, 0 ) outputChatBox ( "You are now on the Civilians Team.", source, 255, 255, 0 ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "civ", assignCivTeam )
  16. Yea I'm talkin about when u login I can get the staff team to stay there just when I reconnect with my account then log back in with admin account it won't put me on staff team, I have a downloaded save_system from the community which also won't save weapons not sure why error @getweapons, butif there is nothing wrong with team save function, could that cause a problem?
  17. alright thanks still not to sure where to go from here, but ill see what i can do.
  18. Hey guys I want to make a script so that when a guest or player first registers and join a skin selector will come up so they can choose their skin, i can make the player join with a certain skin but only one or possibly random if i want. But i want to have it so they can choose from a list of skins, i have no idea where to start =S if someone can give me something to put me in the right direction it would be much appreciated. I can make a custom gui myself just need something to start off with. Thanks
  19. That fixed the error, but it still doesnt come up when i reconnect. Have to use the command again to join the team. is there a function im missing maybe? EDIT: ok i changed it around a bit now instead of the command making a team i have the team start up on resource start, i just still have the problem that it wont be in the team when i reconnect.
  20. Yea another script was the problem, Thanks. except one problem i have now is that when i reconnect after using staff command it wont have the team there, have to retype the command the join the team this is there error i get WARNING: staff\staff.lua:22: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerAccount' [Expected element at argument 1] WARNING: staff\staff.lua:23: Bad argument @ 'getAccountData' [Expected account at argument 1, got boolean] not sure what i have to change on this: function setTeam(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) local theTeam = getAccountData (account, "Staff") if theTeam and getTeamFromName(theTeam) then setPlayerTeam(thePlayer, getTeamFromName(theTeam)) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),setTeam) function saveTeam(thePlayer) local theTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if (theTeam) and not isGuestAccount(account) then setAccountData(account, "Staff", getTeamName(theTeam)) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),saveTeam)
  21. Ok im just trying to make a basic script new to scripting and so everything works fine for it so far except when i type the command, the player will move into the staff team for 1-2 seconds then go back to not being in a team, cant quite work it out. All help will be very appreciated Thank you. function setStaffSkin (thePlayer) if (isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)),aclGetGroup("Admin", "Moderator", "SuperModerator"))) then setPedSkin ( thePlayer, 217 ) outputChatBox ( "You are now on the Staff Team.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) else outputChatBox ("You must be a Staff to use this command!",thePlayer,255,0,0) end end addCommandHandler ( "staff", setStaffSkin) function assignNewTeam ( thePlayer, commandName, Staff ) local theTeam = createTeam ("Staff") -- create a new team with the specified name if theTeam then -- if it was successfully created setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer, theTeam ) -- add the player to the new team end end addCommandHandler ( "staff", assignNewTeam ) ------------ From here down was something i added after was just trying to see if it fixed it not sure if its necessary or not. function setTeam(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) local theTeam = getAccountData (account, "Staff") if theTeam and getTeamFromName(theTeam) then setPlayerTeam(thePlayer, getTeamFromName(theTeam)) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),setTeam) function saveTeam(thePlayer) local theTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if (theTeam) and not isGuestAccount(account) then setAccountData(account, "Staff", getTeamName(theTeam)) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),saveTeam)
  22. Thanks guys that helped alot, except the only problem is that the marker will appear for a quick second then disappear and doesnt output a console message. this is what i changed on it function cMarker (thePlayer, commandName) if (thePlayer) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition (thePlayer) local theMarker = createMarker ( x,y,z, "arrow", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 255, getRootElement()) if (theMarker) then outputConsole ("Entry Marker Created", thePlayer) else outputConsole ("Failed to Create Marker", thePlayer) end end end addCommandHandler ("createentrymarker", cMarker)
  23. Hi guys I'm new to scripting and i just cant quite get my head around it not sure how long it should take =S so im starting with something real basic, just creating markers but id like to do it so the person can just type a command and bam new marker without having to put in coords everytime i wanna make a marker if it can even be done. or do i just make them on map editor? this is what i got Script.lua function createMarker (ThePlayer, commandName) if (thePlayer) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition (thePlayer) local theMarker = createMarker ( x,y,z, "arrow", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 255, visibleTo = getRootElement) if (theMarker) then outputConsole ("Entry Marker Created", thePlayer) else outputConsole ("Failed to Create Marker", thePlayer) end end end addCommandHandler ("createentrymarker", consoleCreateMarker) it says there is a problem with line 4 about > expected near = Meta.xml Hope its not too noob =P I got no idea how to assign the marker with the interior next lesson i guess.
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