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Everything posted by Peter

  1. You can already send most datatypes between server- and client, for larger amounts of (mixed) data you could send a table for example.
  2. Peter

    Traffic lights

    Do you know? It isn't nice to tell things to other people while you have no idea of the systems yourself. Other than that, this isn't a bug regardless of how you look at it, it's just not implented.
  3. It would mainly be convenient for Role Playing servers, as you say, nevertheless, it might be interesting to include for future versions although I'm quite sure it would not be a priority. 49D350 and 49D3A0
  4. You can already do so using various "background*" functions in the console. As an extension to those, I'd like to request the possibility for bold text and bordered text.
  5. Good evening Hereby a few suggestions which would, in my eyes, improve the scripting system quite a bit. I'll go more into detail about the suggestions one at a time. Time Parameter for setWeatherBlended Right now it's fixed on two minutes for a full blend, however, it would be quite convenient if the time parameter could be set to another value, e.g. 30 seconds for a faster transition. This would allow complex, realistic weather systems to be made in gamemodes, with a specific type of weather associated with area's on the map. getPlayerOccupiedVehicleSeat to be added client-side For some reason this function only is available on the server itself, whereas it wouldn't be hard to include it client-side as well. No high priority, as this can be done using multiple getVehicleOccupant calls as well, but it still would be quite useful. Camera-related functions Some of those are bugged in an odd way causing them to only work when used in combination with a timer. Multiple camera-operations should be possible in the same frame, which immediatly takes away the need for these timers. I know setCameraLookAt is included in this, setting the camera to fixed-/nonfixed most probably as well. Also, being able to set the camera mode for a player (e.g. distance, cinema-effects etc) could be nice as well, just like the drunk/jiggle feature of GTA's camera. Light related functions GTA has various ways of creating lights in the world, ranging from spotlights to normal effects. It would be great if we could create lights as elements and attach them to vehicles for example, to immitate spotlights but with more control. Pickupable objects In one of the video's shown before the release someone threw an object away through the world, especially for RP servers it would be nice to have the ability to pick up a TV for example, and run around with it like you stole it (like the riot-mode at the end of the singleplayer missions). Control of private-message features (/msg) Right now the /msg function is hardcoded in MTA, which I would like to see scripted. You should know how many bad things are being discussed in private messages. setPlayerNametagText to be used client-side Some gamemodes might want to use player ID's rather then full names (typing /ban Rand0mu$e||r21 gets boring after a while, with no GUI), thus setting the nametag texts locally to toggle the display might be convenient too. Synched traffic lights Speaks for itself, doesn't it? I already posted something about it here, it would be fairly easy to sync them without scripting interaction, in fact, it probably would be even easier to do it as a whole based on the direction the traffic light is aiming (like is done in GTA) rather then rewriting the light-colour-function. It would be great for RP purposes, having races and such based on the traffic light state. Special Effects There are various special effects in GTA, e.g. smoke, blood etc. It might be interesting to be able to create these yourself. Other effects, e.g. the heat-haze effect should, in my opinion, be removable on a per-player basis. Some people like it, other do not. As for more general features, wildcards would be nice for the meta file, allowing to include all .lua files in a specific directory at once rather than having to include them all, although that's more to cover my lazyness. On top of that, perhaps some kind of way to remove the doors currently blocking garages, so we could create our own pay-and-spray's/modding garages I have way more idea's, but things like helicopter-driveby's etc. could be done when the task system gets accessable enough.
  6. More info on the crash, occurs in the d3dx9_30.dll module. Info provided by aru, but he cannot register
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