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Everything posted by Renkon

  1. No Problem Remember that do make a Water quadrant you have to add, first, SW, then SE, then NW and finally NE by coordinates. That's why it wasn't working.
  2. Then it means that "young" object isn't created correctly. We are going straight to fix the problem. Try this: addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(),function() local young = createWater( 247.81484985352, 101.0810546875, 1026.5515136719, 267.58340454102, 101.59375, 1026.5515136719, 247.84414672852, 111.6982421875, 1026.5440673828, 266.61758422852, 111.638671875, 1026.5515136719 ) if young then setElementInterior( young, 6 ) setElementDimension( young, 9 ) else outputChatBox("error at creating water", 255, 255, 255, true) end end) Tell me whether it works or not again. Thanks
  3. addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(),function() local young = createWater( 267.58340454102, 101.59375, 1026.5515136719, 247.81484985352, 101.0810546875, 1026.5515136719, 247.84414672852, 111.6982421875, 1026.5440673828, 266.61758422852, 111.638671875, 1026.5515136719 ) if young then setElementInterior( young, 6 ) setElementDimension( young, 9 ) else outputChatBox("error at creating water", 255, 255, 255, true) end end)
  4. Podrías crear otro GUI en la misma función que tenga otro parent (la otra ventana). Te recomeindo el guieditor para eso.
  5. Water will be invisible at interiors unluckily. But there's some object that looks like water, and you can "try" to make it look like it were real water. But actually, there's no way to have visible water. Only invisbile. You would be swimming like if you were flying
  6. takeWeapon Funciona solo para servidor esa función. Simplemente en el meta, en ves de type client pone type server & listo
  7. Renkon

    Unas dudas

    onPlayerJoin es server Side, no podes usar localPlayer en ese caso. Tiene que ser asi para el caso : addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) local x, y, z, lx, ly, lz, wex, wey = getCameraMatrix( source) setCameraMatrix ( source, x, y, z, lx, ly, lz, wex, wey ) end ) Ahhm, bueno. Lo unico, recuerda que CAMERA MATRIX utiliza OCHO variables no SEIS como habías intentado antes. siempre el WIKI te ayuda en mucho. De hecho, lo arreglé por eso. Sólo que usé localPlayer y estoy errado.
  8. local coche1 = createVehicle ( vehicleID, x, y, z, rotX, rotY, rotZ ) local coche2 = createVehicle ( vehicleID, x, y, z, rotX, rotY, rotZ ) local coche3 = createVehicle ( vehicleID, x, y, z, rotX, rotY, rotZ ) local coche4 = createVehicle ( vehicleID, x, y, z, rotX, rotY, rotZ ) function vehiculosbloq (source) local team = getPlayerTeam (player) local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( source ) if team == "MCC" then if coche1 then setVehicleLocked (coche1, true) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ) .. " No puedes entrar a este vehiculo , es privado de los: " .. getTeamName ( playerTeam ) , 255,0,0) elseif coche2 then setVehicleLocked (coche2, false) elseif coche3 then setVehicleLocked (coche3, true) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ) .. " No puedes entrar a este vehiculo , es privado de los: " .. getTeamName ( playerTeam ) , 255,0,0) elseif coche4 then setVehicleLocked (coche4, false) end elseif team == "ALFA" then if coche1 then setVehicleLocked (coche1, false) elseif coche2 then setVehicleLocked (coche2, true) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ) .. " No puedes entrar a este vehiculo , es privado de los: " .. getTeamName ( playerTeam ) , 255,0,0) elseif coche3 then setVehicleLocked (coche3, false) elseif coche4 then setVehicleLocked (coche4, true) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ) .. " No puedes entrar a este vehiculo , es privado de los: " .. getTeamName ( playerTeam ) , 255,0,0) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), vehiculosbloqs )
  9. Solo que creo que en vez de usar un =, deberías usar = y sería team, no Team.
  10. Y cuanto más teams, debes hacer lo mismo, solo poniendo false en sus respectivos coches. Para mas información podés ir a SetVehicleLocked en la wiki.
  11. Podrías usar un if, y elseifs mostrando si el jugador es del team X. Entonces, la lista de coches de tu gamemode, puedes usar -- Team 1 if coche1 then setVehicleLocked (coche1, true) elseif coche2 then setVehicleLocked (coche2, false) elseif coche3 then setVehicleLocked (coche3, true) elseif coche4 then setVehicleLocked (coche4, false) end -- Team 2 if coche1 then setVehicleLocked (coche1, false) elseif coche2 then setVehicleLocked (coche2, true) elseif coche3 then setVehicleLocked (coche3, false) elseif coche4 then setVehicleLocked (coche4, true) end Notando que coche1 es del team Y. Y desde mi punto de vista, podrías hacer esto para todos los vehículos de cada team. Poniendo por cada coche, un elseif. Una vez hechos todos los elseif del team 1, haz lo mismo con el team 2 invirtiendo los bool
  12. Renkon

    Unas dudas

    addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) local x, y, z, lx, ly, lz, wex, wey = getCameraMatrix( localPlayer ) setCameraMatrix ( localPlayer, x, y, z, lx, ly, lz, wex, wey ) end ) Eso querés?
  13. Thanks for replying. I will see if someone else knows anythinga bout this and after that, I will ask you to close this topic :3
  14. Hey guys. I came here with a little issue. We have got determinated skin slots (like 300, or something like that). K, that sounds fine. My question is, is it possible to MULTIPLY the number of slots, to make some more modified?. I mean, for example, 300 normal and 300 modified skins. Please reply, and say everything you know about this! And if this is possible, at least tell me if it worked for you. Cheers
  15. Renkon

    Pro Shader

    Hello! St3reo allowed me to post the code. No need to say this is done by him, and I'd recommend you to keep author and name like the same, but you can modify size and all that function box() showCursor(true) local sWidth, sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local Width,Height = 330,250 local X = (sWidth/2) - (Width/2) local Y = (sHeight/2) - (Height/2) bigWindow = guiCreateWindow(X,Y,Width,Height,"",false) guiWindowSetMovable(bigWindow,false) guiWindowSetSizable(bigWindow,false) guiSetAlpha(bigWindow,0.-- s8) --> botton1 = guiCreateButton(48,70,232,45,"",false,bigWindow) guiSetAlpha(botton1,0) guiSetProperty(botton1,"AlwaysOnTop","true") botton2 = guiCreateButton(49,130,232,45,"",false,bigWindow) guiSetAlpha(botton2,0) guiSetProperty(botton2,"AlwaysOnTop","true") botton3 = guiCreateButton(143,210,46,20,"",false,bigWindow) guiSetAlpha(botton3,0) guiSetProperty(botton3,"AlwaysOnTop","true") imagePanel = guiCreateStaticImage(11,22,310,219,"img/ShaderPanel.png",false,bigWindow) guiMoveToBack (imagePanel , true) guiSetEnabled ( imagePanel, false ) guiSetAlpha(imagePanel,0.9) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),box) function onGuiClick (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if (source == botton1) then setTimer ( enableWater, 50,1) destroyElement(botton1) destroyElement(waterImage) elseif (source == botton2) then setTimer ( enableVehicle, 50,1) destroyElement(botton2) destroyElement(vehicleImage) elseif (source == botton3) then destroyElement(bigWindow) showCursor(false) end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), onGuiClick) function onGuiMouse (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if (source == botton1) then waterImage = guiCreateStaticImage(11,22,310,219,"img/EnableWater.png",false,bigWindow) elseif (source == botton2) then vehicleImage = guiCreateStaticImage(11,22,310,219,"img/EnableVehicle.png",false,bigWindow) elseif (source == botton3) then closeImage = guiCreateStaticImage(11,22,310,219,"img/CloseButton.png",false,bigWindow) end end addEventHandler ("onClientMouseEnter", getRootElement(), onGuiMouse) function onGuiLeave (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if (source == botton1) then destroyElement (waterImage) elseif (source == botton2) then destroyElement (vehicleImage) elseif (source == botton3) then destroyElement (closeImage) end end addEventHandler ("onClientMouseLeave", getRootElement(), onGuiLeave) local rootElement = getRootElement() function enableWater() local myShader = dxCreateShader ( "effect/water.fx" ) local textureVol = dxCreateTexture ( "img/smallnoise3d.dds" ); local textureCube = dxCreateTexture ( "img/cube_env256.dds" ); dxSetShaderValue ( myShader, "microflakeNMapVol_Tex", textureVol ); dxSetShaderValue ( myShader, "showroomMapCube_Tex", textureCube ); engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( myShader, "waterclear256" ) setTimer( function() if myShader then local r,g,b,a = getWaterColor() dxSetShaderValue ( myShader, "gWaterColor", r/255, g/255, b/255, a/255 ); end end ,100,0 ) end function enableVehicle() local myShader = dxCreateShader ( "effect/car_paint.fx" ) local textureVol = dxCreateTexture ( "img/smallnoise3d.dds" ); local textureCube = dxCreateTexture ( "img/cube_env256.dds" ); dxSetShaderValue ( myShader, "microflakeNMapVol_Tex", textureVol ); dxSetShaderValue ( myShader, "showroomMapCube_Tex", textureCube ); engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( myShader, "vehiclegrunge256" ) end function creditHunterix () outputChatBox ( 'PRO|Shader Panel By PRO|Hunterix', source, 255, 89, 0, true) outputChatBox ( 'PRO|Race Server 24/7 1.1', source, 255, 89, 0, true) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), creditHunterix)
  16. Renkon

    Pro Shader

    I will ask my friend St3reo if he can..
  17. Hi guys, as most people that knows me may know, I'm totally newbie into MTA Scripting world. After being taught a little bit by a friend, he made me an exercise that I had to do. I had to re-make Nitro Shader by NeXTreme, into a GUI script. After three hours and a half, helping myself by MTA Wiki and original script (and debugscripter) I could finish this. I must also thank Council for replying my issues and Speed for giving me the resources to do this possible. Since it's my first script, It may be shitty, but at least, it works!. Type /nitro to start I just will let you a pic here of it, and a download link here And to be honest, changing it from command to GUI, was made 95% by me. I just got a help by Council, to make scrollbars get the same as when you closed them, because I wasn't able to do it Without much more, here you have got link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=3950 Cheers, and I hope this will be the first of many more scripts PS: Easter egg, TROLLFACE ps2: You can easily edit "© DDC Series" and all that stuff, since I decided that you can do whatever you want with this
  18. Hey. How to make a map for BASEMODE.. What should I have? I dont have BASEMODE definition
  19. Renkon

    Basemode Definition

    But you know, I am not sure.. It looks exactly like Stealth, but here somebody said it isnt'... so..
  20. Renkon

    Basemode Definition

    Please help me.. Don't take this out
  21. Renkon

    Basemode Definition

    So.. how to make a Basemode map... if Basemode definition doesn't appear then.?
  22. Renkon

    Basemode Definition

    Well, this is my first topic in MTA Forum I'd like to know something. In mapeditor, there isn't a definition called 'BASEMODE'. There is an 'STEALTH' oe. So, my question is. Is STEALTH the same as BASEMODE? Thanks.
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