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Everything posted by Ace_Gambit

  1. Create a small object inside the marker on ground level and attach/detach the player on top of that object. This is probably the best way of doing it. Because like you said if someone is running, disabling controls does not instantly make the player stop moving. As a result the player may freeze outside the marker.
  2. Actually it is server-side. But like I said it runs more smoothly if you just do it client-side in onClientRender or onClientPreRender with the cost of not having it synchronized.
  3. Some functions require DM 1.0 Nightly build. A lot of people have been wondering about scripted traffic and there is more than one way of doing it. With the new ped functions (DM 1.0 Nightly build) a convenient method is to set control states. However, setting control states is client-sided and no one except you will be able to see the vehicle moving unless you tell all clients to do the same. This code snippet will demonstrate how to move vehicles along scripted paths by using server-side velocity changes. It is very basic and probably not the most efficient way of moving vehicles but it may help people with their scripts. Also note that it is recommended to do all this client-side. Timers do not provide fast enough intervals to make the vehicle rotate smoothly. This sample is just to show how it could be done server-side. Server script: ROOT = getRootElement (); RES = getThisResource (); PATHS = "paths.xml"; local pPaths = {}; local iPath = 1; local bHandleSpawn = true; local bCreateMarkers = true; -- Just for testing. local pMover = nil; function getTargetAngle ( pSource, fTargetX, fTargetY, fTmp ) local fSourceX, fSourceY, fSourceZ = getElementPosition( pSource ); local _, _, fRot = getVehicleRotation ( pSource ); local fRelPosX = fTargetX - fSourceX; local fRelPosY = fTargetY - fSourceY; local fDist = math.sqrt ( ( fRelPosX * fRelPosX ) + ( fRelPosY * fRelPosY ) ); local fDot = 0; fRot = fRot + fTmp; fRelPosX = fRelPosX / fDist; fRelPosY = fRelPosY / fDist; fDot = ( ( math.sin ( math.rad ( 360 - fRot ) ) ) * fRelPosX ) + ( ( math.cos ( math.rad ( 360 - fRot ) ) ) * fRelPosY ); return math.deg ( math.acos ( fDot ) ); end; function onTimer () local fPosX, fPosY = 0, 0; local fRotZ = 0; local fVelX, fVelY, fVelZ = 0, 0, 0; local fPerc = 0; if ( pMover and #pPaths > 0 ) then fPosX, fPosY = getElementPosition ( pMover ); if ( getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( fPosX, fPosY, pPaths[ iPath ].fPosX, pPaths[ iPath ].fPosY ) > pPaths[ iPath ].fMaxTargetDistance ) then _, _, fRotZ = getVehicleRotation ( pMover ); fVelX, fVelY, fVelZ = getElementVelocity ( pMover ); if ( fRotZ >= 0 and fRotZ <= 90 ) then fPerc = ( fRotZ / 90 ) * 100; if ( fPerc < 50 ) then fVelX = -( ( fPerc / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1 ); fVelY = ( ( 100 - fPerc ) / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1; else fVelX = -( ( fPerc / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1 ); fVelY = ( ( 100 - fPerc ) / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1; end; end; if ( fRotZ >= 90 and fRotZ <= 180 ) then fRotZ = fRotZ - 90; fPerc = ( fRotZ / 90 ) * 100; if ( fPerc < 50 ) then fVelX = -( ( ( 100 - fPerc ) / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1 ); fVelY = -( ( fPerc / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1 ); else fVelX = -( ( ( 100 - fPerc ) / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1 ); fVelY = -( ( fPerc / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1 ); end; end; if ( fRotZ >= 180 and fRotZ <= 270 ) then fRotZ = fRotZ - 180; fPerc = ( fRotZ / 90 ) * 100; if ( fPerc < 50 ) then fVelX = ( fPerc / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1; fVelY = -( ( ( 100 - fPerc ) / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1 ); else fVelX = ( fPerc / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1; fVelY = -( ( ( 100 - fPerc ) / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1 ); end; end; if ( fRotZ >= 270 and fRotZ <= 360 ) then fRotZ = fRotZ - 270; fPerc = ( fRotZ / 90 ) * 100; if ( fPerc < 50 ) then fVelX = ( ( 100 - fPerc ) / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1; fVelY = ( fPerc / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1; else fVelX = ( ( 100 - fPerc ) / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1; fVelY = ( fPerc / pPaths[ iPath ].fSpeedDivision ) * 1; end; end; setElementVelocity ( pMover, fVelX, fVelY, fVelZ ); if ( getTargetAngle ( pMover, pPaths[ iPath ].fPosX, pPaths[ iPath ].fPosY, 0 ) > pPaths[ iPath ].fMaxTargetAngle ) then if ( getTargetAngle ( pMover, pPaths[ iPath ].fPosX, pPaths[ iPath ].fPosY, -1 ) < getTargetAngle ( pMover, pPaths[ iPath ].fPosX, pPaths[ iPath ].fPosY, 1 ) ) then print ( "* Right turn." ); setVehicleTurnVelocity ( pMover, 0, 0, -( pPaths[ iPath ].fTurnVelocity ) ); else print ( "* Left turn." ); setVehicleTurnVelocity ( pMover, 0, 0, pPaths[ iPath ].fTurnVelocity ); end; else setVehicleTurnVelocity ( pMover, 0, 0, 0 ); end; else if ( iPath < #pPaths ) then iPath = iPath + 1; else iPath = 1; end; print ( "* Next path." ); end; end; setTimer ( onTimer, 50, 1 ); end; function onResourceStart ( pStartedResource ) local nRoot = false; if ( pStartedResource == RES ) then nRoot = xmlLoadFile ( PATHS, RES ); if ( nRoot ) then for _, nPath in pairs ( xmlNodeGetChildren ( nRoot ) or {} ) do table.insert ( pPaths, { fPosX = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( nPath, "posX" ) ) or -1, fPosY = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( nPath, "posY" ) ) or -1, fTurnVelocity = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( nPath, "turnVelocity" ) ) or -1, fMaxTargetDistance = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( nPath, "maxTargetDistance" ) ) or -1, fMaxTargetAngle = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( nPath, "maxTargetAngle" ) ) or -1, fSpeedDivision = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( nPath, "speedDivision" ) ) or -1 } ); end; if ( bCreateMarkers ) then for _, pPath in ipairs ( pPaths ) do createMarker ( pPath.fPosX, pPath.fPosY, 0, "checkpoint", 1.5, math.random ( 0, 255 ), math.random ( 0, 255 ), math.random ( 0, 255 ), 255 ); end; end; pMover = getElementByID ( "mover" ); end; end; end; function onKeyPressed ( pPlayer, szKey, szKeyState ) if ( szKey == "F1" and szKeyState == "down" ) then onTimer (); end; end; function onPlayerJoin () setCameraTarget ( source, source ); fadeCamera ( source, true ); spawnPlayer ( source, 0, 0, 2.5 ); bindKey ( source, "F1", "down", onKeyPressed ); end; addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", ROOT, onResourceStart, true ); if ( bHandleSpawn ) then addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", ROOT, onPlayerJoin, true ); end; In order to make this work you must place a data file with paths in the same folder as your server script. Example paths.xml data file: <paths> <path posX="45.761882781982" posY="-2.5386297702789" turnVelocity="0.01" maxTargetDistance="10" maxTargetAngle="10" speedDivision="1000" /> <path posX="132.56669616699" posY="78.492034912109" turnVelocity="0.01" maxTargetDistance="10" maxTargetAngle="10" speedDivision="1000" /> <path posX="228.1443939209" posY="50.259208679199" turnVelocity="0.01" maxTargetDistance="10" maxTargetAngle="10" speedDivision="1000" /> <path posX="233.02215576172" posY="-70.206611633301" turnVelocity="0.01" maxTargetDistance="10" maxTargetAngle="10" speedDivision="1000" /> <path posX="144.71810913086" posY="-71.875244140625" turnVelocity="0.01" maxTargetDistance="10" maxTargetAngle="10" speedDivision="1000" /> <path posX="80.65113067627" posY="-91.124290466309" turnVelocity="0.01" maxTargetDistance="10" maxTargetAngle="10" speedDivision="1000" /> </paths> And make sure there is a vehicle with ID "mover" in your map file (or create it on the fly). Example snippet.map file: <map> <info description="" type="map" gamemodes="snippet" author="" name="" version="1.0" /> <vehicle id="mover" model="427" posX="10" posY="0" posZ="5" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270" /> </map> I've attached all script files for quick reference.
  4. Ace_Gambit

    XML Help

    What about the typo "xmlfile" instead of "xmlFile"?
  5. Because getGroundPosition does not take custom placed MTA objects into account afaik. In that perspective processLineOfSight is more flexible because you can specify in detail what to check for. Also when you test the vertical line of sight for level Z, you probably want to go with a constant MIN and MAX value instead of using player Z positions.
  6. Isn't it easier to just use processLineOfSight between x1, y1, z1 + n and x2, y2, z2 - n? In other words testing the vertical line of sight against the world map.
  7. Not really. All it shows is the address not what type the variable is. Do something like outputChatBox(type(var)). If it is userdata you can do getElementType() to see what type of MTA element it is. if ( type ( theGate ) == "userdata" ) then outputChatBox ( getElementType ( theGate ) ) else outputChatBox ( type ( theGate ) ) end
  8. Hm, one of my modules does that to get RSS feeds. But it's a stand-alone module. Maybe I can try to merge that code with MTA and submit a patch.
  9. What exactly do you mean with querying?
  10. Just remember that client side basically means not visible to others.
  11. This function is client side only. Maybe you tried to call it in a server script?
  12. If you are using the night build it's probably better to use onClientPreRender to perform calculations. One way or the other you must find a way to limit your calculations to nearby zombies. Creating a massive loop every frame is not very smart. Your best option is to use onClientElementStreamIn and onClientElementStreamOut. Push ped elements onto a stack in onClientElementStreamIn and remove them when they stream out again. Iterate through the stack instead of getting all zombie peds every frame. This should at least bring back the workload significantly unless there is a high density of zombies. And you don't have to use collision shapes.
  13. That's what he wants, concatenate all passed parameters after the command as one string. The "arg" variable represents the table of parameters passed by the variable argument list "..." in the function call. So table.concat(arg, " ") is correct as well.
  14. function hey(source,command,...)
  15. You can use table.concat to join arguments as one string. Edit: To be more specific: function foo(...) print(table.concat(arg, " ")) end
  16. Ace_Gambit


    What's wrong with http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=DxDrawText? Most GTA fonts are included.
  17. Then he'd also mean make your own minimap, but I think that's a little too hard to do. But in theory you don't have to do that when you have a custom map because you'll probably going to update blips by using element positions.
  18. I think what he's trying to say is you can "unhook" the F11 radar and attach/bind your own scripted map to the F11 key.
  19. Try to set the right weapon slot. However note that makePedUseGun does not work atm.
  20. Sorry for going slightly off-topic but is makePedUseGun working now?
  21. I want to see two peds standing on the bow railing.
  22. LOL. What would be the size of such a resource, possibly a few hundreds of megabytes?
  23. Thats what i mean Like robhol said this is pointless. This isn't going to stop people from "stealing" your scripts. Besides everything that has been written to a physical location on your hard drive can be retrieved even after you delete it. The only available option atm is compiling to binary and source obfuscation. But you should really ask yourself if this is worth the effort because most scripts are easy to replicate anyway.
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