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  1. About us: We are the Elite Pwners || ePwn; the team got created in CoD4 but now we are mostly in MTA:SA. ePwn is one of the best Destruction Derby clans, we are not afraid to claim this and we are not afraid of any war or of any fight cause we are just too proud to say no to any kind of challange. All in all we are just looking for some fun and action and we try to make each war as interesting as possible. Do not compare us with clans which play only for their warstats else we are going to rape you. We don´t say that we are perfect, but we are. Team Captain: D&A Members: Styler ReventoN Macruni rhoypnol drowned_and 3DShark Website ePwn-gaming.com
  2. DD is losing players like fuck so do u this favor and go ahead and give us this section
  3. Hopefully someone can help me with this. I get this error but I got no clue why. "Server triggered the event onClientKey, but event is not marked as remotly Triggerable" Clientside: addEvent("onClientKey", true) addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function(key, pressed) if key == getKeyBoundToCommand("screenshot") and pressed then local chatterName = getPlayerName ( getLocalPlayer() ) outputChatBox ( chatterName.." has made a screenshot.", true ) end end) Serverside: triggerClientEvent ( "onClientKey", getRootElement(), "playerUsesScreen" ,true )
  4. Ok guys, In race mod, when you press the button for a screenshot, it causes something like lag so ppls can use it at wars etc to cause this lag and its kinda cheating in my eyes and I tried to make something like a screenshot detector. I made it like when you press F12 it shows me in the console that Player A made a screenshot but lal I didnt thought at that, that some ppl got screenkey on a different key than F12. Someone can tell me a way to solve this cause I couldnt find a shit in the wiki. thanks a lot
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