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Everything posted by Tommeh

  1. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
  2. Tommeh

    Need a host

    https://www.serverffs.com/paymentmethods/ Serverffs doesn't support onebip, but they support SMS payments. Though their SMS service is quite expensive.
  3. Track the zombie movement, if it doesn't get any closer to the player in certain amount of time like 5 seconds check if the line of sight is clear https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsLineOfSightClear If it is not clear force the zombie to check which side is better to avoid the object from, see how much free space you got on each sides, left and right. In you picture there is more space on left so zombie goes there and gets around the box. Just force the zombie to go left untill it can get closer to the player again. Not the best method but should work I used the same method in my A.I. Snake to make it avoid itself. http://tg-mta.net/snakeyT/snake.html
  4. Freaking awesome map! May I have your skype?
  5. Never heard of it, but their site looks professional and didn't find any bad reviews.
  6. Create a FTP account and use filezilla to upload your files.
  7. What do you need a server for exactly?
  8. Check your spambox. If that won't work jsut register a new email somewhere like hotmail.com or gmail.com If those won't work ether I believe serverffs.com is being troubled as their system is barely being monitored.
  9. You should really have a possibility to choose as many player slots as you want. What is the idea of having one stock package of 100 players?
  10. https://www.serverffs.com/free/ There you can get a free server for a couple of hours, but I believe you can't get one free for months to come.
  11. DomVPS.com is the cheapest VPS provider around here (excluding all scam providers). They have good connectivity and I believe you can afford the domRam1024 package so the system specs won't be a problem.
  12. I'd like to point out that even when No1Servers couldn't bare with the DDoS attacks they were receiving they we're doing very well by refunding people for their gameservers. No1Servers was not a scam company at all.. On the topic itself: When someone is hosting a server for you (ex. a company) they are giving you access to the server files of yours and they give you an account to a game control panel or something similar that alloows you to start/stop, update and up-/downgrade your server, depending on the company ofcourse as everyone of them have their own panel. The amount you have to pay depends alot on the player amount you want to have on your server. Most of the companies are usually selling slots for around 0.10-0.20€ A few options for companies hosting your server: www.og-servers.net (Don't have personal experience) www.serverffs.com (Very good pings and low prices, but no support and very low CPU usage limit) www.busign.nl (Good customer service with low prices, hosted on very strong machines, but I'm not sure if they offer game hosting atm)
  13. Tommeh

    Server list spam

    There is a couple of server copying our servers tag to get some popularity to their own servers. Here is a list of IP's: mtasa:// mtasa:// mtasa:// mtasa:// mtasa:// I hope someone can do something about it.
  14. Didn't get the point of it honestly.
  15. Well that contrast shader is pretty heavy then I guess. Anyway the carsounds are pretty amazing, didn't think that would be possible without modding GTA.
  16. You should probably post some of your scripts for showing your scripting talent. That would allow people to see that you are capable of making the server resources.
  17. It would be nice if you added the possibility to paint the cars secondary colour also
  18. Do these shaders give any FPS drops? If they do, how much?
  19. I just wanted to ask, how can you know that he didn't model the car himself? To me the vehicle seems pretty much different from the in-game one. Just check this one out, there you have some hardstyle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFODHMVS_L0
  20. Tommeh


    IIkalla ei oo mielikuvitusta
  21. Well I upgraded the server to 1.1, but I'm still encountering the same error. Though now SOME of the compiled scripts are working, but that is really rare. Any other suggestions? The OS is Debian.
  22. Hello, I'm having a little problem with running compiled scripts on a 1.0.5 version MTA server. I was wondering if anyone else in here is having this same problem. So when I run a script, any script, it runs just perfectly, but when I run the same script as compiled I get an error at the starting of the script. I've tried many compiled scripts which I know have been properly compiled and functional, but all of them give me this error. the error seems to occure from server & client side. the error codes vary between these two: block size too big, unexpected end of stream. Any ideas on what I should do as an attempt to fix this?
  23. Well I have a server running on linux debian 5 32-bits and I have started to have an issua that is making me helpless. So when I start server I use screen. Server starts fine and runs good for an random set of time and suddenly all players start timing out. When I return to the SSH and look at the console there seems to be nothing. I can do anything that console is supposed to and the console shows players in the server, still players have timed out for real. sver [17:59:52] MTA:SA Server v1.0.4-release-2106 Any ideas?
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