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Everything posted by rtx

  1. You could do this: -- create a table peds = { ped1 = createPed.., ped2 = createPed.. } -- set their animations here or in the loop below if they're to be set the same animation -- .. function handlePedDamage () cancelEvent () end for k, v in pairs ( peds ) do setElementInterior ( v, .. ) setElementDimension ( v, .. ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPedDamage", v, handlePedDamage, false ) end
  2. local ind1, ind2 = math.random(1,#itemTable.Loot), math.random(1,#itemTable.Loot) if ind1 == ind2 then if ind1 == 1 then ind1 = math.random(2,#itemTable.Loot) elseif ind1 == #itemTable.Loot then ind1 = math.random(1,#itemTable.Loot-1) else ind1 = math.random (0,1) == 1 and math.random(1,ind2-1) or math.random(ind2+1,#itemTable.Loot) end end -- then use itemTable.Loot[ind1][1] itemTable.Loot[ind2][1]
  3. This will return a table as I said, so if you want to retrieve the 'Item..' string use the index on the result. itemTable.Loot[math.random(1,#itemTable.Loot)][1] -- like so
  4. itemTable.Loot[math.random(1,#itemTable.Loot)] This will return a 'Loot' table, so 'result[1]' would be "ItemX"
  5. rtx

    Image placing

    You need to work on the positioning. Could you post the code here? -- it should be something like this local imgWidth, imgHeight = 200, 150 guiCreateStaticImage ( x - imgWidth, 100, imgWidth, imgHeight, "logo1.png", false ) If the text above the image is relative to the screen size, you need to account for that. Alternatively you can also make the image relative to its parent.
  6. Typo @ line 51 - bindKey("i","down","visbility") Also remove the 'onClientPlayerJoin' event handler because it's being triggered everytime a player, other than the local player, joins the server.
  7. I believe that what you're looking for is a Weapon Skill
  8. rtx


    Glad I could help. : )
  9. rtx


    ^ That is correct indeed. local countries = { [ "TN" ] = true } local serials = { [ "" ] = true } function paises () local gCountry = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry ( source ) or "N/A" if ( countries [gCountry] ) then outputChatBox("#FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).."#FF0000has been banned by the server. #FFFFFF[Reason : Tunisia is Banned.]", root, 255,255,255,true) banPlayer(source,true,false,true,"Console","Tunisia is Banned.",0) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), paises )
  10. rtx


    local countries = { [ "TN" ] = true } local serials = { [ "" ] = true } function paises () local gCountry = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry ( source ) or "N/A" if ( countries [gCountry] ) then banPlayer(source,true,false,true,"Console","Tunisia is Banned.",0) outputChatBox("#FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).."#FF0000has been banned by the server. #FFFFFF[Reason : Tunisia is Banned.]", root, 255,255,255,true) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), paises )
  11. This looks interesting. Perhaps a brighter road texture would look better.
  12. rtx

    TIM3's Maps !

    Hai guys! Im gonna show you some of my maps here :] Here's my new map: v51 - Well, im way to lazy to post them all here ! So if you like this map just check my Youtube account :] https://www.youtube.com/user/escondidooo + My maps are EPG only :] + You might wanna see us so, check our clan website at http://www.team-epg.com Have fun !
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