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Everything posted by ajacob112

  1. How do i set users with permission in acl like map editor etc, need for offedit ,like is it
  2. right so um. cars keep randomly blowing up.. i tried many fixes but i cant figure it out, if anyone knows how to fx it itd be amazing, i seen some servers have it fixed but idk how, is there anything i can do? i mean it didnt do this on 1.05, Is there a check i could do for if the vehicle is unoccupied it cant blow up or something? I have no idea how to fix this i tried one way if not getVehicleOccupant(vehicle) then blowVehicle(vehicle) else and that didnt work, then i replaced that with addEventHandler ("onVehicleDamage", getRootElement(), function () if not getVehicleOccupants ( source ) then cancelEvent() end end ) Didnt work I timed it out, it seems they blow up every 10 mins on the mark and sometimes a small handful of vehicles dont blow up, the script where it spawns shows me a mysql table that it loads from i have no timer set for 10 minutes on anything, its not a progressive damage either like it catches on fire, they just blow up instantaneously, Like if you were to satchel a car with 10 satchels then blow it, It just blows up, no fire
  3. I timed it out, it seems they blow up every 10 mins on the mark and sometimes a small handful of vehicles dont blow up, the script where it spawns shows me a mysql table that it loads from i have no timer set for 10 minutes on anything, its not a progressive damage either like it catches on fire, they just blow up instantaneously, Like if you were to satchel a car with 10 satchels then blow it, It just blows up, no fire Added: there is no onresourcestart for spawning the vehicles, just mysql = exports.mysql , All vehicles save into a table, I timed it out and they blow up on a exact time, 10 minutes to every explosion
  4. i took out both of those blowvehicle's it worked for about 30 min then they blew up again
  5. exports.global:sendLocalMeAction(source, "attempts to start the engine but fails.") outputChatBox("The engine is broken.", source) elseif exports.global:hasItem(veh, 74) then while exports.global:hasItem(veh, 74) do exports.global:takeItem(veh, 74) end blowVehicle(veh) elseif fuel >= 1 then function doBreakdown() if exports.global:hasItem(source, 74) then while exports.global:hasItem(source, 74) do exports.global:takeItem(source, 74) end blowVehicle(source) else are the only 2 things in vehicle-system with the blowvehicle function
  6. is there anything i can do? i mean it didnt do this on 1.05, Is there a check i could do for if the vehicle is unoccupied it cant blow up or something? I have no idea how to fix this i tried one way if not getVehicleOccupant(vehicle) then blowVehicle(vehicle) else and that didnt work,
  7. right so um. cars keep randomly blowing up.. i tried many fixes but i cant figure it out, if anyone knows how to fx it itd be amazing, i seen some servers have it fixed but idk how
  8. No script does that, its some odd 1.1 bug
  9. Hello , So im running a server on 1.1 but i have a small issue , all unoccupied cars blow up randomly every minute or so , Can someone tell me a check to put into my vehicle system script that all unoccupied cars dont blow up? Itd be much appreciated
  10. Horrible Experience with them. They dont read tickets. Ive had one open for a week now . Customer service is almost never online and then they are they cant do what you want. You gotta delete Every single file bit by bit. By going into the folder and deleting em 1by 1 , What if one of your scripts has multiple lua files? you gotta delete them 1 by 1. Scripts that work on Our local server etc dont work on theirs, Such as we couldnt kick or ban people , yet with the same exact scripts on our LS we could. They're a bit over priced compared to Delux Hosting . You have to copy files off the dedi , You cant edit them right on there because itll bug them up. They DO NOT set up your server. NONE of the .so files that you need with a linux server come with it. My friend with ServerFFS had to get his Setup files copied and SEND ME THEM. /Donotbuy.
  11. Callum. You stole that forum avatar from rockstar. /gg
  12. ajacob112


    Yeah my dedis been wierd recently , I wasnt able to get the server even on for days, just got it up today and admin shit isnt working. But even my console on the hosting site wont update so i cant get debug
  13. ajacob112


    Not loading the resource , added it to the dedi when i try to start it it doesnt start
  14. ajacob112


    So,. My server being just about done we uploaded everything to the dedi , And most works fine except..: My ban script doesnt seem to be working... If i /pban someone it outputs it in chatbox but it doesnt kick them , Also when they try to come ingame it doesnt block them , it basically only bans the account , Would anyone happen to have a ban AND Kick script i could have? (Kick doesnt remove them from the server like it should) I can trade you a fully button based basketball script Or whatever else. Im sure we can come to a deal. I dont need anything other than kicking banning and unbanning. (basically /ban /kick /unban and the value for unban could be their ip instead of name.)
  15. got script to start , now getting this: 2011-07-03 06:08:51] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value) [2011-07-03 06:08:51] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query_fetch_assoc' [string "?"] [2011-07-03 06:09:51] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value) [2011-07-03 06:09:51] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query_fetch_assoc' [string "?"] [2011-07-03 06:10:51] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value) [2011-07-03 06:10:51] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query_fetch_assoc' [string "?"] [2011-07-03 06:11:51] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value) [2011-07-03 06:11:51] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query_fetch_assoc' [string "?"] [2011-07-03 06:12:51] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value) [2011-07-03 06:12:51] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query_fetch_assoc' [string "?"]
  16. So for a week a server i've had was ran on my computer for scripting purposes. Now we moved over to cloud hosting with the mysql , Which is a linux server . My comps a windows server. And it is failing to load the mysql Resource...what could be the issue?
  17. You can repost if its for an update, Not if your changing something in the original Onto the next. UPDATE: I've rescripted the cardealership and found out the 911 is a bug within the MySQL as we haven't set police radio channels to distribute on We're gonna leave garages out for now (Unless anyone wants to take up the offer on making those) Got our superman script (Wasnt running on server startup , Derp mode right there) All we basically need is garage and i need to know how do i add customized interiors into a place and how do i MAKE custom interiors.
  18. So.. I got a bit of a bugged script. Its a "elevator script" Basically 2 points , Point a and point b that once you go into it it teleports you else where . We use this in our server to TP cars into garage interiors . The scripts a bit long but some help would be really nice as a friend said to me the script has a massive bug in it that could fuck up a whole server . mysql = exports.mysql addEvent("onPlayerInteriorChange", true) function createElevator(thePlayer, commandName, interior, dimension, ix, iy, iz) if (exports.global:isPlayerSuperAdmin(thePlayer)) then if not (interior) or not (dimension) or not (ix) or not (iy) or not (iz) then outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [interior ID] [Dimension ID] [X] [Y] [Z]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) else local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) interior = tonumber(interior) dimension = tonumber(dimension) local interiorwithin = getElementInterior(thePlayer) local dimensionwithin = getElementDimension(thePlayer) ix = tonumber(ix) iy = tonumber(iy) iz = tonumber(iz) id = SmallestElevatorID() if id then local query = mysql:query_free("INSERT INTO elevators SET id='" .. mysql:escape_string(id) .. "', x='" .. mysql:escape_string(x) .. "', y='" .. mysql:escape_string(y) .. "', z='" .. mysql:escape_string(z) .. "', tpx='" .. mysql:escape_string(ix) .. "', tpy='" .. mysql:escape_string(iy) .. "', tpz='" .. mysql:escape_string(iz) .. "', dimensionwithin='" .. mysql:escape_string(dimensionwithin) .. "', interiorwithin='" .. mysql:escape_string(interiorwithin) .. "', dimension='" .. mysql:escape_string(dimension) .. "', interior='" .. mysql:escape_string(interior) .. "'") if (query) then local pickup = createPickup(x, y, z, 3, 1318) exports.pool:allocateElement(pickup) local intpickup = createPickup(ix, iy, iz, 3, 1318) exports.pool:allocateElement(intpickup) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pickup, "dbid", id, false) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pickup, "other", intpickup) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pickup, "car", 0, false) setElementInterior(pickup, interiorwithin) setElementDimension(pickup, dimensionwithin) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(intpickup, "dbid", id, false) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(intpickup, "other", pickup) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(intpickup, "car", 0, false) setElementInterior(intpickup, interior) setElementDimension(intpickup, dimension) outputChatBox("Elevator created with ID #" .. id .. "!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) end else outputChatBox("There was an error while creating an elevator. Try again.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end end end addCommandHandler("addelevator", createElevator, false, false) function loadAllElevators(res) local result = mysql:query("SELECT id, x, y, z, tpx, tpy, tpz, dimensionwithin, interiorwithin, dimension, interior, car, disabled FROM elevators") local counter = 0 if (result) then while true do local row = mysql:fetch_assoc(result) if not row then break end local id = tonumber(row["id"]) local x = tonumber(row["x"]) local y = tonumber(row["y"]) local z = tonumber(row["z"]) local ix = tonumber(row["tpx"]) local iy = tonumber(row["tpy"]) local iz = tonumber(row["tpz"]) local dimensionwithin = tonumber(row["dimensionwithin"]) local interiorwithin = tonumber(row["interiorwithin"]) local dimension = tonumber(row["dimension"]) local interior = tonumber(row["interior"]) local car = tonumber(row["car"]) local disabled = tonumber(row["disabled"]) local pickup = createPickup(x, y, z, 3, disabled == 1 and 1314 or 1318) exports.pool:allocateElement(pickup) local intpickup = createPickup(ix, iy, iz, 3, disabled == 1 and 1314 or 1318) exports.pool:allocateElement(intpickup) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pickup, "dbid", id, false) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pickup, "other", intpickup) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pickup, "car", car, false) setElementInterior(pickup, interiorwithin) setElementDimension(pickup, dimensionwithin) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(intpickup, "dbid", id, false) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(intpickup, "other", pickup) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(intpickup, "car", car, false) setElementInterior(intpickup, interior) setElementDimension(intpickup, dimension) counter = counter + 1 end mysql:free_result(result) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), loadAllElevators) function hitInteriorPickup( thePlayer ) local pickuptype = getElementData(source, "type") local pdimension = getElementDimension(thePlayer) local idimension = getElementDimension(source) if pdimension == idimension then -- same dimension? local dbid, thePickup, theExit = call( getResourceFromName( "interior-system" ), "findProperty", player, getElementDimension( getElementData( source, "other" ) ) ) if thePickup and getElementDimension( thePickup ) ~= getElementDimension( theExit ) then local name = getElementData( thePickup, "name" ) if name then local owner = getElementData( thePickup, "owner" ) local cost = getElementData( thePickup, "cost" ) local ownerName = exports['cache']:getCharacterName( owner ) or "None" triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "displayInteriorName", thePlayer, name, ownerName, getElementData( thePickup, "inttype" ), cost, getElementData( thePickup, "fee" ) ) end end bindKeys( thePlayer, source ) setTimer( checkLeavePickup, 500, 1, thePlayer, source ) end cancelEvent() end addEventHandler("onPickupHit", getResourceRootElement(), hitInteriorPickup) function isInPickup( thePlayer, thePickup, distance ) local ax, ay, az = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local bx, by, bz = getElementPosition(thePickup) return getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz) < ( distance or 2 ) and getElementInterior(thePlayer) == getElementInterior(thePickup) and getElementDimension(thePlayer) == getElementDimension(thePickup) end function checkLeavePickup( thePlayer, thePickup ) if isElement( thePlayer ) then if isInPickup( thePlayer, thePickup ) then setTimer(checkLeavePickup, 1000, 1, thePlayer, thePickup) else unbindKeys(thePlayer, thePickup) end end end function func (player, f, down, player, pickup) enterElevator(player, pickup) end function bindKeys(player, pickup) if (isElement(player)) then if not(isKeyBound(player, "enter", "down", func)) then bindKey(player, "enter", "down", func, player, pickup) end if not(isKeyBound(player, "f", "down", func)) then bindKey(player, "f", "down", func, player, pickup) end exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx( player, "interiormarker", true, false ) end end function unbindKeys(player, pickup) if (isElement(player)) then if (isKeyBound(player, "enter", "down", func)) then unbindKey(player, "enter", "down", func, player, pickup) end if (isKeyBound(player, "f", "down", func)) then unbindKey(player, "f", "down", func, player, pickup) end exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx( player, "interiormarker" ) triggerClientEvent( player, "displayInteriorName", player ) end end function isInteriorLocked(dimension) local result = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT type, locked FROM `interiors` WHERE id = " .. mysql:escape_string(dimension)) local locked = false if result then if tonumber(result["rype"]) ~= 2 and tonumber(result["locked"]) == 1 then locked = true end end return locked end --[[ Car Teleport Modes: 0: players only 1: players and vehicles 2: vehicles only 3: no entrance ]]-- function enterElevator(player, pickup) local cartp = getElementData( pickup, "car" ) if cartp == 3 then outputChatBox("You try the door handle, but it seems to be locked.", player, 255, 0,0, true) return end vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( player ) if isInPickup ( player, pickup ) and ( ( vehicle and cartp ~= 0 and getVehicleOccupant( vehicle ) == player ) or not vehicle ) then if not vehicle and cartp == 2 then outputChatBox( "This entrance is for vehicles only.", player, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if getElementModel( pickup ) == 1314 then outputChatBox( "This interior is currently disabled.", player, 255, 0, 0 ) return end local other = getElementData( pickup, "other" ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( other ) local interior = getElementInterior( other ) local dimension = getElementDimension( other ) -- find the pickup inside to see if the house is locked local ldimension = getElementDimension( pickup ) local locked = false if ldimension == 0 and dimension ~= 0 then -- entering a house locked = isInteriorLocked(dimension) elseif ldimension ~= 0 and dimension == 0 then -- leaving a house locked = isInteriorLocked(ldimension) elseif ldimension ~= 0 and dimension ~= 0 and ldimension ~= dimension then -- changing between two houses locked = isInteriorLocked(ldimension) or isInteriorLocked(dimension) else -- outside locked = false end if locked then outputChatBox("You try the door handle, but it seems to be locked.", player, 255, 0,0, true) return end -- check for entrance fee local dbid, thePickup = call( getResourceFromName( "interior-system" ), "findProperty", player, dimension ) if dimension ~= ldimension and thePickup then if getElementData( player, "adminduty" ) ~= 1 and not exports.global:hasItem( player, 5, getElementData( thePickup, "dbid" ) ) then local fee = getElementData( thePickup, "fee" ) if fee and fee > 0 then if not exports.global:takeMoney( player, fee ) then outputChatBox( "You don't have enough money with you to enter this interior.", player, 255, 0, 0 ) return else local ownerid = getElementData( thePickup, "owner" ) local query = mysql:query_free("UPDATE characters SET bankmoney = bankmoney + " .. mysql:escape_string(fee) .. " WHERE id = " .. mysql:escape_string(ownerid) ) if query then for k, v in pairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do if isElement( v ) then if getElementData( v, "dbid" ) == ownerid then
  19. As of now The issues would be the Garage script Not working much at all. What would be preffered script wise would be a marker that would teleport the player in his vehicle into a garage (The interior numbers on the server are different then the MTA wiki interiors ) And when the player buys the garage it spawns a key in his inventory that allows him to lock it , We already have an inventory system done and bound to "I" The car dealership has a MASSIVE bug . Where you cant buy any car unless you spawn it. Such as Server just restarted and i try to buy a sultan , It wont let me cause "Non existant shop" So i do /veh ((spawns a temporary vehicle under ID name)) such as /veh sultan , The sultan spawns . /destroythisveh . Destroys the car spawned. And i walk back to the car dealers marker and try to buy it again and walaa it lets me. So a new script would be nice or if youd like the script via Paste bin to fix it ill pay $5 instead of $10 as it could be fixed by setting it to Spawn 1 model of every car in the game out in the ocean or something , And just everytime the server restarts we have an all vehicle respawn ,Deleting the /veh's that got spawned. All in all fixing it would be Easier and less time consuming , Up to whomever wants to though EDIT: Car dealer fixed/replaced. Now need Garage. Found another bug within calling 911 and speedcams upon tripping a speedcam or calling 911 it doesnt send it over the police radio , im gonna guess thats where the bug in the script is located . anyone willing to take a look?
  20. Hello, Im currently working with some friends on a New RP (Roleplaying server) And we had a base script and have came across some bugs. We're in need of about 3-4 Scripts. Including the following A Garage script. That spawns a key that goes into an inventory. The inventory is prescripted , Working and binded to I. Preferrably the /cmd to be /addgar *Interior ID* *Price* *Name* and then it sets it for that, So whatever the price is the green house marker pops up forsale. And once its bought by a player ((He goes into the marker and presses F)) It spawns a key in his inventory. Every script needed but this is done. A car dealership script. Preferrably realistic where it shows all the cars sold per dealership at the lot, Between Grotti and Coutt and Schutz. Grotti containing expensive cars CnS Cheaper cars. If thats too much of a bother a simple Red marker with the car listing at each and a Cancel/Buy button will work Also make it so i can go in and toggle the prices <3 Each script im paying $10 USD . No Lower No higher. The transaction is done via paypal , After the scripts are on and tested , To make sure it fully complies with the other scripts.
  21. Well.... That would b kinda expensive considering im working minimum wage..... Etc... Depending on the charge
  22. And yes i could negotiate a contract. As i do have a paypal ATM with a previous payment history but No money in it at the moment (Out of work) And im also curious as to is the price set in stone or can you negotiate
  23. A Joke? No. And @ The kid. Whats your lua skill on a 1-10 chart and how much time can you dedicate to helping us. Were a pre-Formed community with 10 people lined up waiting. Im experienced in HTML And will be doing the website. Ontop of payment i will offer you headstaff. Also Are you open to suggestions and willing to Do the certain things asked to be scripted
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