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Everything posted by laserlaser

  1. So what do I do with the SDK folder? Lol, It's your library path.You should add to libraries. You should learn Java
  2. Do you want to do something news ? I wrote the javasdk.Sorry It's too big.I cant write it here.But you can get every informations in SRC/Wiki/Javadoc. Here is the wiki page: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/JavaSDK Download is the bottom of the wiki page. I will add new tutorial of this sdk.
  3. Poff, you don't understand.If you use this form you must use dxCreateWindow(getThisResource(),x,y,w,h,...) like this. But my forms you can use: dxCreateWindow(x,y,w,h,...) You could make if control.But regex creating is more faster.Only 's paste and you get this form.
  4. Yes, all creating functions gets getThisResource() parameter.Because we must destroy the all dxelements (belong to resource) when the resource stopped.
  5. It won't work.Because some functions gets extra parameters.Like getThisResource().I could make if control, but it will be longer.Because I do definitions with Regex.Only 2 line
  6. viewtopic.php?f=108&t=43639 Can you add this resource?
  7. Version 1.4.1 is now available
  8. v1.4.0 released.It has export functions now.You cann see what's updated from the main post.
  9. Hello guys, I'm working on dxGUI v1.4.0, And I want to make dxEdit.But I gotta detect capslock.I dont want to use "shift" methods.I want to detect capslock state. I saw this detect system in TheGTA's resource manager.But It's compiled
  10. I'm working to make editbox.It just need drawings and caret index.Drawing is easy.But caret index drawings hard for me.I don't want to make editbox like vEnom's dxGUI.I want to make real editbox.
  11. v1.3.5 released.You can see what's updated from main post.
  12. v1.3.3 Released.Some important bugs fixed.
  13. Thanks, and yes I like lighter blue.But I have a problem, in lighter black hover images looks good.But in lighter blue hover images is the same as normal button.
  14. Wiki page added.Editing the function templates. -laserlaser
  15. Are you bored at default MTA GUI? You can change the your theme.But It doesn't change other player themes.And dont you want to other MTA GUI themes at other players? Or want to new actions. If you have this reasons, SDT_GUI resource is for you. SDT_GUI v1.0 supported 3 theme: Lighter Black,Lighter Blue, Orange You can add or modify the themes.I will add lesson soon. dxEdit,dxMemo,dxGridList will add in v2.0 Screenshot (I will add video soon): Screen 1 (at ModLoader resource) Screen 2 (at ModLoader resource) Screen 3 (at ModLoader resource) Wiki: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxGUI Download: Google Drive Folder Changelog: v1.1: Fixed, dxCreateStaticImage v1.2: Added, root pane drawings. Fixed, element visiblity drawings. v1.2.1: Added,dxProgressBar. v1.3: Fixed, progressBar default progress. v1.3.1: Fixed, onClickEvent.Added mouseEnter|Leave events for all SDT_GUI elements.Added "push" properties for SDT_GUI elements.It can customizable at 1.3.2 v1.3.2: Added event: onClientDXPropertyChange v1.3.3: Fixed window's move methods.Added image option to the themes. v1.3.4: guiAttachToDirectX added. v1.3.5: Added scrollbar, added new events. v1.3.6: Added spinners v1.3.7: Added spinners for Rootpanes. v1.3.8: Added listbox, added move event.Fixed some problems.Added doubleClick, click events for all elements. v1.3.9: Listbox functions completed.Scrollbar rootPane drawings fixed.Added listbox for rootpane. v1.4.0: SDT_GUI now has the exported functions.It wasn't a resource, but now It's resource.Also added many functions and events.ZOrder and its functions added. v1.4.1: ZOrder refresh states fixed. v1.4.2: You dont need the define the definitons anymore. Bugs fixed(static image, scrollbar, ...) v1.4.3: Added 11 new theme. Fixed Window movability. Increase the scrollbar period. Fixed some bugs. Fixed spinner width v1.4.4: Sath Metro [blue] and [Red] versions added.(Edited from Green version.) Change the project name SDT_GUI (Skyline's DirectX Tools GUI) ZOrder Bug fixing.Now like a CEGUI. Make compatible with other SDT Systems. Listbox Design changed. SDT_ prefix added for functions.You can use the functions both dx... and SDT_ (Example: dxCreateWindow, SDT_CreateWindow) SDT_GetThemes, dxGetThemes functions added. Deprecated functions removed. dxBringToFront and dxMoveToBack bugs fixed. WindowTitlePosition and TitleMoving removed. SetPosition, SetSize functions changed. Developed infrastructure for moving possibility for all components. Scrollbar fixed.StaticImage fixed. Added 'SDT_' prefix for all component properties Added 'SDT_GUI_' prefix for all component types. Developed render functions. Developed infrastructure for adding new components from different resources. First using 'SDT_ENGINE' failed.'SDT_ENGINE' is a engine for clipping but I cant import it into 'SDT_GUI' SDT_ListGetItems, dxListGetItems functions added. [*]v1.5.0: I hope I use rendertargets for clipping. [*]v1.5.0: I hope I can make editbox. Themes : -> Lighter Black -> Lighter Blue -> Orange -> Sath Metro (Green) -> Sath Metro (Blue) -> Sath Metro (Red) -> Crystal (Red) -> Crystal (Purple) -> Crystal (Pink) -> Crystal (Orange) -> Crystal (Green) -> Crystal (Blue) -> Crystal (Black) -> Crystal (Gold) -> Crystal (Glass) -> Crystal (Token White) Notices: SDT: Skyline's DirectX Tools Listbox isn't gridlist.It's one column based gridlist.Like in Java. Bugs: No bugs found.Contact me if you found. P.S: Sorry for bad english.
  16. It's for animate the GUI Elements. Oh wrong copied.Still doesn't work.
  17. Protect your scripts at the highest level This is the part of the this topic.Yes It's good way, but no so good. First, you must delete the client files from meta.xml (If we do that client side scripts won't downloand to the other PCs).Now open a server-side lua file: named = "serverProtector.lua" And put this one: fileList = { "mygui.lua", "mydx.lua", -- your client side files (e.g: render.lua) "hello.lua", -- you can increase the files. "classes/animation_class.lua" -- if the file in other folder, you must write the folder names. (e.g classes/gui/anim/anim_class.lua) } addEvent("onPlayerResourceStart",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerResourceStart",getRootElement(),function() readToEnd = function(file_name) local file = fileOpen(file_name) if (file) then local buffer local toend = "" while not fileIsEOF(file) do buffer = fileRead(file,500) toend = toend .. buffer end fileClose(file) return toend else return false end end for i,v in ipairs(fileList) do fileList[i] = readToEnd(v) end triggerClientEvent(source,"includeFiles",getRootElement(),fileList) end) Important: You must add your scripts list by list.So if you use some function from other scripts, other scripts must be before. Now we completed at the server-side.Now open a new client-side script(named: "clientProtector.lua") And put this one: function includeFiles(fileList) for _,v in ipairs(fileList) do func = assert(loadstring(v)) func() end end addEvent("includeFiles",true) addEventHandler("includeFiles",getRootElement(),includeFiles) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getRootElement(),function(res) if (res == getThisResource()) then triggerServerEvent("onPlayerResourceStart",getLocalPlayer()) end end) Now open a new client side script(named:protectorDelete.lua).And put this one: fileDelete("clientProtector.lua") And now It's finish.Meta.xml must be: this list.. And you must not to add the client files to the meta.xml, you must put the script folder only... It's finish you protected your files around %99.. Notice: Someone correct the English ?
  18. Try this one: function bombe10_Button (state) local me = getLocalPlayer() if tonumber(getElementData(me,"FeuerwerkTrigger")) > getTickCount() then local second = (tonumber(getElementData(me,"FeuerwerkTrigger")) - getTickCount()) / 1000 outputChatBox("You can only use this function one time in 60 seconds! You have to wait "..second.." seconds!") return end removeElementData(me,"FeuerwerkTrigger") if state == "left" then if source == GUIEditor_Button[12] then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle (getLocalPlayer()) local x,y,z = getElementPosition (getLocalPlayer()) triggerServerEvent ( "Feuerwerk", root ) setElementData(me,"FeuerwerkTrigger",getTickCount()+60000) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), bombe10_Button)
  19. Hi everyone, I'm scripting the animation class.But I have an problem at timer... It's the first code _G["animateComplete"] = function() -- animate complete content end _G["animateBack"] = function() -- animate back content end anim.animateComplete = animateComplete anim.animateBack = animateBack 2 Function works fine at class functions.EX: function Animation:Play() addEventHandler('onClientRender',getRootElement(),self.animateComplete) end It works.But I Have problem because 2 doesn't work at other functions: function addAnimBack(animfunc) -- outputChatBox(type(animfunc)) but it outputs "nil". addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(), animfunc)-- this isn't work because it's nil. end function Animation:animFinished() if isTimer(self.backTimer) then -- bla bla else removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(), self.animateComplete) if (self.animateProperties.onFinishBack >= 50) then -- outputChatBox(type(self.animateBack)) == It outputs "function" self.backTimer = setTimer(addAnimBack,self.animateProperties.onFinishBack,1,self.animateBack) return end end -- blala blala end Where is the problem? Why timer sends nill ?
  20. smf uses sha1(username.password) Ex: sha1("admin"."test1234")
  21. Easy, and needed mysql module.
  22. It works, do you want to see? I want, and screen shots; Before After @karlis I can not understand you because my english is little english =)
  23. function centerWindow(center_window) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(center_window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(center_window,x,y,false) end Example local wnd = guiCreateWindow(...) centerWindow(wnd)
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