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  1. TerroristTeam = createTeam("TERRORIST", 255, 0, 0) PoliceTeam = createTeam("POLICE", 0, 0, 255) addEvent("onTeamSelect", true) addEventHandler("onTeamSelect", root, function(team) local sPlayerNickname = getPlayerName ( source ) if team == "TERRORIST" then spawnPlayer(source, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, TerroristTeam) outputChatBox(#ff0000".~ You selected TERRORIST ~.", source) elseif team == "POLICE" then outputChatBox(#0000ff".~ You selected POLICE ~.", source) spawnPlayer(source, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, PoliceTeam) end fadeCamera(source, true) setCameraTarget(source) end) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function(team) local hueteam = getPlayerTeam (team) if hueteam == TerroristTeam then spawnPlayer(source, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, TerroristTeam) elseif hueteam == PoliceTeam then spawnPlayer(source, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, PoliceTeam) end fadeCamera(source, true) setCameraTarget(source) outputChatBox("#00ff00.~ You have been respawned! ~.", source) end) Stills not working
  2. Sever-Side: I just add on player wasted but it dont works... added the setElementData and getElementData TerroristTeam = createTeam("TERRORIST", 255, 0, 0) PoliceTeam = createTeam("POLICE", 0, 0, 255) addEvent("onTeamSelect", true) addEventHandler("onTeamSelect", root, function(team) local sPlayerNickname = getPlayerName ( source ) if team == "TERRORIST" then spawnPlayer(client, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, TerroristTeam) setElementData ( source, "terrorist", sPlayerNickname) elseif team == "POLICE" then spawnPlayer(source, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, PoliceTeam) setElementData ( source, "police", sPlayerNickname) end fadeCamera(source, true) setCameraTarget(source) outputChatBox("Welcome to MyServer.", client) end) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function(source) if getElementData ( client, "terrorist") then spawnPlayer(client, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, TerroristTeam) elseif getElementData ( source, "police") then spawnPlayer(source, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, PoliceTeam) end fadeCamera(source, true) setCameraTarget(source) outputChatBox("#00ff00You have Respawned!", source) end)
  3. Hi, i just back to MTA... Help me with that code, what its wrong? GUIEditor = { button = {}, window = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(671, 298, 250, 176, "Choose your team! ", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) showCursor(true) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(15, 34, 105, 132, "TERRORIST", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "7FFF0909") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(130, 34, 105, 132, "POLICE", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "7F0C28FB") if GUIEditor.button[1] then spawnPlayer(client, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10) fadeCamera(client, true) setCameraTarget(client, client) outputChatBox("Welcome to MyServer.", client) elseif GUIEditor.button[2] then spawnPlayer(client, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10) fadeCamera(client, true) setCameraTarget(client, client) outputChatBox("Welcome to MyServer.", client) end end end )
  4. Try

    Freeroam Table

    hey guys take a look at the logo Look the space in gui and logo have how to solve? and the separator the space is down it look and see the editor don`t have {'br'}, and nothing how to solve? http://imgur.com/muQbs Edit: DOOOOOONE I SOLVEEEEEEEEEEDDD THANKS CASTILLO FOR ALL THE HELP Have a nice day, Mari.
  5. Try

    Freeroam Table

    But now i have other question how to set a label color at the freeroam like the x y z i want set it to green Sorry i don`t know that at freeroam
  6. Try

    Freeroam Table

  7. Try

    Freeroam Table

    errr...................... U DIDN~T SAW THE TITLE FREEROAM TABLE That Means is at Freeroam script fr_client.lua
  8. Try

    Freeroam Table

    I solved about the logo but now i have another problem how to set gui alpha for totality black i tried setGuiAlpha(wndMain,1) but i don`t know where to put it can someone help me? Thanks for all, Mari.
  9. Ooops sorry i lost i lost put the logo in meta.xml
  10. Err... guy u are crazy look this like of your code function globalOOC(thePlayer, commandName, ...) local root = getRootElement() local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local name = getPlayerName(source) if (msgtype == 0) then if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("HeadAdmin")) then cancelEvent(true) --------------------------------------- if (msgtype == 0) then if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("HeadAdmin")) then cancelEvent(true) ---------------------------------------- if noone talk u are asking for get the headadmin account then cancelevent? wtf u have to get who don`t said then cancel the event then ask for account get so look how: if (msgtype == 0) then cancelEvent() if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("HeadAdmin")) then then u can and u don`t need cancel the event all the time
  11. Hehehehehe i need a help look the code the image don`t show!!!! the logo is at the folder the resource folder. wndMain = { 'wnd', text = 'BADWOLF FREEROAM', x = 10, y = 170, width = 250, controls = { {'img', src='logo.png', width=280, height=5 }, {'br'}, {'btn', id='kill', onclick=killLocalPlayer}, {'btn', id='skin', window=wndSkin}, {'btn', id='anim', window=wndAnim}, --{'btn', id='weapon', window=wndWeapon}, {'btn', id='clothes', window=wndClothes}, --{'btn', id='playergrav', text='grav', window=wndGravity}, {'btn', id='warp', window=wndWarp}, {'btn', id='Teleports', onclick=teleports}, --{'btn', id='stats', window=wndStats}, --{'btn', id='bookmarks', window=wndBookmarks}, {'br'}, {'chk', id='jetpack', onclick=toggleJetPack}, {'chk', id='falloff', text='fall off bike', onclick=toggleFallOffBike}, {'br'}, {'lbl', text='Pos:'}, {'lbl', id='xpos', text='x', width=45}, {'lbl', id='ypos', text='y', width=45}, {'lbl', id='zpos', text='z', width=45}, {'btn', id='setpos', text='map', window=wndSetPos}, {'btn', id='setinterior', text='int', window=wndSetInterior}, {'br'}, {'br'}, {'lbl', text='Vehicles'}, {'br'}, {'lbl', text='Current:'}, {'lbl', id='curvehicle'}, {'br'}, {'btn', id='createvehicle', window=wndCreateVehicle, text='create vehicle'}, {'btn', id='repair', onclick=repairVehicle}, {'btn', id='flip', onclick=flipVehicle}, {'btn', id='upgrades', window=wndUpgrades}, {'btn', id='color', onclick=openColorPicker}, {'btn', id='paintjob', window=wndPaintjob}, {'br'}, {'chk', id='lightson', text='Lights on', onclick=forceLightsOn}, {'chk', id='lightsoff', text='Lights off', onclick=forceLightsOff}, {'br'}, }, oncreate = mainWndShow, onclose = mainWndClose }
  12. I think yes cuz if i use setPedAimTarget(.......) then i say to ped shot it would shot it i think but thanks
  13. okokok THANKS CASTILLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Thanks Twister and Klesh u are thinking im new at this forum hahaha new is you! guy i helped all and i don`t asked the function i asked how to i need a explaning not functions!
  15. Hey! Yeah im back again! I want 2 helps 1: Have a function to set the ped target? 2: How to add images to freeroam_gui? (i losted how to do ) Thanks, Mari.
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