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Everything posted by turret001

  1. hi, I've gone ahead and moved your topic to Portuguese sub forums. Please keep in mind that the rest of the forums are English only.
  2. nasıl çözüldüğünü buraya yazarsan konuyu kilitleyebilirim
  3. they're locked to prevent people from stealing models, are you trying to steal someone elses models or trying to encrypt yours?
  4. hello and welcome to MTA forums. I've gone ahead and moved your topic to Portuguese subforums. Please keep in mind that the rest of the forums are English only.
  5. Please don't bump old topics and stick to new ones.
  6. @efex eski konuları hortlatma lütfen
  7. I've moved your topic to the Portuguese sub-forums, please keep in mind that the rest of the forums are English only.
  8. welcome to MTA forums! I've moved your topic to the Portuguese subforums, please keep in mind that the rest of the forums are English only.
  9. should be fixed. redirecting servers are undesired so we won't be whitelisting any more of your IPs. please stick to the two servers you've got.
  10. hello and welcome to MTA forums. I've gone ahead and moved your topic to Portuguese subforums. Please keep in mind that the rest of the forums are English only.
  11. Exactly. If you were banned from Mrgreen server, you need to appeal to them. MTA staff can't unban you from servers. If you're banned in Mrgreen forums aswell, there's nothing we can do.
  12. looking forward to seeing this become a thing, it's been a while since someone last created a zombie survival RP server!
  13. Welcome to MTA forums. I've moved your topic to the Russian subforums. Please keep in mind that majority of the forums are English only. Feel free to speak/write in Russian here, I'm sure someone will help you out quickly. If not, you can join our Discord to get help as well.
  14. MTA forumlarına hoşgeldin, konun Türkçe olduğu için Türk forumlarına taşıdım. Forumun geneli İngilizce konuşma zorunluklu, sadece Turkish forumlarda Türkçe konu açabilirsin. Hatana gelirsek: CD19 "Müşteri doğrulaması yapılamadı!" hatası alıyorsanız ya da sunucuya bağlanmaya çalışırken CC23 "Bağlantı zaman aşımına uğradı" hatası alıyorsanız şunları kontrol edin: -İnternet sağlayıcınız Turkcell Superonline mı? (https://www.superonline.net/) -Bağlanmaya çalıştığınız sunucu OVH tarafından mı host ediliyor? (Öğrenmek için sunucu IPsini bu siteye girin https://www.abuseipdb.com/ ve Domain isminde OVH.com yazıp yazmadığına bakın) Eğer üsttekilerin her ikisi de doğruysa, Superonline yüzünden bağlantı sorunu yaşıyorsunuz. Superonline, kendi backendinde yaptığı bir hatadan/kısıtlamadan dolayı sizinle sunucu arasındaki trafiğin geçişine izin vermiyor, sunucu, doğrulama paketlerinizi alamıyor. Lütfen internet hizmet sağlayıcınız ile iletişime geçip onlara bu sorunu anlatın. Not: Eğer bütçeniz karşılıyorsa bu sorunu geçici olarak çözmek için VPN kullanabilirsiniz. Tercihen ExpressVPN, Private Internet Access ya da Windscribe. Lütfen bunu kesin çözüm olarak kullanmayın. Superonline'ı arayın ya da şikayet oluşturun, başkalarında da bu sorunun çözülmesi için harekete geçin. Bu sorunu senin dışında birkaç kişi daha yaşadı, hepsi şikayette bulundu. Eğer Superonline kullanıcı isen ve şikayette bulunursan, dikkate alırlar. Şimdilik başka sunucuda oynamaya çalış (OVH tarafından hostlanmayan bir sunucuda) veya yukarıda ismini verdiğim VPNlerden satın alabilirsin geçici olarak.
  15. turret001

    Mta acl

    bu default acl, arkadaş başka bir şey istemiş. soruyu anladın mı?
  16. OP seems to have fixed the issue. @alefpereira please edit your topic and add your fix to the topic so that everyone can benefit from it.
  17. Please refrain from bumping old topics. If you're having the same error, create a topic here or join our discord and get help there!
  18. link seems to be dead, I'm locking this topic to avoid further bumping. @Micro send me a PM if you wish to re-open this topic
  19. ??stalkers detected??


    1. DiSaMe


      I have no idea what this "stalking" thing even is, all I can say is ever since I returned to this forum after a long break, I have been checking profiles a lot, to see who's still active among people I remember, or who is this or that person that I've never seen before, that kind of thing, no idea if that counts as stalking xD

    2. turret001


      no, it does  not count as stalking ? I was just messing around

    3. DiSaMe


      Oh, thank goodness. What a relief xD

  20. I can't help you. I am not in the anti-cheat team, I'm just a moderator. You'll have to wait for a reply from anti-cheat team like everyone else. Please understand that we (staff) don't get paid and we do this on our free time. Please don't create new topics in an attempt to get a reply. We're not ignoring you (or anyone else for that matter). It's just anti-cheat team doesn't have enough time in their hands to constantly check appeals & take action. Next time, don't run software sent by people you don't know.
  21. I've deleted two other ban appeals you've created, please keep your application to one topic, don't post new ones and wait for an answer.
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