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Everything posted by nowofresh

  1. When I see a newest futures in SA-MP i think that it are based on mta futures... What Do hink about new multi-core sa-mp future ? I think that mta want it !
  2. nowofresh


    Every object server side is object client side, then Is it limit for client side too ?
  3. http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=273563
  4. nowofresh


    So, in every world 65000 objects ?
  5. nowofresh


    What is a limit of element with type object in mta ? For server side. Up 2^16 ? If the objects are in other DIMENSION ( Virtual world ) then a limit restart for this DIMENSION ? For example: I create 100 000 objects in the others dimensions.
  6. nowofresh

    Data issue.

    Hi. 1) Developers, can you look at http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6609 and think about the changes ? 2) What is a max limit datas on server side ? I have scared about it since cit2 problem.
  7. I putted drawntag and drawtag in resources and add acl - admin. When i type /draw and draw something, and again /draw to close window. It save, reload but when i am using spray always i got a oryginall texture from resource, not my new pattern. Any errors in debugscript 3. Any ideas ?
  8. 1. What dedicted server Do you prefer for server with for examle - 500 players ? 2. When I buy a dedicted server, What to look for ?
  9. I noticed desync bug. x - player 1 y - player 2 y got freeze + animation - > got vehicle - > destroy vehicle - > got vehicle - > destroy vehicle Then client side pos. player y is other in player x then server side pos. + NETWORK TROUBLE.
  10. I found in MTA 1.1.1. a bug. Sometimes when you are in a interior with mirror ( floor or bathroom ) then after client restore game your camera crazy and you can see a textures on your screen. Reconnect don't help. http://wt09.wrzuc.to/obrazek/ljPtUts7hj/mta-bug.png http://wt010.wrzuc.to/obrazek/Olgi2VzY/mta-bug2.png http://wt010.wrzuc.to/obrazek/eO3jbNJtZD/mta-bug4.png And second bug noticed by me. Sometimes ( I dont know when... ) when player connect to server server got bad informations ? http://wt08.wrzuc.to/obrazek/iwAY9v/connectbug.png
  11. Can u give me link for this peds / traffic ? or uplaod this. I cant find that.
  12. Hi. Today i was playing on the rp servers and testing gamemodes. When i joined to some server i saw GM identic to vG ! Authors translated VALHALLA GAMEMODE to POLISH ( Not all ). IP: ( MTA 1.0.5 ) Name: Wirtual World Me and my friends was talking with Administrator and He told us if this gamemode is them and they created this GM !
  13. Hi. Today i was playing on the rp servers and testing gamemodes. When i joined to some server i saw GM identic to vG ! Authors translated VALHALLA GAMEMODE to POLISH ( Not all ). IP: ( MTA 1.0.5 ) Name: Wirtual World
  14. Changed... I am using MTA 1.1. In my own code I do it by iteration...
  15. ... It is example code !.. , and i asked about columns.
  16. Ok, ok... i am talking about item data and column problem.
  17. MTA developers done error like me in admin resource: aCurrentVehicle = tonumber ( guiGridListGetItemData ( aTab1.VehicleOptions, item, 1 ) )
  18. testfunction = function ( ) gridlist = guiCreateGridList( 0.3328, 0.7825, 0.3211, 0.175, true ) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled ( gridlist, false ) c1 = guiGridListAddColumn( gridlist, "Column1", 0.4 ) c2 = guiGridListAddColumn( gridlist, "Column2", 0.2 ) c3 = guiGridListAddColumn( gridlist, "Column3", 0.45 ) --This will be see like this: Column1 Column2 Column3 local row = guiGridListAddRow ( gridlist ) guiGridListSetItemText ( gridlist, row, c1g, "test1", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText (gridlist, row, c2g, "test2", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( gridlist, row, c4g,"test3", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData ( gridlist, , row,c1, 15 ) guiGridListSetItemData (gridlist, , row,c2, 20 ) guiGridListSetItemData (gridlist, , row,c3, 201 ) button = guiCreateButton( 0.6600, 0.8750, 0.05, 0.082, "Execute", true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", button, function ( ) local i1, i2 = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( gridlist ) Here15 = guiGridListGetItemData ( gridlist, i1, 1 ) Here20 = guiGridListGetItemData ( gridlist, i1, 2 ) Here201 = guiGridListGetItemData ( gridlist, i1, 3 ) print( Here15 ) -- print 15 print( Here20 ) -- print 20 print( Here201 ) -- print 201 end ) end If u do this function again and PUT'n'DROP columns u can change them positions... And u can choose them number, for example: Column1 Column3 Column2 or Column3 Column2 Column1 etc. And when code executed you will be showing for example: print( Here15 ) -- print 20 print( Here20 ) -- print 201 print( Here201 ) -- print 15 Maybe i bad using item data or mta has bug. Please, tell me how to fix that, because this is very important for me. Thanks,
  19. My expressions with 2 years scripting in mta: -70% my time i was fixing mta engine and functions, because currently mta funcs. are bugged, cursor dosent work sometimes, every func. in time dosent detect object without collis. - i was trying ( lineOfSight, onEkementClick, onCursorClick - +/- ) -About 1 year I write new physics for objects, and ? VPS for 4 000$, 10 players and 60% using processor. -I wrote multi therds for engine and... not better. -Samp and 450 players ~~ ok... mta with 120 = traggedy -Mta and optimization is like 2+2 and 2-2... -Mta sync - 2# traggedy... Mta developers, u thinks if We cant do the best severs around the world, DO FUCK OPTIMIZATION, multi thirds etc. Vps for 3 000$ , 10 players and lags? ... Vps for 400$ + samp + 400 players and NO LAGS
  20. ... I am not nup... Server side.
  21. I have other bug -.-, i dont know what it is, lol ... I have crazy problem. When i create on ResourceStart, vehicle on my map and I connect to server with my friend and I will entered to vehicle, when he press 'F' or 'G' at defeult vehicle on map, he can't enter.
  22. ...i know about this and optimization will be ( no comment ) for 100 objects and 200 players... Do u know the way to detect click by cursor with element off collision, onClientClick is bugged, because this only sometimes detect object at the player... I was traying a lot off ways and always i have problem with elements no-collisionable.
  23. It is not good, because i want vehicle elements, player elemenets, objects elements on server. I want to off collisions with all elements by type - like setElementCollisionsEnabled().
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