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  1. I've done this function to test if i could put a player and the camera in front of him... But doesn't work... function selecskin( player ) setElementPosition ( player, -2620.8506, 1412.5596, 7.0938) setPlayerRotation ( player, 312 ) setCameraMode ( player, "fixed" ) setTimer ( setCameraPosition, 1000, 1, player, -2618.9541, 1414.4677, 7.1016) setTimer ( setCameraLookAt, 1000, 1, player, -2620.2506, 1412.5596, 7.0938) end Is there something wrong?
  2. Well, with just 8 dimensions i will be great ... I cannot host for much players... I have 128k of upload rate Is that truel???
  3. But... what if two players are selecting their skin at the same time??
  4. Well... I want to make a graphical skin selector that lets players select their skin after start playing. Is there any way to do that?
  5. Done: Solution: use gcc-config to set the new version of gcc as the default version
  6. Same problem here. Too much timeouts.
  7. Nope, not working yet... I've installed glibc-2.7 libstdc++-v3.3.3.6 and gcc-4.2.2, but still receiving the same error
  8. I get this error when i want to run the server: /home/samp/mta/mods/deathmatch/deathmatch.so: undefined symbol: _ZSt16__ostream_insertIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_PKS3_i ERROR: Loading mod (/home/samp/mta/mods/deathmatch/deathmatch.so) failed! Press Q to shut down the server! Please help. Thanks
  9. I get this error when i want to run the server: /home/samp/mta/mods/deathmatch/deathmatch.so: undefined symbol: _ZSt16__ostream_insertIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_PKS3_i ERROR: Loading mod (/home/samp/mta/mods/deathmatch/deathmatch.so) failed! Press Q to shut down the server! Please help. Thanks
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