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Everything posted by Einheit-101

  1. He already is pretty good at that, the problems are more likely his time and MTA team not implementing pull requests, especially not such big ones. It would be amazing to see it live.
  2. Really not trying to flame or whatever, but sadly i doubt that this will release ever. Also, nice to see you back, The_GTA!
  3. Everything fixed. And i also fixed a small bug on Normandy.
  4. It should be fixed Tbh this authserial is complete garbage
  5. In 4 hours from now? I have 14:00 now. Which means meeting at 18:00 Berlin time.
  6. Uhm you are already added as Admin for a long time, at least in my ACL, doesnt that work?? XD
  7. Try again, and report any issues you encounter with handbrake (or anything else).
  8. Yeah but i cant fix that, they automatically freeze but if a player with a very slow pc is streaming these vehicles they might fall through the ground after they got unfrozen by another player and the ground is not loaded... Its a complicated issue. Players need to destroy the vehicle again when it sunk into the ground.
  9. Good work. I was waiting for a long time for this bug to get fixed so i could write a better bone attachement function.
  10. @*UndecomingMedic9 i checked it, this code has been created to prevent players from throwing teargas and molotovs in spawn zones to avoid abuse of fire/gas exploits. Nothing to fix here.
  11. These projectiles get deleted by spawn protection, idk if i can fix this for the players of the spawning team only. But i will check.
  12. No. I would have to update all 3D models to make that work and change hundreds of lines of code. Thats insane.
  13. No. But i am sure that we will see a beta in a few months No. The reason is simple, star wars will not be finished on Release, it will grow just like ww2
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