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Everything posted by Fabio(GNR)

  1. Really?? ok lol edit: little problem here, i downloaded the new MTA 2033 or something, and if i start my server now it say's this: MTA:BLUE Server for MTA:SA [23:44:22] ERROR: Could not start HTTP server on interface '-------------' and port '22005'! [23:44:22] Server stopped! [23:44:22] Closing SQLite3 database Press Q to shut down the server! I did forward it, btw TCP or UDP? i did TCP, never had this with previous version EDIT2: oops nvm, i had put something at serverip in mtaserver.conf that was kinda stupid
  2. Yeah (sorry double post) they also said my http port was closed, kinda weird EDIT: ok firewall completely off, port corrected, checked other port's and... No success how long does it take to get on list BTW, and could i then spot it from my own PC??
  3. Thanks for all the responses i'll change it back to 22126 I'm also trying my windows firewall (it's turned off, but some features are still enabled (stupid security ) Thanks!!
  4. Ok, it is open but thanks EDIT: site's says error, couldn't find service running the port then would be 22003= 22129? EDIt2 Another site says its closed, lol i thought i opened it yesterday I'll ckeck some stuff thanks!! lolz opened 22126 cangin now thans for the port check idea EDit3: Hmm it's still closed wtf...
  5. Do i have to download this program for the server to show in the list? the port's are open, but it's still not i list i guess.. any program needed, if yes were to get it? Thanks
  6. uhm, i read alot, but i don't know what to do output the string? or the if? EDIT: should it be source (on getplayerteam) or not? if i use playerSource, it says bad argument, but at source it doesnt give error, but doesn't cancel the event... EDIt2: ok found something, it doesn't trigger it unless i made an error in it ???? anyway, if i delete the if part and just keep cancalEvent it still doesnt work btw, should it be only resistant against guns etc.
  7. yes i used debugging, and it gave me that error on damage, and i am in the team fun/god, thanks though
  8. it gives me this error: (when damag is triggered) [2010-10-05 20:26:20] WARNING: theserver\god.lua:22: Bad argument @ 'getTeamName' btw thanks for quick response!!
  9. function createTeamsOnStart () teamgod = createTeam ( "Fun Players", 0, 255, 0 ) teamDM = createTeam ( "Deathmatching Players", 200, 0, 100 ) end function godnormal(playerSource) setPlayerTeam ( playerSource, teamgod ) end function normalgod(playerSource) setPlayerTeam ( playerSource, teamDM ) end addCommandHandler ( "god", godnormal ) addCommandHandler ( "dm", normalgod ) function damag(attacker, weapon, bodypart, playerSource) if getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) == "teamgod" then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), createTeamsOnStart ) --we attach the function to this resource's root element addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), damag) That has to create 2 teams, and if you are in team god, it should give you god-mode So cancel event on damage of everyone in that team.
  10. Lol i thought that always was for tut's and stuff Thanks (btw the elvis script works ) EDIT: btw, do you know anything to check it some time's or onPlayerJoin? Thanks EDIt2: got it working, with source though at onplayerjoin, code: function skinelve(playerSource) setElementModel (playerSource, 84) end addCommandHandler("elvis", skinelve) function skintimer() setTimer(skincheck, 5000, 1) end function skincheck( thePlayer ) -- if hasObjectPermissionTo( thePlayer, "general.lol" ) then local skin = getElementModel ( source ) if (skin == 84) then setPedSkin ( source, 0 ) end end -- end addCommandHandler("check", skincheck) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), skincheck ) function gnristhebest() --LOLZ end thanks for the help can you help me with my other question's, sorry but im kinda stuck
  11. Fabio(GNR)


    Try in AVG, (have it myself) go to Advanced Options PUP excetions and well allow the MTA.exe etc. and at advanced options, go to resident shield and select something with folders ( sorry im dutch, in dutch it's Uitgezonderde mappen ) en add the MTA map and try the GTA SA map (there are some MTA files there) Long list, but i think it will work good luck
  12. Or allow MTA on firewall or disable firewall ( i assume you use windows firewall, use another cause window's block alot) of that doesn't work you'll have to open ports in your router, make sure everything is allowing MTa internet acces!!
  13. BUMP, please help (wiki still down)
  14. Ok than for all the info trying/reading everything now edit1: code for god is now : function createTeamsOnStart () teamgod = createTeam ( "God-mode on", 0, 255, 0 ) teamnormal = createTeam ( "Normal (allowed to Deathmatch)", 200, 0, 100 ) end function godnormal(playerSource) setPlayerTeam ( playerSource, teamgod ) -- add the player to the new team end function normalgod(playerSource) setPlayerTeam ( playerSource, teamnormal ) -- add the player to the new team end addCommandHandler ( "god", godnormal ) addCommandHandler ( "godoff", normalgod ) function damag(attacker, weapon, bodypart, playerSource) if getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) == "teamgod" then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), createTeamsOnStart ) --we attach the function to this resource's root element addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), damag) thats currently server side, error message: [10:43:16] WARNING: theserver\god.lua:20: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerTeam [10:43:16] WARNING: theserver\god.lua:20: Bad argument @ 'getTeamName' EDIT2: Thanks, the marker works now but whatsup with the bad argument?? EDIT3: ok found ispedonground, testing now EDIt4:ok, lol 4th edit, i quit on random pos, it get;s kinda complicated for such something kinda useless haha thanks for marker info, and god-mode thing, i will check back tomorrow btw, wiki is down again EDIt5: another question: (wiki down srry) code: function skinelve(playerSource) setElementModel (playerSource, 84) end addCommandHandler("elvis", skinelve) function skintimer() setTimer(skincheck, 5000, 1) end function skincheck( source ) local skin = getElementModel ( source ) if (skin == 84) then setPedSkin(source, 0) end end addCommandHandler("check", skincheck) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), skincheck ) I don't know what to use instead of source, i know it's wrong, but what should i use? for the eventhandler btw, it check at every resource, at every player...
  15. Im trying to create a command that teleport's to random location, if it works and the player get's in water it should be teleported to my coordinates, how to get a random position? i searched at wiki didnt found anything, only math.random but that doesn't work, and is there any way to check if you are under the ground?? Code: x = math.random y = math.random z = math.random function randompos (source) outputChatBox ("You Have Been Teleported To A Random Place??", playerSource, 0, 255, 0) setElementPosition (source, x, y, z) if isElementInWater(source) then setElementPosition (source, 318.9296875,2480.2568359375,16.059270858765) outputChatBox ("You got in water, teleported back to AA!!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0) end end addCommandHandler ( "random", randompos ) It, ofcourse, give's me Bad Argument at set element position... EDIt: ok 2 small questions, i want to ckeck if player is in a team called god, and then run god-mode: I don't really have anything except this: function damag() cancelEvent() end Thats the god mode, i searched on wiki, but only found ckeck if in a team, and get teamname EDIt2: alot's of question now lol, i have created a script that gives player money when they enter marker, it has to destroy the element when it's hit, timer for 40 second's create new marker and again it should give money, it all works but destroyelement doesn't, it says : [18:36:07] WARNING: 229: Bad 'element' pointer @ 'destroyElement'(1) code: local money2 = createMarker ( 3103.23828125,-7449.2583007813,31.392185211182, "checkpoint", 15, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) function blipper ( getRootElement, myPlayer ) Blipfinish1 = createBlip ( 5316.9272460938,4005.6030273438,49.187973022461, 53, 2, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 1500, myPlayer ) Blipfinish2 = createBlip ( 3103.23828125,-7449.2583007813,31.392185211182, 53, 2, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 8000, myPlayer ) end function money2newmarker() local money2 = createMarker ( 3103.23828125,-7449.2583007813,31.392185211182, "checkpoint", 15, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) --setTimer ( moneylongdrag2, 0030, 1 ) NOT USED addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", money2, moneylongdrag) end function moneylongdrag(hitElement, matchingDimension) if getElementType(hitElement)=="player" then givePlayerMoney ( hitElement, 40000 ) destroyElement ( money2 ) setTimer ( money2newmarker, 4000, 1 ) end end function moneylongdragl(hitElement, matchingDimension) if getElementType(hitElement)=="player" then givePlayerMoney ( hitElement, 40000 ) destroyElement ( money2l ) setTimer ( money2newmarker, 4000, 1 ) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", money2, moneylongdrag) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot2, blipper ) btw, it does destroy it when i kill the marker that i created first but not the one from money2newmarker
  16. k i tried something with the example spawn script, this is the code: It's about spawnbot1, it says bad argument @ Getelementinterior and dimension, string defined function, what am i doing wrong?? Sorry for asking, but i would really like bodyguards etc. EDIT: it starts now, but doesnt set it in team GNR, new code: function Spawnbot1 (source) local dimen = getElementDimension (source) local inter = getElementInterior (source) local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local rot= 90 local skin=220 local interior=inter local dimension=dimen local team=GNR local weapon=26 local mode= "guarding" local modesubject=source call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "spawnBot", x, y+5, z, rot, skin-9, interior, dimension, team, weapon, mode, modesubject) call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "spawnBot", x, y+7, z, rot, skin-9, interior, dimension, team, weapon+2, mode, modesubject) end addCommandHandler("spawnbot", Spawnbot1) function Spawnbot2 (source) local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local rot= 90 local skin=22 local interior=inter local dimension=dimen local team=GNR local weapon=26 local mode= "guarding" local modesubject=source call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "spawnBot", x, y+5, z, rot, skin, interior, dimension, team, weapon, mode, modesubject) call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "spawnBot", x, y+7, z, rot, skin, interior, dimension, team, weapon+2, mode, modesubject) end addCommandHandler("spawnbot2", Spawnbot2) Thanks for any help btw yes i am team GNR i set it in admin panel EDIT2: lolz sorry it works now, i should have looked it trough better before posting EDIT3: 1 question, i would like to make it respawn after death, how to use onbotwasted, im kinda a noob coul i do this: addEventHandler ( onBotWasted, Name bot, function ) will that work?
  17. Thanks, but i found a other way Thanks for uploading it and the help
  18. I tested it, and it's pretty good it would be nice if someone could create a GUI, for spawning, team skins weapons etc. really hard i think, but i really suck at GUI and scripting Nice script!!
  19. I think it's because the name of vehicle changes in there, not sure tough
  20. i read it, source is element or anything that triggered it, right? EDIT: it worked, by using g_Me thanks for info and link EDIT2: one small question is it normal that when i say something in chat it's double? i say test, and it does this: Fabio(GNR) TEST Fabio(GNR) TEST This is with everyone that played in my server, bug or something i messed up? EDIT3: OK, i found it's cause a resource, but it could take me hours to find in which resource, which file onplayerchat is
  21. Yes this belongs to the script: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------SCRIPT BY TAALASMAA (C) DO NOT EDIT THIS WITHOUT PERMISSIONS----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- disallowedVehicle = {{425},{432}},{520} -- RHINO AND HUNTER -- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------CARSPAWN LIMIT------------------ carSpawnLimit = {2} -- can be changed -- NOT IN USE IN 0.1!!!!!! --- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------- n = true function spawnAcar(carID, playerSource) for i,v in ipairs (disallowedVehicle) do if (v[1] == carID) then outputChatBox("This is disallowed vehicle!",source,255,0,0) return false end end playerX,playerY,playerZ = getElementPosition(source) vehicle = createVehicle ( carID,playerX + 2,playerY +2, playerZ ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, vehicle ) end function godcar (g_Me, playerSource) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if not vehicle then outputChatBox("You have to be in a vehicle for CAR-god-mode!!",playerSource,255,0,0) elseif isVehicleDamageProof ( vehicle ) then outputChatBox("This vehicle already has Car-god-mode", playerSource,255,0,0) else outputChatBox("Your car is now Damage-proof, Leaving vehicle will dis-able",playerSource, 0,255,0) setVehicleDamageProof(vehicle, true) setVehicleDoorsUndamageable(vehicle, true) end end function stopgod () setVehicleDamageProof( vehicle, false ) end function instantstop () playerX,playerY,playerZ = getElementPosition(source) setElementPosition ( source,playerX,playerY, playerZ ) end addCommandHandler ( "cargod", godcar ) addEvent("onPlayerWantToSpawn",true); addEventHandler("onPlayerWantToSpawn",getRootElement(),spawnAcar) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleExit", getRootElement(), stopgod ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And it works with the spawnAcar colour Edit: 1 offtopic question, can you destroyelement on a marker or on some kind??
  22. Well, i tried Source before but minigoveya said try playerSource, it's kinda weird....
  23. Well, if i use outputChatBox ("text", playerSource, 210, 50, 155 ) (example) it won't show the colour , just the standard kinda white color.
  24. Ok, i think i get it, so (bad funtcion) f unction example() if allow_use_of_command then script?? thanks , btw please look at edit of my previous post EDIT: lol, forgot elseif EDIT2: It works now, thanks alot varez, and minigoveya,but player colour still isn't good for me well, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
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