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  1. Thimo

    MTA car mods

    Whats wrong with this code: function Replace( ) elgtx = engineLoadTXD ( "txd/buffalo.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( elgtx, 402 ) elgdf = engineLoadDFF ( "txd/buffalo.dff", 402 ) engineReplaceModel ( elgdf, 402 ) end addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, replace) addCommandHandler ( "replace", replace ) Meta here <meta> <info author="thimo" type="script" version="1.0"/> <script src="Mod.lua" type="client"/> <file src="txd/buffalo.txd" type="client" /> <file src="txd/buffalo.dff" type="client " /> </meta> Pl stell me what im doing wrong! i tried very much but maybe you guys can find a error in it
  2. Thimo

    MTA car mods

    Can someone make a example for the infernus??? Pls Does it need to be in game mode script ftw?
  3. Thimo

    MTA car mods

    Hey i see how to do it but i cant find my TXD and DFF files anywhere ? Wtf
  4. Thimo

    MTA car mods

    Hey dudes i was wondering how they made carmods for mta with a script not with stuff like mod installer does anyone know how to make that i really want it ! thanks!
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