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Everything posted by BabY

  1. Thanks varez, for Fixing your Compiler, It's the Best
  2. Omg ... I Already Checked it and It's Working Better than Before ......... Now I Want to Compile it .. If some one can Run this Compiler at His Computer(I Can't, Need .NET) and I Trust him ... I May give him my Scripts and He would Compile it to Me ... What you Say ?
  3. omg Pr0 ... I'am not this level of Stupid ..................................................... The Program isn't Working for Windows 7 ... as Admin in XP SP 3 .. no thing ... So I Saw dzek's Compile and It worked, But now Idk what Hell happened ......
  4. It's not Even workin' Now ... And This Compiler Isn't working for Windows7 ..... and I'am just Gonna Blow !!! I Need to Compile my Fileeeeeeeees !!!!!!!!
  5. Guuys, I Need to Protect my Scripts any Ideas ?
  6. Well, Hi all ... and then ; The Both Compilers isn't working with me The GUI Isn't Working, I Think because of my Windows (win7) And I Think I Don't need it .. Last few months, I Was Testing varez's Compiler and It worked, But now ... I'am tring to Compile some Files of my Map, and It always say Error, syntax it Wronge .... If you Please tell me wad's wronge here : function clr() for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( "vehicle" ) ) do local color = {} color[1] = (5) color[2] = (3) color[3] = (math.random(0,126)) color[4] = (math.random(0,126)) setVehicleColor ( v, color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4] ) end end function startTimer() setTimer ( clr, 100, 0 ) end addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", root, startTimer) Maybe I'am blind or Some thing ...
  7. BabY

    Pause Sound

    Sorry for my Bad Requests ...... and Thank you gr8z
  8. BabY

    Pause Sound

    1. I Want to Make the Sound Stop While Entering a Marker (Not just for Pausing the Sound) 2. Full ACL : function startclient () outputChatBox ( "= = = = = = = = = =" , 255 , 255 , 0 , true ) outputChatBox ( " " , 0 , 0 , 0 , true ) outputChatBox ( "#ff0000Happy #0000f0New #00ff002011 #ff00ffYear" , 0 , 0 , 0 , true ) outputChatBox ( " ",0,0,0,true) outputChatBox ( "= = = = = = = = = =" , 255 , 255 , 0 , true ) setSkyGradient ( 50 , 255 , 0 , 65 , 100 , 0 ) setWaterColor ( 50 , 60 , 70 ) setTime ( 1 , 0 ) setWaveHeight ( 0.5 ) setBlurLevel ( 5 ) setWeather ( 99 ) Marker1 = createMarker ( 4182.88671875, -2876.1853027344, 1062.5003662109, "corona", 7, 0, 0, 255, 200) Marker2 = createMarker ( 4703.38525390, -2239.5251464844, 1609.0306396484, "corona", 10, 255, 55, 55, 200) Marker3 = createMarker ( 4157.51855468, -2296.5871582031, 1111.4150390625, "corona", 9, 50, 50, 255, 100) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", Marker1, warp) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", Marker2, warp) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", Marker3, warp) end function warp(player) if player == getLocalPlayer() and isPedInVehicle(player) then if source == Marker1 then -- First Marker markerHitSound() local vehicle=getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) setElementPosition (vehicle , 4154.0571289063, -2392.6955566406, 1608.3810302734 ) setElementRotation (vehicle , 0,0,310.5) setVehicleFrozen ( vehicle , true ) setTimer( setVehicleFrozen, 300, 1, vehicle, false ) setWeather ( 99 ) setTime ( 00 , 0 ) setBlurLevel ( 0 ) elseif source == Marker2 then -- Second Marker markerHitSound() local sound1 = playSound("data/mario.mp3", true) local vehicle=getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) setElementPosition (vehicle , 4169.7006835938, -2271.2592773438, 1111.0838623047 ) setElementRotation (vehicle , 0, 0, 0 ) setVehicleFrozen ( vehicle , true ) setTimer( setVehicleFrozen, 700, 1, vehicle, false ) setTime ( 00, 0 ) setBlurLevel (20 ) setGameSpeed ( 1.3 ) setWeather ( 99 ) function randomVehColors() --LOOOOOL ... FINALLY I MADE THIS SCRIPT !!!! xDDDD for i, car in ipairs( getElementsByType( "vehicle" ) ) do local color = {} color[1] = math.random(0,126) -- random from 0 to 126, because colors is from 0 to 126 color[2] = math.random(0,126) color[3] = math.random(0,126) color[4] = math.random(0,126) -- we take 4 random numbers because setVehicleColor have parameters with 4 colors setVehicleColor ( car, color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4] ) -- setting color to vehicle end end function loll() -- Mario World setSkyGradient(math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255)) setWaterColor(math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255)) end function lights() for i,v in pairs (getElementsByType ("vehicle")) do setVehicleHeadLightColor(v, math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255)) end end setTimer(lights, 850, 0) setTimer(loll, 850, 0) setTimer(randomVehColors, 850, 0) end if source == Marker3 then --Third Marker markerHitSound() local vehicle=getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) setElementPosition (vehicle , 4169.7006835938, -2271.2592773438, 1111.0838623047 ) setElementRotation (vehicle , 0, 0, 0 ) setVehicleFrozen ( vehicle , true ) setTimer( setVehicleFrozen, 700, 1, vehicle, false ) addEvent("serverSetsSoundPaused", true) addEventHandler("serverSetsSoundPaused", getRootElement(), function(paused) local soundPause = setSoundPaused(sound1, paused) end) end end end function markerHitSound() local sound2 = playSound("data/warp.mp3") -- Sound Is Working !!! end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, startclient)
  9. BabY

    Pause Sound

    Not Working, But Thanks I Will Make a Marker Then Try to Make it My Script : if source == Marker3 then --Third Marker markerHitSound() local vehicle=getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) setElementPosition (vehicle , 4169.7006835938, -2271.2592773438, 1111.0838623047 ) setElementRotation (vehicle , 0, 0, 0 ) setVehicleFrozen ( vehicle , true ) setTimer( setVehicleFrozen, 700, 1, vehicle, false ) addEvent("serverSetsSoundPaused", true) addEventHandler("serverSetsSoundPaused", getRootElement(), function(paused) setSoundPaused(sound1, paused) end) end
  10. BabY

    Pause Sound

    Omg , I Already Watched the Wiki ..... It's a Command . How I Can Make the Sound Been Paused When the Client Take the Hunter ??? That What I Meant I Think 'isPlayerInVehicle' ?
  11. LoL Remove The 3rd Line and Remove the 14th Line too, This may Make the Script Loading Fail, and ... Try This : local checkpoint = getElementsByType ( "checkpoint",getRootElement()) function CP1 () CP1FBI = createVehicle (490 , -2222.6044921875, -718.970703125 , 65.950073242188 , 355.869140625 , 3.9715576171875, 275.77331542969 ) CP1PED = createPed ( 285, 0, 0, 0 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( CP1PED, CP1FBI) setElementData (CP1FBI, 'race.collideothers', 1 ) setVehicleEngineState (CP1FBI,true) setElementVelocity (CP1FBI,0,1,0) setElementHealth (CP1FBI, 1) end setTimer(destroyElement,10000,1,CP1FBI) end addEventHandler('onPlayerReachCheckpoint', getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), CP1) I Think It would Work ?
  12. BabY

    Pause Sound

    Hey all, I Have a Question ... How I Pause a Sound When a Player Enter a Certain vehicle (Hunter) Greetz, MI550
  13. BabY


    Oh, I Didn't Saw your Edit ......... But .... WORKING ^^ Thanks a Lot man, Without You My map won't Release TY TY TY TY
  14. BabY


    In Fact, When I Added This Line in the Meta, My Map Resource Got Bugged O_o I'am Glad Cuz It's not Damaged and I Can Open it, If not I WIll Kill you The Resource Got Corrupted, But only When Testing ... I'll Try to Delete Editor_Test and Editor_Dumb and Try ^^ Greetz.
  15. BabY


    @drake989 It's a Map, I Need it to Be Auto maticaly Made, When the Map start P.S = It still Show me : Line 7 bad 'txd' pointer @ 'engineImportTXD'(1) What that Means ?
  16. BabY


    Hey all, I Think you Remember me Well, Back to Real I Had a Problem While Changing a Texture of an Object in my Race Map My Script : function Texture () lol = engineLoadTXD("ballysign01.txd") engineImportTXD (lol, 8394 ) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, Texture ) Debug Script : Well, I Suspect The Error in the Event And, I Searched in the Wiki, and Every Thing, But I Couldn't Find a Way for it So, After all my Ideas Gone, I'am Posting Here, Willing to Find da Answer
  17. BabY


    Well, I Think nowan will Beucase (as dzek said) Will take a Lot, Scripting This Thing, Will Take Time as Scripting MTA and It will Be very Hard, Fixing Problems, Adding Ideas ..... abd Now, Every one Want to Make some Thing for Him self( Making a Map, Making a Script ) Greetz, MI
  18. BabY

    Help ?!

    All Freinds ^^
  19. 0_o ... All This and At last it's on the Wiki >
  20. Well, This Took me half an Hour, so Please Read all Carefully First, How to Make a Control Point, You Need to Start the RCG Resource, By Clicking on "Defenitions -> RCG" Then Add the Resource and Click "ok" Then a Window will Appear, Is to Chose the Kind of the Object you Want to make the Control Point with, When you are Ready to Make a Control Point, Click on the "Control Point" and a Window will Appear, Is to Chose the Kind of the Object you will Use, Example : vgncarshade1, roadbridge_4 Then Click any where to Complete Making the Control Point Then, To make a Track with the RCG Tool, You need to Have at least 2 Control points Then, Follow the Steps I Showd to you about how to make a control point, then When you are Ready to make the Track Click on "track" and This will Useually Connect between 2 or 3 Control points to make a Lot of objects Connected to gether and a New window will Appear, and You will have to enter the Number of the Objects you Want to be in the Track you will make Right now, Then There will be 2 Buttons, on front of 2 test boxes, You will have to Click on the First Button, Which will Open a New Window Fall of the Whole Control Points make in the Map to Select the Control Point you Wish to make the Track with, When you Click 'ok' You will be Able to see the Track Generated Successfully ... CP = Control Point Controls : while Selecting the Object Only arrow keys - Move the CP, X and Y positions page up \ page down - Move the CP, Z position ctrl + arrow keys - Rotate the CP, X and Y Rotation ctrl + page up \ page down - Rotate the CP Z Rotation X + ctrl + arrow keys - Rotate Set of the CP X and Y Rotation X + ctrl + page up \ page down - Rotate Set of the CP Z Rotation while selecting the controling set (the 2 circles) page up - Increase Power of the CP page down - Decrease Power of the CP Plus - Increase Number of the Objects in the CP Subtract - Decrease Number of the Objects in the CP END ^^ Hope You Understand all This .
  21. BabY


    Yeah, It's Posible But It will Extremly Slow down your Performance . Greetz
  22. If you are Having Problems Creating the Map, I'am Good 'N it :) I Can Make Nice Maps . Just Tring to Help .
  23. BabY

    Help ?!

    Solved Please Lock
  24. Thanks a Lot Aiboforcen, I Just Deleted 'end' in the Line 47 and Made the Stuff work in the Marker Thanks to all who Suffered from my Language Special Thanks to dzek and Aiboforcen and 50p I Already Took the Script from the Wiki But all This was About "setVehicleHeadLightColor" ... and I Counldn't Find any Eamples to Change it Randomly so, Please Lock
  25. Joke ? I Think Aibo Messed the Script Up , and I Don't Know how to Fix it , and the Debug Scripter Sucks , Look Guys ... Thanks for Every Think I Will Try to Post in Another Forum ...
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