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Posts posted by Jamie_Mews

  1. I need some advice for custom texture modelling on Vehicles and Models,

    I was on a server where you could custom import your own Paintjob and Interior Textures.

    Years ago when I was scripting I used the old

    txd = engineLoadTXD ( "infernus.txd" )

    engineImportTXD ( txd, 411 )

    This would only replace every vehicle.

    Is there a way with 1.4 where I can import textures to a specific model or vehicle and it not replace every texture where this model exists?

    A point in the right direction for a function would be nice,


  2. I am looking for any helpers for my MTA Youtube Channel.

    I will be making films and trailers etc from past productions.

    My last creation was the 2 fast 2 furious introduction

    If you have any concerns with my skill level then please feel free to watch ^^^^ video

    I have not decided 100% on my next project as it depends on the amount of helpers i get

    Please post a comment if you are interested

    Names will be credited in cast production

  3. I have purchased the Valhalla Saphire script

    I cant seem to get it working. When i try and join the game. i am unable to register as there is writing blocking the screen. also it doesnt seem to configure 100%, Has anyone had the same problem when running the old valhalla script

  4. addCommandHandler( "mend",

    function( thePlayer, commandName, who )

    if exports.players:isLoggedIn( thePlayer ) then

    local inPD, factionID, factionName, factionTag = exports.factions:isPlayerInFactionType( thePlayer, 7 )

    if inPD and factionTag then



    outputChatBox( "(( You are not in a Government faction. ))", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 )





    Im abit clueless with money. Id like the player who uses the command to lose 100$ from the command. Please Help

  5. Basicly, I had a server all up and running about 6 months ago. It was all going fine but my PC hardrive failed. Im having to start again. Ive installed XAMPP but i cant link the bloody server. Which file in the XAMPP/MYSQL to i edit with the username and password, Which bits of data do i need to change on the Paradise Download and the SQL Files to link it. I know the SQL database is active because i can see it through EideSQL. Please Help..................

  6. Shodown Gameing has recently updated its Server. Its better than ever before apparently. I wanted to know what peoples thoughts where about it. Ive seen people saying Valhalla is corrupt but i dont know. Please post what people think

  7. Im trying to import the paintjob file but i dont know how to script it. heres what i have for the replacement of the car

    function replaceModel()  
      txd = engineLoadTXD("data/562.txd", 562) 
      engineImportTXD(txd, 562) 
      dff = engineLoadDFF("data/562.dff", 562) 
      engineReplaceModel(dff, 562) 
    addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), replaceModel) 
    addCommandHandler ( "reloadcar", replaceModel ) 

    the name of the paintjob is """uranus2.txd"""

  8. addCommandHandler( "mend", 
    function( thePlayer, commandName, who ) 
    if exports.players:isLoggedIn( thePlayer ) then 
    local inPD, factionID, factionName, factionTag = exports.factions:isPlayerInFactionType( thePlayer, 3 ) 
    if inPD and factionTag then 
    *************** ( getPlayerFromName(who), 100 ) 
    outputChatBox( "(( You are not in a Government faction. ))", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) 

    Im not sure what i should put here. im trying to mend the car that the person is in. i know there are better ways to make a car repair but this is more simple.

  9. i want only certain people to be able to open the gate, there will be a group name on the ACL called "police". and i want only the people from the "police" to be able to open the gate, it currently opens to those who have permission to kick people,

    local theMarker = createMarker ( -1572, 662, 6,  "cylinder", 10, 0, 0, 255, 0 ) 
    local gate = createObject ( 969, -1571.7370605469, 665.71630859375, 6.1875, 0, 0, 270.27026367188 ) 
    function openGate ( hitElement ) 
    if (getElementType(hitElement) == "player" ) then 
    if hasObjectPermissionTo( hitElement, "function.kickPlayer" ) then 
    moveObject ( gate, 1500, -1571.5941162109, 656.59051513672, 6.1875, 0, 0, 0 ) 
    outputChatBox ( "** You have entered a restricted area, you will now be taken away. **", hitElement, 255, 0, 0 ) 
    setElementPosition ( hitElement, -1536, 651, 8 ) 
    function closeGate ( leftElement ) 
    if (getElementType(leftElement) == "player" ) then 
    moveObject ( gate, 1500, -1571.5941162109, 656.59051513672 + 9, 6.1875, 0, 0, 0 ) 
    addEventHandler( "onMarkerLeave", theMarker, closeGate ) 
    addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", theMarker, openGate ) 

  10. What is wrong with this, im trying to make it so that whilst in the paramedic faction, typing "heal" followed by a nickname will heal the player.

    -- /heal 
    addCommandHandler( "heal", 
        function( thePlayer, commandName ) 
            if exports.players:isLoggedIn( thePlayer ) then 
                local inPD, factionID, factionName, factionTag = exports.factions:isPlayerInFactionType( thePlayer, 2 ) 
                if inPD and factionTag then 
                    setElementHealth ( getPlayerFromNick, 100 ) 
                    outputChatBox( "(( You are not in a Government faction. ))", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) 


    getplayerfromnick , i thought that would be correct, what should i type where

  11. Im not sure how can make the whole resource only allowed to be used by the acl group. im trying to add a spike system and im not sure how to make it only used by the police faction. ive looked at a previous thread about this but im not sure, what should i write where

  12. Im not sure how i can edit my sql database. i need to go into the file and add admins. what program can i use to open the table. ive tried the obvious programs but i just cant open it ..

  13. Im not sure how to teleport vehicles. when i teleport to my garage which i have bought the screen goes black and becomes invisible. how can i change this.

  14. Im useing MTA Paradise and its going great except the fact i cant create houses or interiors. when i choose to set interior it says that im not in one. does anyone know how i should be approaching this. thanks

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