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  1. noooob, this is in the wrong section and you should have searched, its been said many times.. - It even says on the main page...
  2. noooob, this is in the wrong section and you should have searched, its been said many times.. - It even says on the main page...
  3. me too. i tried changing compatibility mode but it didnt work
  4. me too. i tried changing compatibility mode but it didnt work
  5. I don't know why it wont work on vista, it just wont load.
  6. I don't know why it wont work on vista, it just wont load.
  7. I totally agree. MTA Race was made for racing, MTA deathmatch was not. I play the game to race. I want MTA Race to work on vista!
  8. I totally agree. MTA Race was made for racing, MTA deathmatch was not. I play the game to race. I want MTA Race to work on vista!
  9. it still wont load, i have vista.
  10. it still wont load, i have vista.
  11. I need help because when I click on MTA it says stop playing with yourself then doesn't load the game. I updated to the latest 1.1.2 version which has vista support and i have vista but it wont work. help.
  12. I need help because when I click on MTA it says stop playing with yourself then doesn't load the game. I updated to the latest 1.1.2 version which has vista support and i have vista but it wont work. help.
  13. Using the search button won't hurt you thanks man.
  14. Yatesyz


    I will buy the GTA series from steam because my san andreas disk is corrupt and i can't reinstall my game. Thanks for saying mta works on the steam version of SA.
  15. The admin could easily disable that vehicle so you can't create it.
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