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Everything posted by codeluaeveryday

  1. It's just because of the hosting, it was having issues... I can try to setup something else.
  2. we just used dx elements and shaders to achieve this. PHP was not needed
  3. ^^ If you do this, it will save me a lot of time.
  4. This is annoyed me and anderl for sometime, but we eventually got it sorted.
  5. I'm with Xxmade, I get the same issue. Even the examples don't do it correctly, the examples all say that the server did not respond, I then added the mta server with the examples and still no result: $servers = array( array( 'id' => 'mtasa', 'type' => 'Mta', 'host' => '', ) ); -- original port was 22000, ase port = +123 == 22123. I don't have any issues with PHP, it's quite easy.
  6. I was using the ASE port at the time, I will test the forked version too.
  7. I've tried using GameQ, it didn't work when I used it, I'm pretty sure gameQ is outdated / depreciated.
  8. send me a PM of the script you've written down, make sure this is server sided.
  9. I've already been page snooping for you, I had no luck.
  10. Have you put the key in? it works for me. local theKey = 'MYKEYHERE' edit MYKEYHERE with the key from that site I sent.
  11. I've done some research for you, and I found that the best way to achieve this would to use a public API. I was thinking of using it with a Unix timestamp of the local computers time to find a near accurate timezone, or we could use an ip address, or we could use both to get a more accurate GMT result. I have found the best API for this job, I have used them before with old projects. You will need to register an account and recieve your API key first: addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', root, function() -- Trigger GMT request local theIP = getPlayerIP(source) local theKey = 'MYKEYHERE' local apiURL = 'http://api.ipinfodb.com/v3/ip-city/?key='..theKey..'&ip='..theIP..'&format=json' fetchRemote(apiURL, gmtData, "", false, source) end ) function gmtData(data, response, player) local data = '['..data..']' local theData = fromJSON(data) if theData then setElementData(player, 'timezone', theData['timeZone']) else outputDebugString('Error parsing data') end end ^^ Tested and works, make sure you put your API key in it. To read it just use getElementData.
  12. The MYSQL Module is depreciated so I will not offer advice on it. Instead you can use MTA's native SQL functions: dbConnect dbQuery dbPoll dbFree
  13. Dude I think you should try Google's British voice, it's much better: http://translate.google.com/translate_t ... therfucker
  14. Updated: dxText = {} dxText_mt = { __index = dxText } local idAssign,idPrefix = 0,"c" local g_screenX,g_screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local visibleText = {} ------ defaults = { fX = 0.5, fY = 0.5, bRelativePosition = true, strText = "", bVerticalAlign = "center", bHorizontalAlign = "center", tColor = {255,255,255,255}, fScale = 1, strFont = "default", strType = "normal", tAttributes = {}, bPostGUI = false, bClip = false, bWordWrap = true, bVisible = true, tBoundingBox = false, --If a bounding box is not set, it will not be used. bRelativeBoundingBox = true, } local validFonts = { default = true, ["default-bold"] = true, clear = true, arial = true, pricedown = true, bankgothic = true, diploma = true, beckett = true, } local validTypes = { normal = true, shadow = true, border = true, stroke = true, --Clone of border } local validAlignTypes = { center = true, left = true, right = true, } function dxText:create( text, x, y, relative, strFont, fScale, horzA ) assert(not self.fX, "attempt to call method 'create' (a nil value)") if ( type(text) ~= "string" ) or ( not tonumber(x) ) or ( not tonumber(y) ) then outputDebugString ( "dxText:create - Bad argument", 0, 112, 112, 112 ) return false end local new = {} setmetatable( new, dxText_mt ) --Add default settings for i,v in pairs(defaults) do new[i] = v end idAssign = idAssign + 1 new.id = idPrefix..idAssign new.strText = text or new.strText new.fX = x or new.fX new.fY = y or new.fY if type(relative) == "boolean" then new.bRelativePosition = relative end new:scale( fScale or new.fScale ) new:font( strFont or new.strFont ) new:align( horzA or new.bHorizontalAlign ) visibleText[new] = true return new end function dxText:text(text) if type(text) ~= "string" then return self.strText end self.strText = text return true end function dxText:position(x,y,relative) if not tonumber(x) then return self.fX, self.fY end self.fX = x self.fY = y if type(relative) == "boolean" then self.bRelativePosition = relative else self.bRelativePosition = true end return true end function dxText:color(r,g,b,a) if not tonumber(r) then return unpack(self.tColor) end g = g or self.tColor[2] b = b or self.tColor[3] a = a or self.tColor[4] self.tColor = { r,g,b,a } return true end function dxText:scale(scale) if not tonumber(scale) then return self.fScale end self.fScale = scale return true end function dxText:visible(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bVisible end if self.bVisible == bool then return end self.bVisible = bool if bool then visibleText[self] = true else visibleText[self] = nil end return true end function dxText:destroy() self.bDestroyed = true setmetatable( self, self ) return true end function dxText:font(font) if not validFonts[font] then return self.strFont end self.strFont = font return true end function dxText:postGUI(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bPostGUI end self.bPostGUI = bool return true end function dxText:clip(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bClip end self.bClip = bool return true end function dxText:wordWrap(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bWordWrap end self.bWordWrap = bool return true end function dxText:type(type,...) if not validTypes[type] then return self.strType, unpack(self.tAttributes) end self.strType = type self.tAttributes = {...} return true end function dxText:align(horzA, vertA) if not validAlignTypes[horzA] then return self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign end vertA = vertA or self.bVerticalAlign self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign = horzA, vertA return true end function dxText:boundingBox(left,top,right,bottom,relative) if left == nil then if self.tBoundingBox then return unpack(boundingBox) else return false end elseif tonumber(left) and tonumber(right) and tonumber(top) and tonumber(bottom) then self.tBoundingBox = {left,top,right,bottom} if type(relative) == "boolean" then self.bRelativeBoundingBox = relative else self.bRelativeBoundingBox = true end else self.tBoundingBox = false end return true end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), function() for self,_ in pairs(visibleText) do while true do if self.bDestroyed then visibleText[self] = nil break end if self.tColor[4] < 1 then break end local l,t,r,b --If we arent using a bounding box if not self.tBoundingBox then --Decide if we use relative or absolute local p_screenX,p_screenY = 1,1 if self.bRelativePosition then p_screenX,p_screenY = g_screenX,g_screenY end local fX,fY = (self.fX)*p_screenX,(self.fY)*p_screenY if self.bHorizontalAlign == "left" then l = fX r = fX + g_screenX elseif self.bHorizontalAlign == "right" then l = fX - g_screenX r = fX else l = fX - g_screenX r = fX + g_screenX end if self.bVerticalAlign == "top" then t = fY b = fY + g_screenY elseif self.bVerticalAlign == "bottom" then t = fY - g_screenY b = fY else t = fY - g_screenY b = fY + g_screenY end elseif type(self.tBoundingBox) == "table" then local b_screenX,b_screenY = 1,1 if self.bRelativeBoundingBox then b_screenX,b_screenY = g_screenX,g_screenY end l,t,r,b = self.tBoundingBox[1],self.tBoundingBox[2],self.tBoundingBox[3],self.tBoundingBox[4] l = l*b_screenX t = t*b_screenY r = r*b_screenX b = b*b_screenY end local type,att1,att2,att3,att4,att5 = self:type() if type == "border" or type == "stroke" then att2 = att2 or 0 att3 = att3 or 0 att4 = att4 or 0 att5 = att5 or self.tColor[4] outlinesize = att1 or 2 if outlinesize > 0 then for offsetX=-outlinesize,outlinesize,outlinesize do for offsetY=-outlinesize,outlinesize,outlinesize do if not (offsetX == 0 and offsetY == 0) then dxDrawText(self.strText:gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x', ''), l + offsetX, t + offsetY, r + offsetX, b + offsetY, tocolor(att2, att3, att4, att5), self.fScale, self.strFont, self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign, self.bClip, self.bWordWrap, self.bPostGUI, true) end end end
  15. You are also able to rotate text
  16. Adding Skype to MTA is already possible through sockets, unfortunately no one is skilled enough to attempt it.
  17. Hello Wesley, I am interested, I have added you on Skype. I have a few other questions after that.
  18. Linkin, I feel like you have not received much help from Solidsnake, this is pretty basic though: Change you're map name to: g_dxGUI.mapdisplay:text("Map: #ffffff"..g_MapInfo.name) ^^ Replace the #ffffff with what ever color, find them at colorpicker.com Change textlib.lua to: dxText = {} dxText_mt = { __index = dxText } local idAssign,idPrefix = 0,"c" local g_screenX,g_screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local visibleText = {} ------ defaults = { fX = 0.5, fY = 0.5, bRelativePosition = true, strText = "", bVerticalAlign = "center", bHorizontalAlign = "center", tColor = {255,255,255,255}, fScale = 1, strFont = "default", strType = "normal", tAttributes = {}, bPostGUI = false, bClip = false, bWordWrap = true, bVisible = true, tBoundingBox = false, --If a bounding box is not set, it will not be used. bRelativeBoundingBox = true, } local validFonts = { default = true, ["default-bold"] = true, clear = true, arial = true, pricedown = true, bankgothic = true, diploma = true, beckett = true, } local validTypes = { normal = true, shadow = true, border = true, stroke = true, --Clone of border } local validAlignTypes = { center = true, left = true, right = true, } function dxText:create( text, x, y, relative, strFont, fScale, horzA ) assert(not self.fX, "attempt to call method 'create' (a nil value)") if ( type(text) ~= "string" ) or ( not tonumber(x) ) or ( not tonumber(y) ) then outputDebugString ( "dxText:create - Bad argument", 0, 112, 112, 112 ) return false end local new = {} setmetatable( new, dxText_mt ) --Add default settings for i,v in pairs(defaults) do new[i] = v end idAssign = idAssign + 1 new.id = idPrefix..idAssign new.strText = text or new.strText new.fX = x or new.fX new.fY = y or new.fY if type(relative) == "boolean" then new.bRelativePosition = relative end new:scale( fScale or new.fScale ) new:font( strFont or new.strFont ) new:align( horzA or new.bHorizontalAlign ) visibleText[new] = true return new end function dxText:text(text) if type(text) ~= "string" then return self.strText end self.strText = text return true end function dxText:position(x,y,relative) if not tonumber(x) then return self.fX, self.fY end self.fX = x self.fY = y if type(relative) == "boolean" then self.bRelativePosition = relative else self.bRelativePosition = true end return true end function dxText:color(r,g,b,a) if not tonumber(r) then return unpack(self.tColor) end g = g or self.tColor[2] b = b or self.tColor[3] a = a or self.tColor[4] self.tColor = { r,g,b,a } return true end function dxText:scale(scale) if not tonumber(scale) then return self.fScale end self.fScale = scale return true end function dxText:visible(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bVisible end if self.bVisible == bool then return end self.bVisible = bool if bool then visibleText[self] = true else visibleText[self] = nil end return true end function dxText:destroy() self.bDestroyed = true setmetatable( self, self ) return true end function dxText:font(font) if not validFonts[font] then return self.strFont end self.strFont = font return true end function dxText:postGUI(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bPostGUI end self.bPostGUI = bool return true end function dxText:clip(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bClip end self.bClip = bool return true end function dxText:wordWrap(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bWordWrap end self.bWordWrap = bool return true end function dxText:type(type,...) if not validTypes[type] then return self.strType, unpack(self.tAttributes) end self.strType = type self.tAttributes = {...} return true end function dxText:align(horzA, vertA) if not validAlignTypes[horzA] then return self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign end vertA = vertA or self.bVerticalAlign self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign = horzA, vertA return true end function dxText:boundingBox(left,top,right,bottom,relative) if left == nil then if self.tBoundingBox then return unpack(boundingBox) else return false end elseif tonumber(left) and tonumber(right) and tonumber(top) and tonumber(bottom) then self.tBoundingBox = {left,top,right,bottom} if type(relative) == "boolean" then self.bRelativeBoundingBox = relative else self.bRelativeBoundingBox = true end else self.tBoundingBox = false end return true end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), function() for self,_ in pairs(visibleText) do while true do if self.bDestroyed then visibleText[self] = nil break end if self.tColor[4] < 1 then break end local l,t,r,b --If we arent using a bounding box if not self.tBoundingBox then --Decide if we use relative or absolute local p_screenX,p_screenY = 1,1 if self.bRelativePosition then p_screenX,p_screenY = g_screenX,g_screenY end local fX,fY = (self.fX)*p_screenX,(self.fY)*p_screenY if self.bHorizontalAlign == "left" then l = fX r = fX + g_screenX elseif self.bHorizontalAlign == "right" then l = fX - g_screenX r = fX else l = fX - g_screenX r = fX + g_screenX end if self.bVerticalAlign == "top" then t = fY b = fY + g_screenY elseif self.bVerticalAlign == "bottom" then t = fY - g_screenY b = fY else t = fY - g_screenY b = fY + g_screenY end elseif type(self.tBoundingBox) == "table" then local b_screenX,b_screenY = 1,1 if self.bRelativeBoundingBox then b_screenX,b_screenY = g_screenX,g_screenY end l,t,r,b = self.tBoundingBox[1],self.tBoundingBox[2],self.tBoundingBox[3],self.tBoundingBox[4] l = l*b_screenX t = t*b_screenY r = r*b_screenX b = b*b_screenY end local type,att1,att2,att3,att4,att5 = self:type() if type == "border" or type == "stroke" then att2 = att2 or 0 att3 = att3 or 0 att4 = att4 or 0 att5 = att5 or self.tColor[4] outlinesize = att1 or 2 if outlinesize > 0 then for offsetX=-outlinesize,outlinesize,outlinesize do for offsetY=-outlinesize,outlinesize,outlinesize do if not (offsetX == 0 and offsetY == 0) then dxDrawText(self.strText, l + offsetX, t + offsetY, r + offsetX, b + offsetY, tocolor(att2, att3, att4, att5), self.fScale, self.strFont, self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign, self.bClip, self.bWordWrap, self.bPostGUI, true) end end end
  19. Please keep in mind Lua is CASE sensitive, your addEventHandler was AddEventHandler, please look more carefully next time: GUIEditor = { button = {}, window = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(352, 162, 472, 470, "Silah Paneli FULL Coded by Eded", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(17, 44, 429, 46, "Silah Paneli", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "sa-header") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 25, 246, -- s8) --> guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center", false) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(43, 151, 371, 116, "", false, GUIEditor.label[1]) GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(137, 100, 185, 48, "By Eded", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[3], "sa-header") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[3], 25, 246, -- s8) --> GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(17, 190, 116, 39, "AK - 47", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(176, 190, 116, 39, "M4", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[3] = guiCreateButton(336, 190, 116, 39, "UZI", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[4] = guiCreateButton(17, 261, 116, 39, "TEC-9", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[5] = guiCreateButton(176, 261, 116, 39, "Susturucu Pistol", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[6] = guiCreateButton(336, 261, 116, 39, "Pistol", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[7] = guiCreateButton(17, 332, 116, 39, "SPAS-12", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[8] = guiCreateButton(176, 332, 116, 39, "Sawnoff Shotgun", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[9] = guiCreateButton(336, 332, 116, 39, "Shotgun", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[10] = guiCreateButton(17, 400, 116, 39, "Desert Eagle", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[11] = guiCreateButton(176, 400, 116, 39, "MP5", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[12] = guiCreateButton(336, 400, 116, 39, "Sniper Riffle", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[13] = guiCreateButton(17, 94, 91, 86, "Can", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[13], "sa-header") GUIEditor.button[14] = guiCreateButton(361, 90, 91, 86, "Zirh", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[14], "sa-header") GUIEditor.label[4] = guiCreateLabel(156, 446, 306, 14, "Silah Paneli by Eded TurkishCity Freeroam 2012-2013", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[4], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[4], 2, 2, 251) GUIEditor.button[15] = guiCreateButton(127, 152, 216, 28, "KAPAT / QUIT / F2", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) addEventHandler ("OnClientGUIClick",silah, silahh, false ) bindKey ( "F2", "down", GUI ) end ) function GUI() local status = not guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1]) showCursor(status) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], status) end
  20. You are welcome John! If you ever need a paid scripter, just add me on skype: chrisinater22.
  21. Hello John! The current script will only work on the server side: local mRed = 255 local mGreen = 255 local mBlue = 255 local theMessages = { 'Message 1', 'Message 2', 'Message 3', 'Message 4', 'Message 5', 'Message 6' } addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() setTimer(outputChatBox, 300000, 0, theMessages[math.random(#theMessages)], localPlayer, mRed, mGreen, mBlue, true) end ) If you want to use this client sided change line 16 to: setTimer(outputChatBox, 300000, 0, theMessages[math.random(#theMessages)], mRed, mGreen, mBlue, true) Enjoy, please learn from it.
  22. I might be interested, add me on skype: chrisinater22, we will chat there.
  23. D&G, add me on skype and we can talk a bit more about your script that you want made. Skype: chrisinater22
  24. Your welcome, I also made a PHP version, it's best used for SMF, i'm not sure how it will work with other website software: <?php function checkPasswordType($dbPassword, $checkPassword) { $dbPassword = strtoupper($dbPassword); $theHash = substr($dbPassword, 0, 64); $theType = substr($dbPassword, 64, 1); $theSalt = substr($dbPassword, -32); if (strcmp($theType, '0') == 0) { $theCheckHash = strtoupper(hash('sha256', $theSalt.$checkPassword).$theType.$theSalt); if ($theCheckHash == $dbPassword) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { return 3; } } echo checkPasswordType("ffff", 'Password'); ?> if it returns 1 it means that it's definitely a MTA style password and they DO match. if it returns 2 it means that it's definitely a MTA style password and they do NOT match. if it returns 3 it means that it's definitely NOT a MTA style password.
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