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About Blueman

  • Birthday March 29


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    C++,C,Lua,Java,ActionScript,Assembly and just about any other programing language/topic

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  1. I never called setElementMoney in my code.. I called setPlayerMoney because when I called givePlayerMoney(source, 1000) it would do nothing... Cleaned up the code and added some comments. This is a bit different than the original since i've been working on it but it does not seem to be destroy the map blip local hasBeenCollected=true local theDrug local locx,locy,locz,hint={-2923.1591, -1126.8721}, {1165.1446, 834.1354}, {13.5312, 3.0777}, {"The back yards of san fiero", "A oceanic rock next to a bridge support"} --An array with drug package locations and hints function pickedUpDrug(pickup,dimension) -- Called when something is picked up. if(getElementData(pickup, "rpg.drug") == "a") then local earnings=math.random(2000)--Generate random earnings from 1 to 2000 local money = getPlayerMoney(source) setPlayerMoney(source , money + earnings)--Give player money does nothing where as this seems to work fine. hasBeenCollected = true --Tell setupDrugRun we've collected it destroyElement(getElementAttachedTo(pickup))--Destroy the pickups blip(does not seem to work) destroyElement(pickup)--Make sure we destroy our pickup outputChatBox ( getPlayerName(source).." has collected the drug package for $"..earnings, getRootElement(), 0, 0, 255, true )--Tell everyone about it elseif(getElementData(pickup, "rpg.money") == "mons") then --This can be ignored it has nothing to do with the drug run local money = getPlayerMoney(source) setPlayerMoney(source , money + 100) destroyElement(pickup) end end function setupDrugRun() if(hasBeenCollected == true) then --Has our drug package been collected hasBeenCollected=false --If so reset it local location=math.random(2) --Choose a random location from the array theDrug = createPickup ( locx[location], locy[location], locz[location], 3, 1279) --Possibly not passing the element to theDrug createBlipAttachedTo ( theDrug, 36) setElementData(theDrug, "rpg.drug", "a")--We cannot pass theDrug to addEventHandler as element(Perhaps a bug or user error) outputChatBox ( "A new drug package is available for pick up", getRootElement(), 0, 0, 255, true )--Tell everyone about it. end end function startDrugRun() --Sets up the timer for the drug run this can be ignored setTimer(setupDrugRun, 1000, 0) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, startDrugRun)--Starts up the timer on resource start. addEventHandler("onPlayerPickupUse",root,pickedUpDrug) --Replacing root with theDrug results in nothing
  2. My issue is using givePlayerMoney just does nothing with no errors and no feedback at all. LaCosta's suggestion worked fine though.
  3. It seems the givePlayerMoney is not behaving as it should in this case. I get output into the chatbox but I receive no money. local hasBeenCollected local theDrug local locx,locy,locz={-2923.1591},{1165.1446},{13.5312} function pickedUpDrug(pickup,dimension) if(getElementData(theDrug, "rpg.drug") == "a") then local dbgmny = setPlayerMoney(source, 20000) if(dbgmny == false) then outputChatBox("Error money", getRootElement(), 0, 0, 255, true) end outputChatBox ( getPlayerName(source).." has collected the drug package", getRootElement(), 0, 0, 255, true ) end end function setupDrugRun() hasBeenCollected=false local location=math.random(1) theDrug = createPickup ( locx[location], locy[location], locz[location], 3, 1279) setElementData(theDrug, "rpg.drug", "a") outputChatBox ( "A new drug package is available for pick up", getRootElement(), 0, 0, 255, true ) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, setupDrugRun) addEventHandler("onPlayerPickupUse",root,pickedUpDrug) Please mind the messy code, also I should note that I used setElementData because when I called addEventHandler("onPickupUse", theDrug, pickedUpDrug) I would get no output at all.
  4. If this is your gamemode you must use spawnPlayer() in order to spawn the players at start. local X= local Y= local Z= --Write your spawn coordinates after the X, Y and Z function PLJOIN() spawnPlayer(source, X, Y, Z) fadeCamera(source, true) setCameraTarget(source, source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), PLJOIN) --Change this to "onPlayerLogin" if you want players to spawn at login
  5. Blueman

    XML help

    Thanks I am not looking to do much I am just scripting for fun and the problem is it wouldn't save to the xml file but I will see if yours works. Also the script was just a test script thanks. Note: I was pretty tired when I wrote this so the debug string thing was probably due to that. :3
  6. Blueman

    XML help

    It seems when I execute this code it doesn't save to the xml file like it is intended to. Ranks.xml <Ranks> <gameranks> </gameranks> </Ranks> Meta.xml <meta> <info name="RankSystem" author="Blueman" version="1.0.0" type="script"></info> <script src="Main.lua" type="server"/> <file src="Ranks.xml" /> </meta> Ranks = xmlLoadFile ( "Ranks.xml" ) function createRank(INT, Label) if (INT) and (Label) then local GR = xmlFindChild(Ranks,"gameranks",0) if (xmlFindChild(GR, INT)) then outputDebugSting("That rank has been created already") else xmlNodeSetValue (xmlCreateChild (GR , INT), Label ) xmlSaveFile(Ranks) end else outputDebugString("In function createRank() incorrect arguments") end end Any help would be appreciated.
  7. You are fast to respond
  8. It seems that no one accept me is able to connect to my server. My ports are forwarded properly I made sure the firewall was set up right and yet no one can connect. I have no problem with my other servers such as my http and MC server. Also a little thing to note is that it is unable to connect to game-monitor.com it says it is unavailable.
  9. Thanks for the help.
  10. Where would it be best to ask about problems with my server I can't seem to remember where.
  11. One problem you set the amount of times to repeat to 0 causing an infinite loop. local PingTable = { } local default_time = 10000 addEventHandler( 'onPlayerJoin', root, function( ) PingTable [ source ] = setTimer( function( player ) if getPlayerPing( player ) > tonumber( get( 'MaxPing' ) ) then kickPlayer( player, "High Ping" ) else outputDebugString( '*'..getPlayerName( player ).. ' Has passed the ping check' ) end end, tonumber( get( "Delay" ) or default_time ), 1 , source ) end ) addEventHandler( 'onPlayerQuit', root, function( ) if isTimer( PingTable [ source ] ) then killTimer( PingTable [ source ] ) end PingTable [ source ] = nil end )
  12. Blueman

    Goto statement

    It is still polite to make sure he knows. :3
  13. Well the console keeps claiming that this is a string then I make some changes to convert it from a string to a int and it says it is a Boolean. Ping.lua PingTable = { } function PingCheck(source) if (getPlayerPing(sourcer) > get("MaxPing")) then kickPlayer(ThePlayer, "High Ping") else outputConsle( ThePlayer.. "Has passed the ping check") end end function onPlayerJoinGame() table.insert(PingTable ,setTimer(PingCheck, tonumber(get("Delay")), 1 , source) ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), onPlayerJoinGame) Meta.xml <Meta> <info author="Blueman" type="script" name="Ping Kicker" /> <script src="Ping.lua" type="server"/> <settings> <setting name="MaxPing" value="50"/> <setting name="Delay" value="10000"/> </settings> </Meta>
  14. Blueman

    Goto statement

    You can just put a script in a function and execute that function when needed like so. function excutor() --A bunch of code here. CODE() --A bunch of code here. end function CODE() --Your code to be executed here. end
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