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Everything posted by J.S.

  1. There's a difference between RP and RPG. Most of those "WIP" scripts are never finished anyway.
  2. MTA doesn't support special characters very well. Not to mention that would be annoying. Once special character support is added in 1.1, you'd have to split the string, convert each of the letters, and put the string back together.
  3. Because these features sound almost verbatim to the Valhalla MTA Roleplay Server which was effectively the biggest waste of my time since middle school gym class. The admins are irresponsible and corrupt, the factions are being led by the same kind of people, and there are terrorist attacks on gas stations and the news tower all the time. Police do nothing, and admins do nothing. I'm just pissed because I actually played it for as long as I did and actually tried to change things there. Kinda how I felt about SA-MP after I discovered there was actually an MTA besides Race.
  4. This is what i came up with: local aPickup = createPickup(420.14,-2537.42,32.30,2,24,3000,50) function pickedUpWeaponCheck(player) local money = getPlayerMoney(player) if money < 499 then takeWeaponAmmo(player, 24, 50) outputChatBox ( "You can not afford this. You need".. 500 - money.. "more to pick this up.", player ) else outputChatBox ( "You picked up a Desert Eagle. It cost you $500.", player ) takePlayerMoney(player, 500) end end addEventHandler ( "onPickupHit", aPickup, pickedUpWeaponCheck )
  5. As it is here in America. The amount varies by state but here in Michigan it's somewhere around 8,000 I think. It would still be legal in either case because I doubt more than one or two of these hosting companies make even close to that much.
  6. There isn't one. The only actual roleplay gamemode we have is strictly MySQL and would take quite a bit of coding to work otherwise. With the effort it would take to code, why not just build your own roleplay gamemode? Not to mention that even the MySQL gamemode is both far from done and is being used on quite a few newbie servers now.
  7. So, in other words Valhalla, the biggest piece of crap in our community. I think you're missing corrupt admins and terrorist roleplayers as well. ~~~~ Well to bring up the cursor, just make a new script and paste this function into it: function cursor(player, key, keystate) showCursor(player, not isCursorShowing(player)) end The "not" is supposed to be there by the way - it inverts the boolean. So if isCursorShowing returns true, the not function inverts it to false when the showCursor function is run. Then you can use onPlayerClick to handle what happens when the player is clicked on. Remember to pass the arguments to the function correctly. Fex, function clickHandler(mouseButton, buttonState, clickedElement) if(getElementType(clickedElement == "player")) if (mouseButton == "left") then outputChatBox(source, "You clicked".. getPlayerName(clickedElement)) else outputChatBox(source, "You right clicked".. getPlayerName(clickedElement)) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerClick", getRootElement(), clickHandler) In that example code, when one player (argument source) clicks another (argument clickedElement), it will first make sure the element clicked is a player. It will then detect the button (argument mouseButton) that was used and output a message to the player (source) giving the name of the player that was clicked. This is just an example to show how it can be used. You'll need to script the rest on your own.
  8. Wow, that hangout is almost like a slum village... i like it
  9. Unfortunately most of the good, creative gamemodes go through server or scripter/financial problems and the scripts are never released/traded/sold. The nooby servers only seem to be up alot because the scripter and admins are under little stress and the amount of slots needed is very low, so either they're barely putting forth any effort to keep them up and paying very little to have it hosted or they're running it from home and getting it free while still not giving any effort other than a couple custom car mods.
  10. I'd almost immediately reccommend not connecting to a "Default MTA" server. Usually those are running freeroam and every freeroam server just has a bunch of dick lickers spawnkilling the login point with rocketlaunchers. These are definately not official servers.
  11. [troll=warning][/troll] You spelled good wrong by the way
  12. Unfortunately, 800x600 windowed. 1024+ lags with the effects mod.
  13. J.S.

    MTA Crashes on Startup

    It is definately something to do with Limit Adjuster. Here is the official topic. You should ask there
  14. Use this format: if(exports.factions:isPlayerInFaction(source, [b]police faction id[/b]) then [b]stinger code[/b] else [b]output a "you must be a police officer" message[/b] end
  15. J.S.


    Seriously off topic of me to be posting this, but that's freaking harsh. Where I live in Michigan is heavily Polish and Irish among many other immigrants; and even though it's barely 10 minutes north of Downtown Detroit, most people still cut their lawn, take car of their homes, graduate High School and make sure their kids do the same, work hard and keep their jobs in one of the worst economies in the nation, act kind to their neighbors, donate to the poor, go to church/temple (because it is also the center of a significant Jewish population as well), and stay away from crime. And this city 80 years ago was the dumping ground for all of the greedy white trash from Kentucky that built shacks along our streets, bathed in the swamp, and worked in the piggery for a couple dollars a day. There was very little running water, the township didn't give a crap, and people were killed almost once a week by negligent drivers. In a town of 14,000; there were only three sheriffs deputies and quite a bit of violence. Until the "lazy Poles" came to our city after the war, kicked them out, drained the swamp, and made it a nice community over the course of 30 long, difficult years. Along with their friends, the "drunk Irish", the "guido Italians" (and infact, the local Italian mafia was even involved in cleaning up the city) and the "penny-pinching Jews". This is why racism is ridiculous, and so are the comments that you made.
  16. I bet those servers don't even edit it either. I went on one yesterday - a Dutch server - with everything still written in English, same spawn point, poorly put-together businesses, cars parked out on the street unlocked with the engine on, totally unresponsive players. It even still said "Paradise Roleplay" on the server browser. Now I know I'm using a Paradise edit too, but come on people, put some effort into it. It's extremely basic without good additions to it. The reason Godfather took off is because it already had everything and back then it was all you needed for a successful server. As much of a well-done script this is, it's not the case. Even with it you need to actually work on it to make it successfully functional. Heck, I'd love to put up my server right now, but with only 3 months worth of editing it's still far from half way done. 5 players doesn't sound very fun in a realistic-society-based roleplay server.
  17. The grammar could use some improvement, I agree, but most people who play MTA speak english as a second language or not at all to begin with. As for the legal status of it as a "company," why would it matter? Most, if not all, game server hosts which call themselves 'companies' probably are not registered either. Why go through such trouble for an internet business which probably returns no more than $5,000 a year? But the pricing for this is absolutely phenomenal. It's practically a steal. Although a demo for the control panel would be nice...
  18. Looks like a nice service, good website design, decent prices. It could be a little cheaper in my opinion but it's actually still alot less expensive than other hosts I've looked at. I'll definitely be considering it very seriously after my server is finished.
  19. J.S. killed Zionomonus (Shovel up the ass)
  20. Hacking is just basically cheat codes used "illegally". Definately no way viruses will get through. The server is programmed to detect hacks client-side, versus sa-mp's serverside which detects very few hacks.
  21. It runs fine on Windows 7. Set it compatible for Windows 2000 and run as admin. And if this is implemented, it should seriously be a toggle-able feature. Like, seriously no kidding whatsoever.
  22. J.S.

    simple command

    http://lua.pastebin.com/RULVuAuu Also, if your intent is to send the message to every player online, getRootElement() will not suffice.
  23. J.S.

    Easy Question

    You can make it yourself pretty easily. Create a function with what you want to happen when they win, then use addEvent and addEventHandler. Trigger the event under onMarkerHit. This is just a brief explanation of how you can do it. If you're using the race game mode you'll probably have to do a little reverse engineering to find where code is triggered when a player crosses the last checkpoint, as well as how to check if they're actually in first place. Alot of released scripts use exports, so that could be a start.
  24. J.S.

    Role Play, Please

    People use notepad++ because there's only one or two other editors for it. Plus, there is a big advantage that comes with actually knowing Lua. You could just download a roleplay resource from the community site, if one existed; but when you run the server, your server community will want improvement. If you don't know the language, you can't script improvements, and therefore your server will effectively die within a short period of time. Long story short, learning Lua will actually prolong your server's life.
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