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Everything posted by destunter

  1. Linux version: Debian 7 (Wheezy) 64bit issue: Not sure why its happening. This is my first time running a mta-server in linux usually I have just ran them locally for some friends, but I had a extra server sitting there so I was gonna dedicate it to leave it on 24/7 for my friends and I to use. I am kinda linux savy but am no expert. I usually can resolve issues that arise but I have never had it say something doesn't exists when it clearly does. Any help is appreciated! EDIT -- Just in-case any of you are curious here are the permissions: Edit 2 -- Solved the issue. Host was using a minimal version of Debian 7. Went through and downloaded all the packages manually and it works now...
  2. ok i fixed the getPlayerName but i am still not seeing my server and idk how to get any of this working i start mta server then i join it but i see stuff i never added and the commands do not work i attached the meta.xml and script.lua to this post
  3. <"script /> addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), function () local x = 1959.55 local y = -1714.46 local z = 10 local pname = GetPlayerName( source ) spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z) fadeCamera(source, true) setCameraTarget(source, source) outputChatBox("Welcome to Gaalaxy Stunting", source) outputChatBox ( pname.. "++ Has joined Galaxy Stunting!" ) setElementData( source, "deaths", 0 ); setElementData( source, "kills", 0 ); end ) -- Events addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(), function (totalAmmo, killer, killerWeapon, bodypart) local pname = getPlayerName( source ) local pname2 = getPlayerName( killer ) outputChatBox(pname2.. " has Killed " ..pname) setElementData( source, "deaths", getElementData( source, "deaths" ) + 1 ); setElementData( killer, "kills", getElementData( killer, "kills" ) + 1 ); end ) -- Commands addCommandHandler( "stats", function( plr ) outputChatBox( "Your current stats: " .. getElementData( plr, "kills" ) .. "/" .. getElementData( plr, "deaths" ), plr ); outputChatBox( "Kills: " .. getElementData( plr, "kills" ), plr ); outputChatBox( "Deaths: ".. getElementData( plr, "deaths" ), plr ); end ) addCommandHandler ( "killme", function ( plr ) local pname = GetPlayerName( plr ) SetPlayerHealth( plr, 0 ) outputChatBox( pname.. "Has Killed Himself") end ) ok this is my whole lua script. i am using the MTA Script Editor. so when i start the server and it loads the script but it doesn't because none of this is working and its loading vehicles and other stuff i never added D= can someone please help me
  4. awsome thanks i will be looking forward to the newest version then =D
  5. ok so i want to know how to make a variable that is for everything so i have this code function playerDied(totalAmmo, killer, killerWeapon, bodypart) local pname = GetPlayerName( theplayer ) local pname2 = GetPlayerName( killer ) outputChatBox(pname2.. "Has Killed Player" ..pname) end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),playerDied) is there a way to make a it so i can do Deaths = Deaths+1 so i can make a stats command that shows all the players kills deaths and so on. and ... how can i just load my maps objects into the script if i am making a free roam server
  6. Do you think you could add a blank script with all of the public's so when we click new it shows a blank template?
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