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Everything posted by iPot

  1. It's a example built-in function. Like getPlayerName etc.. No didn't solve it. EDIT: Fixed.
  2. Nope, doesn't change a thing. Like I expected. I used previous addCommandHandlers and functions (very basic ones) but with the same variables and it worked perfectly.
  3. Thank you very much It works perfectly, where is the tutorial that explains the part I missed apparently? In theory this loop should work but it doesn't. How come? I defined variable2 and thePlayer btw. function testFunction() local variable = getVar(thePlayer) outputChatBox("Debug message",thePlayer) if (variable == 0 ) then if (variable2 == false) then outputChatBox("Debug message",thePlayer) takeAction() testFunction2() end end end function testFunction2() local variable = getVar(thePlayer) if (variable ~= 0) then outputChatBox("Debug message",thePlayer) takeAction2() testFunction() end function takeAction() -- Do things. testFunction() end function takeAction2() -- Do different things. testFunction() end addCommandHandler("command", testFunction) EDIT: I don't even get the first debug message in testFunction()
  4. Should I use AddEvent/AddEventHandler here? Or are there other options. Like in GTA SA scripting you could just type JUMP @label. then I could use JUMP @otherFunction. It's not like that but that's why I came here, to ask. function testFunction testvariable = getTestData(aDude) if (testvariable == true) then -- go to otherFunction end end function otherFunction -- blablabla end bindKey(fire,both,testFunction) Already thanks. iPot PS: Nice tabbing for a newb huh?
  5. Sorry for the offtopic but are you Puma from gtaforum.nl?
  6. iPot


    I was doubting if it existed (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Req ... and_Events). Secondly, that's exactly what I want seb. Like this would output a number from 0 - 12 test = getRadioChannel(thePlayer) outputChatBox(test) I will definitely do that So is there a way around this without changing the channel to 0?
  7. iPot


    Does this function even work? local radio = getRadioChannel(thePlayer) setRadioVolume(radio,0) iPot
  8. It's been 2-3 years since I've been here and I'm picking MTA back up now. I'm wondering if there still doesn't exist a tool such as a MTA:SA --> MTA:DM map converter. Can't seem to find it in the list, only other conversion tools.
  9. I got my dff, txd and col ready for use. Made a meta with a reference to them. But now I have to know how to spawn/create the objects ingame. Everyone who's going to help me, thank you I made this script, but nothing happens but no errors are given too.. function mapLoad ( name ) txd_weedisland = engineLoadTXD("weedisland.txd") engineImportTXD(txd_weedisland,3374) col_weedisland = engineLoadCOL("weedisland") dff_weedisland = engineLoadDFF("weedisland", 0 ) engineReplaceCOL(col_weedisland,3374) engineReplaceModel(dff_weedisland,3374) createObject ( 3374, 3092.17, -2054.60, 0.0, 0, 0, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), mapLoad )
  10. iPot

    Bad argument

    Hey all, I got this error bad argument in line 3. Can anyone help me? Just started today with LUA function GiveMoney( thePlayer, reward, receiver ) if ( receiver ) and ( receiver ~= thePlayer ) then givePlayerMoney ( receiver, 10000 ) else outputChatBox("Syntax error: /reward <receiver>", thePlayer, 255, 0, 34, false ) end end addCommandHandler( "reward", GiveMoney )
  11. iPot

    Wrong script

    Well thank you I guess i deleted some wrong stuff Tom
  12. iPot

    Wrong script

    Here are all my code's now : Meta for gamemode: <meta> <info author="Underworld" name="Bla" version="1" type="gamemode"/> <config src="help.xml" type="client" /> <script src="spawn.lua" /> </meta> Spawn script: function startMap(startedMap) local mapRoot = getResourceRootElement(startedMap) local players = getElementsByType("player") fadeCamera ( thePlayer, false, 1.0, 0, 0, 0 ) for key, player in pairs(players) do local spawn = spawns[math.random(1, #spawns)] local posX = getElementData(spawn, "posX") local posY = getElementData(spawn, "posY") local posZ = getElementData(spawn, "posZ") local angle = getElementData(spawn, "angle") spawnPlayer(player, posX, posY, posZ, angle) end end addEventHandler ( "onGamemodeMapStart", getRootElement(), startMap ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meta for the map: <meta> <info author="Underworld" description="map" version="1" type="map" gamemodes="Bla"/> <map src="Bla.map"/> </meta> And here, the map: <map> <spawnpoint posX="2495.1257324219" posY="-1686.6124267578" posZ="13.513834953308" angle="3.4530944824219"/> <spawnpoint posX="2519.9204101563" posY="-1678.9359130859" posZ="14.879755020142" angle="91.500610351563"/> <spawnpoint posX="2509.6416015625" posY="-1654.0524902344" posZ="13.655654907227" angle="135.68103027344"/> <spawnpoint posX="2487.0036621094" posY="-1647.6352539063" posZ="14.0703125" angle="181.4281463623"/> <spawnpoint posX="2471.869140625" posY="-1686.2700195313" posZ="13.5078125" angle="325.85275268555"/> <spawnpoint posX="2469.6413574219" posY="-1650.4163818359" posZ="13.471806526184" angle="183.62147521973"/> <spawnpoint posX="2452.4020996094" posY="-1646.6909179688" posZ="13.468873977661" angle="178.92138671875"/> </map>
  13. iPot

    Wrong script

    Now I feel like an idiot [20:52:03] ERROR: .../server/mods/deathmatch/resources/Headcrab/spawn.lua:7: empt to get length of global 'spawns' (a nil value)
  14. iPot

    Wrong script

    There's another 1 [20:24:07] SCRIPT ERROR: ...Program Files/MTA DM/server/mods/deathmatch/resource s/Headcrab/spawn.lua:8: ']' expected near 'local' [20:24:07] INFO: Loading script failed: ...Program Files/MTA DM/server/mods/deat hmatch/resources/Headcrab/spawn.lua:8: ']' expected near 'local' I used the exact code as you said. Tom
  15. iPot

    Wrong script

    I got this code here wich gives an error where I can't find the solution for. Anyone that can help is thankful. Here's the error btw: [19:26:43] SCRIPT ERROR: ...Program Files/MTA DM/server/mods/deathmatc s/Headcrab/spawn.lua:13: unexpected symbol near ')' [19:26:43] INFO: Loading script failed: ...Program Files/MTA DM/server hmatch/resources/Headcrab/spawn.lua:13: unexpected symbol near ')' And here's the code: function startMap(startedMap) local mapRoot = getResourceRootElement(startedMap) local players = getElementsByType("player") fadeCamera ( thePlayer, false, 1.0, 0, 0, 0 ) for key, player in pairs(players) do local spawn = spawns[math.random(1, #spawns)] local posX = getElementData(spawn, "posX") local posY = getElementData(spawn, "posY") local posZ = getElementData(spawn, "posZ") local angle = getElementData(spawn, "angle") spawnPlayer(player, posX, posY, posZ, angle)) end end addEventHandler("onGamemodeMapStart", getRootElement(), startMap Tom
  16. http://www.gtaforum.nl/index.php?showto ... 42&st=40 Look here
  17. iPot

    Error.. :O

    I'm making my own gamemode and while fixing much errors in the meanwhile i can't get past this 1.. What does it means ? Any help ? [23:12:36] start: Failed to start resource 'Species wars' [23:12:36] ERROR: mapmanager: map resource could not be started. [23:12:36] ERROR: call: Check the function exists, is exported and you've passed the correct arguments Thank you, Tom
  18. I completely agree with SanZor..
  19. I noticed these bugs : - In the server browser we can't get back to the main menu, i tried to push escape but nothing. - In the votemode hay i noticed that sometimes when you fall down and smash the floor that you get the landing animation. After that he stands up right and then suddenly again after 1 second he starts another animation and falls off (mostly) - Spectate mode is very bugged, moslty it doesn't works when trying to switch players. Why doesn't it defaults spectate if your not playing ? - There was already a topic about this 1 About DM and SA installed both. Tom
  20. Omg.. I would like to keep on playing..
  21. This may sound dumb, but i fucked up the hay script with messing around with it Can ayone send me the hay.rar from recources ? Tom
  22. I don't know if serveral people have this weird (thing). But everytime i click Download i get this text: Rar!ϐs Qvt4y60PublicReleaseScripts't CNpP [63# PublicReleaseScripts\MTA-PRS1.3.mrc@yU>kiƳ-8O$<32nܭW?N5nԚ<̟wKNL&ێn{24AI_(AD?J:w*?eǛճQe dq`!wXa)4}1;lE~ ù1 H~Oϳ㻧ǝߞ%z--W6 ../] rW;qh*`_@Y>J|x8oHkn ud E鿋^ߕ4B@C(rqDQI1}ٝ( ?ixEȟOI{L_}n<Ïw/}ffhsGG AJ( }SLL}9`F(O00} ;}Wx0]N0^2nޞ)~- wM7 y}Kθ1pvBbc01Ɋ`[OAX)/D(sЭvgyDЫ.{.S-40gKJ%I,A} pph6EťjS-ܯ]2ЋMw2kw/8yv"`TB.O|=8}?|-dw@Qnb2g bh Yn0 !x`\%1'#=>_Ngbf$b2`@ɑ`Lp<?%,gԨ`4ח)q؉.tZi.LsNxc8I Xjǰeb=91X΀PS@Pp3)9wwIWrI^9[(]6L(&k$D^[,Z;-?1oI?/uR|Mr@'{ɂjxܢKsՇ`|-3!mß4E?ԁ;!NTq7SfJmf `FtqAM&p39n#0ybe+MSAUAx` j3x8H[)E?=]MǢXY?O*F I?Q u%}ybHH~*!&/TAQ᪛(e s4!,< $X*4 6jRhD And it continous for half a page. What's this and why can't i just downlaod it ? Tom And why is this forum so, .. inactive i've posted like days ago in the mapping forum and no1 answers On my forum it takes axproximattely 10 minutes.
  23. As i was thinking i thought of this: All the GTA SA models are defined in some files in de objects folder in the MTA installation folder. So if we make a new model and make a dff, txd and col of it and add those to the gta3.img and add the name of it the a new folder and file in the objects folder of MTA the objects should appear ? Or not ? Please leave a comment or give me some help ! Tom
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