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Everything posted by myyusuf

  1. myyusuf


    thank you again locked topic please
  2. myyusuf


    thats what i want to know. THANK YOU!
  3. server: local lastTimePlayed local month = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","Juli","August","September","October","November","December"} function timestampToDate(stamp) local time = getRealTime(stamp) return string.format("%d %s %02d:%02d",time.monthday,month[time.month+1],time.hour,time.minute) end addEvent("onMapStarting",true) addEventHandler ( 'onMapStarting', root, function ( mapInfo ) local mapname = getResourceName(map) local author = getResourceInfo(exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap(),"author") local lastTimePlayed = timestampToDate(mapInfo.lastTimePlayed) local xml = xmlLoadFile("data/ratings.xml") if ( xml ) then local index = findIndexByName ( mapname ) if ( index ) then local map = xmlFindChild ( xml, "map", index ) local rating = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( map, "rating" ) local ratedBy = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( map, "ratedBy" ) local played = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( map, "played" ) triggerClientEvent(source,"INFO",getRootElement(),author,rating,ratedBy,played,lastTimePlayed) else outputChatBox ( "Map not found in our ratings list.", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) end else outputChatBox ( "Unable to load map ratings XML file.", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) end end ) function findIndexByName ( mapName ) local ratingsFile = xmlLoadFile("data/ratings.xml") if ( ratingsFile ) then for index, map in ipairs ( xmlNodeGetChildren ( ratingsFile ) ) do local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( map, "id" ) if ( name == mapName ) then return index -1 end end xmlUnloadFile(ratingsFile) end end client: local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local endPosition = screenHeight-140 local moveback = false function handleMapInfo(mapInfo) name = mapInfo.name or "Unknown" author = mapInfo.author or "Unknown" lastTimePlayed = timestampToDate(mapInfo.lastTimePlayed) or "Unknown" playedCount = tostring(mapInfo.playedCount or "Unknown") modename = mapInfo.modename ~= "Destruction derby" and mapInfo.modename or "Destruction derby" hunterreached = huntersReached or "0" maprate = mapRates or "-" ratedtimes = ratedTimess or "0" position = screenHeight+90 movePosition = 5 tickCount = 400 moveback = false alpha = 0 end function getDrawText(author,rating,ratedBy,played,lastTimePlayed) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawMapInfo) if author then textA = "Author: "..author else textA = "Unknown" end if rating then textR = "Rate: " ..rating.. "/10 (by " ..ratedBy.. " players)" else textR = "Not rated yet" end if played then textP = "Times played: "..played.." times" else textP = "Never played before" end if lastTimePlayed then textPL = "Last Time Played\n"..lastTimePlayed else textPL = "Unknown" end end addEvent( "INFO", true ) addEventHandler( "INFO", getRootElement(), getDrawText ) function drawMapInfo () if position == endPosition then if tickCount == 0 then moveback = true end tickCount = tickCount-1 movePosition = 0 end if position >= screenHeight+91 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawMapInfo) end if moveback then movePosition = -2.5 alpha = alpha - 10 end alpha = alpha + 5 if alpha > 255 then alpha = 255 elseif alpha < 0 then alpha = 0 end local heighResize = dxGetFontHeight(1.15, "default-bold") local widthRezise1 = dxGetTextWidth("Map - "..name,1.15,"default-bold") local widthRezise2 = dxGetTextWidth("Lasttime played - "..lastTimePlayed,1.15,"default-bold") local widthRezise3 = dxGetTextWidth("By - "..author,1.15,"default-bold") if widthRezise1 > widthRezise2 and widthRezise1 > widthRezise3 then widthRezise = widthRezise1 elseif widthRezise2 > widthRezise1 and widthRezise2 > widthRezise3 then widthRezise = widthRezise2 elseif widthRezise3 > widthRezise1 and widthRezise3 > widthRezise2 then widthRezise = widthRezise3 end dxDrawImage(screenWidth/2-200,screenHeight/2+185,420.0,176.0, "images/info_bgr.png",0,0,0,tocolor(200,200,200,alpha)) dxDrawText ( "Name: " ..name,screenWidth/2-150,screenHeight/2+200,636.0,675.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.5,"default-bold","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText ( textA,screenWidth/2-150,screenHeight/2+225.0,636.0,619.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.5,"default-bold","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText ( textR,screenWidth/2-150,screenHeight/2+275,684.0,647.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.5,"default-bold","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText ( textP,screenWidth/2-150,screenHeight/2+250,636.0,675.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.5,"default-bold","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText ( textPL,screenWidth/2-150,screenHeight/2+300,684.0,647.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.5,"default-bold","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText ( "Mode: Destruction Derby",screenWidth/2-150,screenHeight/2+325,506.0,699.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.5,"default-bold","left","top",false,false,false) position = position - movePosition end i wanna take map folder name in server side's 12. line. but it doesnt take. can you help me please?
  4. myyusuf


    thank you so much dude.
  5. myyusuf


    not worked and no error
  6. myyusuf


    thank you. i have another problem now. <list> <map id="race-[dd]2012" rating="8.25" ratedBy="4" played="186"></map> <map id="race-[dd]ananzaaa" rating="5.25" ratedBy="9" played="25"></map> .. .. .. </list> addEventHandler ( 'onGamemodeMapStart', root, function ( uMapStart ) local mapname = getResourceName( uMapStart ) end ) local xml = xmlLoadFile("data/ratings.xml") local map = xmlFindChild ( xml, "map", 0 ) local id = xmlNodeGetAttribute(map, "id") if id == mapname then local rating = xmlNodeGetAttribute(map, "rating") local ratedBy = xmlNodeGetAttribute(map, "ratedBy") local played = xmlNodeGetAttribute(map, "played") outputChatBox ( "rated: " ..rating.. " ratedBy: " ..ratedBy.. " played " ..played, getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "FAIL", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) i wanna do something like that. if id is map folder name, then take data from the map node. is that code right?
  7. myyusuf


    thank you. local xml = xmlLoadFile("data/ratings.xml") local list = xmlFindChild ( xml, "list", 0 ) local map = xmlFindChild ( list, "map", 0 ) local rating = xmlNodeGetAttribute(list, "rating") local ratedBy = xmlNodeGetAttribute(list, "ratedBy") local played = xmlNodeGetAttribute(list, "played") outputChatBox ( "rated: " ..rating.. " ratedBy: " ..ratedBy.. " played " ..played, getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) is that right for my xml file?
  8. What you not understand? i solved the problem.. topic closed please.
  9. oh local name, author, lastTimePlayed, playedCount, modename local startTick local month = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","Juli","August","September","October","November","December"} local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local endPosition = screenHeight-140 local moveback = false function timestampToDate(stamp) local time = getRealTime(stamp) return string.format("%d %s %02d:%02d",time.monthday,month[time.month+1],time.hour,time.minute) end function handleMapInfo(mapInfo) name = mapInfo.name or "Unknown" author = mapInfo.author or "Unknown" lastTimePlayed = timestampToDate(mapInfo.lastTimePlayed) or "Unknown" playedCount = tostring(mapInfo.playedCount or "Unknown") modename = mapInfo.modename ~= "Destruction derby" and mapInfo.modename or "Destruction derby" position = screenHeight+90 movePosition = 5 tickCount = 400 moveback = false alpha = 0 addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawMapInfo) end addEvent("onClientMapStarting",true) addEventHandler("onClientMapStarting",getRootElement(),handleMapInfo) function drawMapInfo () if position == endPosition then if tickCount == 0 then moveback = true end tickCount = tickCount-1 movePosition = 0 end if position >= screenHeight+91 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawMapInfo) end if moveback then movePosition = -2.5 alpha = alpha - 10 end alpha = alpha + 5 if alpha > 255 then alpha = 255 elseif alpha < 0 then alpha = 0 end local heighResize = dxGetFontHeight(1.15, "default-bold") local widthRezise1 = dxGetTextWidth("Map - "..name,1.15,"default-bold") local widthRezise2 = dxGetTextWidth("Lasttime played - "..lastTimePlayed,1.15,"default-bold") local widthRezise3 = dxGetTextWidth("By - "..author,1.15,"default-bold") if widthRezise1 > widthRezise2 and widthRezise1 > widthRezise3 then widthRezise = widthRezise1 elseif widthRezise2 > widthRezise1 and widthRezise2 > widthRezise3 then widthRezise = widthRezise2 elseif widthRezise3 > widthRezise1 and widthRezise3 > widthRezise2 then widthRezise = widthRezise3 end dxDrawImage(screenWidth/2-widthRezise/2-8,position-movePosition-(heighResize-3),widthRezise+16,140+heighResize, "bgr.png",0,0,0,tocolor(200,200,200,alpha)) dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Map - #FFFFFF"..name,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900By - #FFFFFF"..author,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*2,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*2, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Played - #FFFFFF"..playedCount.." times",screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*3,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*3, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Lasttime played - #FFFFFF"..lastTimePlayed,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*4,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*4, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Mode - #FFFFFF"..modename,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*5,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*5, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) position = position - movePosition end function dxDrawingColorText ( text,left,top,right,bottom,color,scale,font,alignX,alignY) end function drawMyText ( text,left,top,right,bottom,color,scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left+scale, top , right+scale, bottom, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left+scale, top+scale , right+scale, bottom+scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left, top+scale , right, bottom+scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left-scale, top+scale , right-scale, bottom+scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left-scale, top , right-scale, bottom, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left-scale, top-scale , right-scale, bottom-scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left, top-scale , right, bottom-scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left+scale, top-scale , right+scale, bottom-scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left, top , right, bottom, color,scale,font,alignX,alignY) end i did this now. but i only can see the image. cant see the text. what is wrong?
  10. local name, author, lastTimePlayed, playedCount, modename local startTick local month = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","Juli","August","September","October","November","December"} local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local endPosition = screenHeight-140 local moveback = false function timestampToDate(stamp) local time = getRealTime(stamp) return string.format("%d %s %02d:%02d",time.monthday,month[time.month+1],time.hour,time.minute) end function handleMapInfo(mapInfo) name = mapInfo.name or "Unknown" author = mapInfo.author or "Unknown" lastTimePlayed = timestampToDate(mapInfo.lastTimePlayed) or "Unknown" playedCount = tostring(mapInfo.playedCount or "Unknown") modename = mapInfo.modename ~= "Destruction derby" and mapInfo.modename or "Destruction derby" position = screenHeight+90 movePosition = 5 tickCount = 400 moveback = false alpha = 0 addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawMapInfo) end addEvent("onClientMapStarting",true) addEventHandler("onClientMapStarting",getRootElement(),handleMapInfo) function drawMapInfo () if position == endPosition then if tickCount == 0 then moveback = true end tickCount = tickCount-1 movePosition = 0 end if position >= screenHeight+91 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawMapInfo) end if moveback then movePosition = -2.5 alpha = alpha - 10 end alpha = alpha + 5 if alpha > 255 then alpha = 255 elseif alpha < 0 then alpha = 0 end local heighResize = dxGetFontHeight(1.15, "default-bold") local widthRezise1 = dxGetTextWidth("Map - "..name,1.15,"default-bold") local widthRezise2 = dxGetTextWidth("Lasttime played - "..lastTimePlayed,1.15,"default-bold") local widthRezise3 = dxGetTextWidth("By - "..author,1.15,"default-bold") if widthRezise1 > widthRezise2 and widthRezise1 > widthRezise3 then widthRezise = widthRezise1 elseif widthRezise2 > widthRezise1 and widthRezise2 > widthRezise3 then widthRezise = widthRezise2 elseif widthRezise3 > widthRezise1 and widthRezise3 > widthRezise2 then widthRezise = widthRezise3 end dxDrawImage(screenWidth/2-widthRezise/2-8,position-movePosition-(heighResize-3),widthRezise+16,140+heighResize, "bgr.png",0,0,0,tocolor(200,200,200,alpha)) dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Map - #FFFFFF"..name,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900By - #FFFFFF"..author,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*2,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*2, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Played - #FFFFFF"..playedCount.." times",screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*3,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*3, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Lasttime played - #FFFFFF"..lastTimePlayed,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*4,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*4, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Mode - #FFFFFF"..modename,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*5,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*5, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) position = position - movePosition end function drawMyText ( text,left,top,right,bottom,color,scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left+scale, top , right+scale, bottom, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left+scale, top+scale , right+scale, bottom+scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left, top+scale , right, bottom+scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left-scale, top+scale , right-scale, bottom+scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left-scale, top , right-scale, bottom, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left-scale, top-scale , right-scale, bottom-scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left, top-scale , right, bottom-scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left+scale, top-scale , right+scale, bottom-scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left, top , right, bottom, color,scale,font,alignX,alignY) end info.lua:62: attemp to global 'dxDrawingColorText' (a nil value)
  11. sorry but i just really dont understand this. i try it in all way. dont work
  12. It's example function fStackOverflow( ) fStackOverflow( ) end local name, author, lastTimePlayed, playedCount, modename local startTick local month = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","Juli","August","September","October","November","December"} local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local endPosition = screenHeight-140 local moveback = false function timestampToDate(stamp) local time = getRealTime(stamp) return string.format("%d %s %02d:%02d",time.monthday,month[time.month+1],time.hour,time.minute) end function handleMapInfo(mapInfo) name = mapInfo.name or "Unknown" author = mapInfo.author or "Unknown" lastTimePlayed = timestampToDate(mapInfo.lastTimePlayed) or "Unknown" playedCount = tostring(mapInfo.playedCount or "Unknown") modename = mapInfo.modename ~= "Destruction derby" and mapInfo.modename or "Destruction derby" position = screenHeight+90 movePosition = 5 tickCount = 400 moveback = false alpha = 0 addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawMapInfo) end addEvent("onClientMapStarting",true) addEventHandler("onClientMapStarting",getRootElement(),handleMapInfo) function drawMapInfo () if position == endPosition then if tickCount == 0 then moveback = true end tickCount = tickCount-1 movePosition = 0 end if position >= screenHeight+91 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawMapInfo) end if moveback then movePosition = -2.5 alpha = alpha - 10 end alpha = alpha + 5 if alpha > 255 then alpha = 255 elseif alpha < 0 then alpha = 0 end local heighResize = dxGetFontHeight(1.15, "default-bold") local widthRezise1 = dxGetTextWidth("Map - "..name,1.15,"default-bold") local widthRezise2 = dxGetTextWidth("Lasttime played - "..lastTimePlayed,1.15,"default-bold") local widthRezise3 = dxGetTextWidth("By - "..author,1.15,"default-bold") if widthRezise1 > widthRezise2 and widthRezise1 > widthRezise3 then widthRezise = widthRezise1 elseif widthRezise2 > widthRezise1 and widthRezise2 > widthRezise3 then widthRezise = widthRezise2 elseif widthRezise3 > widthRezise1 and widthRezise3 > widthRezise2 then widthRezise = widthRezise3 end --Background dxDrawImage(screenWidth/2-widthRezise/2-8,position-movePosition-(heighResize-3),widthRezise+16,140+heighResize, "bgr.png",0,0,0,tocolor(200,200,200,alpha)) --Map dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Map - #FFFFFF"..name,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) --By dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900By - #FFFFFF"..author,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*2,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*2, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) --Played dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Played - #FFFFFF"..playedCount.." times",screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*3,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*3, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) --Last time dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Lasttime played - #FFFFFF"..lastTimePlayed,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*4,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*4, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) --Mode dxDrawingColorText ( "#FF9900Mode - #FFFFFF"..modename,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*5,screenWidth/2,position-movePosition+heighResize*5, tocolor(255,255,255,alpha), alpha, 1.15, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) position = position - movePosition end function dxDrawingColorText ( text,left,top,right,bottom,color,scale,font,alignX,alignY) fStackOverflow( ) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left+scale, top , right+scale, bottom, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left+scale, top+scale , right+scale, bottom+scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left, top+scale , right, bottom+scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left-scale, top+scale , right-scale, bottom+scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left-scale, top , right-scale, bottom, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left-scale, top-scale , right-scale, bottom-scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left, top-scale , right, bottom-scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left+scale, top-scale , right+scale, bottom-scale, tocolor(30,30,30,Alpha),scale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawingColorText ( text, left, top , right, bottom, color,scale,font,alignX,alignY) end ?
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