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Everything posted by Baseplate

  1. I'd suggest using SQLite or MySQL for that. -- For MySQL/Custom databse for SQLite: dbConnect dbExec dbQuery dbPoll -- For SQLite: executeSQLQuery
  2. addEvent("onPlayerTryingToRegister",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerTryingToRegister",getRootElement(), function(UserRegister,PasswordRegister) local account = getAccount(UserRegister, PasswordRegister) if (account ~= false) then -- You can add an output here. else account = addAccount(UserRegister, PasswordRegister) if (logIn(source, account, PasswordRegister) == true) then triggerClientEvent(source, "PlayerLogedOnClient", getRootElement()) end end end )
  3. Line 18 server-sided, replace thePlayer with source.
  4. This is my first time with fetchRemote, any small example possibility?
  5. playSound3D is somehow not working, playSound works. EDIT: Never mind! works! lmao, thanks.
  6. Didn't mean that, lol my English is getting worse.. I meant like, the people close to you (the streamer) and I apologize for any disturbing.
  7. sound = playSound(url, x, y, z) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 2) Well, everyone at the server can hear it.
  8. Yeah, that's what I thought of too..
  9. Yeah, I need the music from the video.
  10. I've thought of callRemote and fetchRemote, but dunno what to do next..
  11. Gonna ignore this. @bandi94, I've seen a server once which can play sound from youtube links, so it is possible of course, gonna look in it anyways..
  12. Not sure either to cry or laugh, thanks for nothing.
  13. You got any idea how to do so?
  14. I wanted to ask if there is anyway to extract the sound from a youtube link/video?
  15. I'm trying to play the music everywhere, like everyone can listen to it.
  16. Can you suggest me a better way if possible?
  17. addEvent("startSound", true) addEventHandler("startSound", root, function(url) destroyElement(sound) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) sound = playSound(tostring(url), x, y, z) end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function() if (source == playButton) then if (not guiGetText(linkEdit) == "") then triggerServerEvent("setCustomStream", root, guiGetText(linkEdit)) else local radioUrl = guiGridListGetItemText(radioGrid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(radioGrid), 2) triggerServerEvent("setCustomStream", root, radioUrl) end end end ) addEvent("setCustomStream", true) addEventHandler("setCustomStream", root, function(radio, p) if (p == source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(p) destroyElement(speaker) speaker = createObject(2229, x, y, z) triggerClientEvent(root, "startSound", root, radio) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(p) attachElements(speaker, vehicle) end end ) Not working, nothing happens, no errors on debug.
  18. I'm kinda too lazy lmao, but you can see the scripts on my local server.
  19. Hello everyone, I'm Samer AKA abxf, 15 years old guy and scripter since 2 or 3 years. So as I'm now in my 2nd year at high school I barely got time to get on my PC and I have some scripts which currently isn't used anywhere, besides as I'm leaving MTA I decided to put them on sale. The scripts are made for RPG servers, contains group system, staff system (panel included but not every feature is done) and a lot of other things. This is the first time I ever sell scripts, not intending to scam and my principes are totally against scamming. The price isn't set yet but add me on skype samerbelgacem or PM me here on forums and we surely can get ourselves a good deal.
  20. Thanks myonlake! works Thanks Spajk too
  21. Couldn't find anything related to this.
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