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  1. Machine

    [QUES]Server language

    edit the .lua files they are the one that have that u can script multi language script so u can support Portuguese and English languages
  2. in the server console write the command openports it will show you results take a screenshot and show us the results
  3. Machine

    about the downlaod

    1 so how this kind work can someone explain i mean ik you put the link in >< but what i mean is u put all resorces there or u must make smth in ur link like http://www.power.com/deathmatch/resources so how should be written ? can someone pls give an example and what if web server was 1 giga connection speed is it gonna be very fast to download ?
  4. hello all as far as u know gtasa was released for ios and for android my question is ,are we able to move mta to these devices and if yes how much would that cost to start this project i mean its possible to that and more easier with android since its linux based and we already start mta once on linux using wine i dont think it will be that hard
  5. نتائج الفحص لاول شركة ان شاء الله هذا الاسبوع
  6. hey i edit one file from mtasa community but it doesnt work the script must enable gm auto if map name is [TDD] and it will be enables for 1 min then the gm will turn off auto can tell me whats wrong gmontext = get("gmontext") gmoncolor = get("gmoncolor") gmofftext = get("gmofftext") gmoffcolor = get("gmoffcolor") addEvent("onMapStarting") addEventHandler("onMapStarting", getRootElement(), function(mapInfo) if string.find(mapInfo.name, "[TDD]", 1, true) or mapInfo.modename == "Sprint" then gmon() setTimer ( mapInfo, 1000, 1, "Ghostmode will turn off in 1 min" ) else gmoff() end end) function gmon() for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData( thePlayer, "overrideCollide.uniqueblah", 0, false ) outputChatBox(gmoncolor..gmontext,thePlayer,186,212,71,true) end end function gmoff() for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData(thePlayer, "overrideCollide.uniqueblah", nil, false ) outputChatBox(gmoffcolor..gmofftext,thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end
  7. كما قلت سابقا الفحص فقط من جهتنا ولسبب محدد هو عدم وجود اي واسطة او ما شابه
  8. نظرا لوجود العديد من الشركات المزورة او الفاشلة على اصح التعبير قررت ان انشء موقع متخصص يقوم بعمل فحص لشركات الاستضافة والطريقة المتبعة هي كالتالي يتم فحص جودة الخدمة كسرعة الاتصال والبنج و الى اخره يتم فحص سرعة الدعم الفني في تلبية متطلبات الزبون يتم فحص متطلبات اخرى خاصة في الموقع (فحص وجود اي تزوير او عدم موثوقية في المصدر هذه الاختبارات سيتم فحصها من قبلنا فقط ومن دون علم الشركات بالموضوع بتاتا عند اجتياز جميع الاختبارات تحصل الشركة على شهادة موثقة تثبت مدى وثوقيتها وصلاحيتها
  9. انت تقول سعرها تقريبا 999 هذا السعر شهري ولا سنوي ؟
  10. تا نشوف لانه هاي العبارات نسمعها كثير ولكن بدون نتيجة
  11. mta server يحتاج اقل اشي الموصفات التالية حتى يعمل رام : 256 ميجا مساحة القرص : حسب انت كم بدك تحط في مودات وسكربتات , اذا كان سيرفر عادي يحتاج اقل شي الى 1 جيجا كمية نقل البيانات: تختلف حسب عدد المودات والسركبتات ومساحتها , والافضل انه يكون غير محدود cpu = مهما كانت , المهم اعلى من بنتيوم 3 os = debian هو الاساسي والمفضل للاستعمال ولكن يمكن استعمال cenots او غيرها ولكنها قد تقلل من كفائة واداء السيرفر ip : يحتاج الى ايبي واحد على الاقل من نوع ipv4 لاحظ انه لا يتم دعم ipv6 لن تستفيد اي شيئ من ايبي ipv6 الا في حالة استضافة مواقع
  12. اول اشي المحترم ما قال شي عن freecam هو حكى بده الهاك على العموم بالنسبة للتحكم الازرار كالتالي اول تاكد انه Num lock شغال يعني تقدر تكتب الارقام على الطرف اليمين من الكيبورد بعدها اضغط على اشارة * على الكيبورد عشان تعمل لل cam enable اضغط بعدها على 1 بعدها استخدم الازرار 4 ,6 , 8 ,2 عشان تتحكم في الكاميرا 8 تطلع فوق 2 تنزل تحت 4 تروح يسار 6 تروح يمين اشارة + تعمل تكبير اشارة - تعمل تصغير لاخفاء speed meter بتاع cam hack اضغط رقم 3 استعمل الحرف v للتصوير من داخل السيارة بمزايا اكثر انصح باستعمال سكربت يدعى ب stage https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ils&id=646 اظن انه هو المستخدم نفسه في الفيديو ولكنه معقد شوي اذا استعمل stage تسهل على حالك كثير لانك مش ضروري تكون مثلا بتسوق وانت بتصور تقدر تعمل bot هو يسوق وانت بس تصور شرح كامل لل cam hack شرح لل stage
  13. is it possible to make a script gui like a browser that you can browse a specific site or a forum inside mta? and how much would it coast if its possible
  14. هذا يعتمد على مفهوم الدعم اللي تحكي عنه في مجال الاستضافة ليست مشكلتنا انا نركبلك مود او نصلحلك مود وضيفتنا كموزعين انا نعطيك سيرفرك يكون شغال 100% ونصلح اي عطل يحصل طبعا في ناس يغلطوا كثير في مفهوم الحماية يجي واحد يقولك تم اختراق سيرفري ويبلش يسب وظيفة الموزع حمايتك فقط من ddos attack اما والله انت جاي تتفصحن ومعدل على acl او اذا اعطيت واحد صلاحية ادمن وهو خرب الدنيا كمان هاي مش مشكلتنا انا لما كنت اشتغل في ديلوكس شفت كثير من هاي الاشكال والعاهات اللي يجي يقولك ركبلي مود واللي يجي يقولك حمايتكم زبالة وهو معطي لواحد ادمن وهو اللي مخرب الدنيا وكثير كثير كان في فضايح يعني الحمد لله العرب دايما فاضحينا في كل اشي على شغلة الفضايح في الزمان واحد عربي اسس اول استضافة لل mta وبعدها القا يا سيدي صارت الشركات لا تعد ولا تحصى ويا ريت يا ريت وحدة فيهم تكمل السنة او على الاقلية تكون خدمتها جيدة يقولك الدعم 24 ساعة ويكون كل شهر تا واحد يرد عليك فنعم هؤلاء هم العرب يا سادة
  15. as far as u know mta is becoming more and more an organisation to just earn money , look at the ads they added them , and look at the donation dont tell me the money is used for dev this is the worst like i ever will hear it why dont mta dev just say to people we just wanna steal your money SA-MP Is better than mta in everything seriously sa-mp never asked their players to donate or to pay money or to watch stupid ads mtasa was the best game in my life when i joined it that was long time ago but i must say i am really disappointed wake up mta dev and stop using people soon enough you wont have any players playing heres the stats of whats going right now SA-MP Players 19151 Servers 5304 ^Different on website, client, and on game-monitor, not valid. MTA Players 9041 Servers 3895 ^actually you're wrong here's proof - Woovie if mtasa didnt change their plans all mta players will move to sa-mp and i will be the one who help them and i will make sure to help each player in mta to move to sa-mp just in case you didnt do something about what i said
  16. בקרוב מגיע. חברת תחזוק השרתים הטובה ביותר. עזרו לנו לבחור שם לחברה. השם הטוב ביותר יקבל MTA דקרהקר חינם.
  17. אל תשכחו להוריד אופנות רכב ישראל http://gtail.ucoz.com/
  18. אם יש מישהו שרוצה לקנות שרת MTA מתארח בישראל, צור איתי קשר
  19. i would vote for this guy and i will make sure to make the topic more active
  20. nothing happen and this script by the way was downloaded from here https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=5477 and the guy who made it said you just have to replace the local function canFly() return getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(getLocalPlayer())) == "Admins" end to local function canFly() return (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)),aclGetGroup("Admin"))) end i done it but nothing happens
  21. can someone please help ? its not that big problem for god sake
  22. i recently download a mod from mta community it called superman but whats wrong in it the script must allow superman only for admins ( group acl admin ) can you check pls why it doesnt work Client Side -- Copyright (c) 2008, Alberto Alonso -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, -- are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this -- list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this -- list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other -- materials provided with the distribution. -- * Neither the name of the superman script nor the names of its contributors may be used -- to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior -- written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR -- CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. local Superman = {} function canceldamage() cancelEvent() end addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", getRootElement(), canceldamage) -- Settings local ZERO_TOLERANCE = 0.00001 local MAX_ANGLE_SPEED = 6 -- In degrees per frame local MAX_SPEED = 1.0 local EXTRA_SPEED_FACTOR = 1.85 local LOW_SPEED_FACTOR = 0.40 local ACCELERATION = 0.025 local EXTRA_ACCELERATION_FACTOR = 1.8 local LOW_ACCELERATION_FACTOR = 0.85 local TAKEOFF_VELOCITY = 1.75 local TAKEOFF_FLIGHT_DELAY = 750 local SMOKING_SPEED = 1.25 local GROUND_ZERO_TOLERANCE = 0.18 local LANDING_DISTANCE = 3.2 local FLIGHT_ANIMLIB = "swim" local FLIGHT_ANIMATION = "Swim_Dive_Under" local FLIGHT_ANIM_LOOP = false local IDLE_ANIMLIB = "cop_ambient" local IDLE_ANIMATION = "Coplook_loop" local IDLE_ANIM_LOOP = true local MAX_Y_ROTATION = 55 local ROTATION_Y_SPEED = 3.8 -- Static global variables local thisResource = getThisResource() local rootElement = getRootElement() local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() local serverGravity = getGravity() -- -- Check for admin privileges -- local function canFly() return (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)),aclGetGroup("Admin"))) end -- -- Utility functions -- local function isPlayerFlying(player) local data = getElementData(player, "superman:flying") if not data or data == false then return false else return true end end local function setPlayerFlying(player, state) if state == true then state = true else state = false end setElementData(player, "superman:flying", state) end local function iterateFlyingPlayers() local current = 1 local allPlayers = getElementsByType("player") return function() local player repeat player = allPlayers[current] current = current + 1 until not player or (isPlayerFlying(player) and isElementStreamedIn(player)) return player end end function Superman:restorePlayer(player) setPlayerFlying(player, false) setPedAnimation(player, false) setElementVelocity(player, 0, 0, 0) setElementRotation(player, 0, 0, 0) --setPedRotation(player, getPedRotation(player)) setElementCollisionsEnabled(player, true) self:destroySmokeGenerators(player) self.rotations[player] = nil self.previousVelocity[player] = nil end function Superman:createSmokeGenerator(player) local generator = createObject(2780, getElementPosition(player)) setElementCollisionsEnabled(generator, false) setObjectScale(generator, 0) return generator end function Superman:createSmokeGenerators(player) if not self.smokeGenerators[player] then local smokeGenerators = {} smokeGenerators[1] = self:createSmokeGenerator(player) attachElements(smokeGenerators[1], player, 0.75, -0.2, -0.4, -40, 0, 60) smokeGenerators[2] = self:createSmokeGenerator(player) attachElements(smokeGenerators[2], player, -0.75, -0.2, -0.4, -40, 0, -60) self.smokeGenerators[player] = smokeGenerators end end function Superman:destroySmokeGenerators(player) if self.smokeGenerators[player] then for k, v in ipairs(self.smokeGenerators[player]) do destroyElement(v) end self.smokeGenerators[player] = nil end end function angleDiff(angle1, angle2) angle1, angle2 = angle1 % 360, angle2 % 360 local diff = (angle1 - angle2) % 360 if diff <= 180 then return diff else return -(360 - diff) end end local function isElementInWater(ped) local pedPosition = Vector3D:new(getElementPosition(ped)) if pedPosition.z <= 0 then return true end local waterLevel = getWaterLevel(pedPosition.x, pedPosition.y, pedPosition.z) if not isElementStreamedIn(ped) or not waterLevel or waterLevel < pedPosition.z then return false else return true end end local function isnan(x) math.inf = 1/0 if x == math.inf or x == -math.inf or x ~= x then return true end return false end local function getVector2DAngle(vec) if vec.x == 0 and vec.y == 0 then return 0 end local angle = math.deg(math.atan(vec.x / vec.y)) + 90 if vec.y < 0 then angle = angle + 180 end return angle end -- -- Initialization and shutdown functions -- function Superman.Start() local self = Superman -- Register events addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", getResourceRootElement(thisResource), Superman.Stop, false) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", rootElement, Superman.onJoin) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", rootElement, Superman.onQuit) addEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElement, Superman.processControls) addEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElement, Superman.processFlight) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, Superman.onDamage, false) addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange", rootElement, Superman.onDataChange) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", rootElement, Superman.onStreamIn) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", rootElement, Superman.onStreamOut) -- Bind keys bindKey("jump", "down", Superman.onJump) -- Register commands addCommandHandler("superman", Superman.cmdSuperman) -- Initializate attributes self.smokeGenerators = {} self.rotations = {} self.previousVelocity = {} end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(thisResource), Superman.Start, false) function Superman.Stop() local self = Superman setGravity(serverGravity) -- Restore all players animations, collisions, etc for player in iterateFlyingPlayers() do self:restorePlayer(player) end end -- -- Join/Quit -- function Superman.onJoin(player) local self = Superman local player = player or source setPlayerFlying(player, false) end function Superman.onQuit(reason, player) local self = Superman local player = player or source if isPlayerFlying(player) then self:restorePlayer(player) end end -- -- onDamage: superman is invulnerable -- function Superman.onDamage() local self = Superman
  23. Machine


    hello guys as far as you know mtasa is becoming popular more and more everyday , which means more data more bandwidth , and especially more resources to be uploaded and downloaded , which means we have to change our system , mtasa is using TCP protocol to transfer files which is so damn slow , however before 1 year or more , mtasa add feature which is to use http to transfer , but the problem is , this is still slow what is the solution ? Use torrent torrent is 10 x times faster than http and able to use all download speed u have , and the more upload server speed had , the more client download speed became faster , and since all mta servers are hosted on high internet performers (100 mega - 1 giga link ) this will make player enjoy downloading , and not to quit alot of players has left mtasa just because of they werent able to enjoy playing , for example take this we got the cars mods , the roleplay script and that all have tons of data , around 1 giga or even more imagine if we use torrent expect of http and TCP we would make players have fun and enjoy playing and we will earn more players torrent is simple as TCP and it doesn't require a lot , it just need 1 port to be opened just like tcp 22005 pls reply and tell me what do you think about this idea Info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol
  24. learn lua and sql or just buy one of the original scripts from roleplay servers or hire a pro scripted cuz no one will hep you with that for free or just simple as that
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