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  1. u can help me or not? i will test it before i will use that on my server...
  2. addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement( ), function ( Anticheat ) Antiairbreaketimer = setTimer( Antiairbreake, 5000, 0, "Airbreakecheat") function Antiairbreake (text) local x,y,z = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer() ) setElementPosition ( getLocalPlayer(), x, y + 1, z) local nx,ny,nz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer() ) if ny == y then outputChatBox(text) else setElementPosition ( getLocalPlayer(), x, y - 1, z) end end end ); I get an Bad Arguement at the 3rd line help me please its a client script
  3. kk i wrote it in tabels and it workd
  4. Hey i get bad arguements at this script line: destroyElement( _G["PlayerCar"..getPlayerName(source)]) ( _G["PlayerCar"..getPlayerName(source) is = createVehicle ( 475, -198.83, 1216.94, 20, 0, 0, 180 ) ) and PlayerCarID[source] = getAccountData ( account[source], "CarID" ) PlayerCarx[source] = getAccountData ( account[source], "Carx" ) PlayerCary[source] = getAccountData ( account[source], "Cary" ) PlayerCarz[source] = getAccountData ( account[source], "Carz" ) PlayerCarrx[source] = getAccountData ( account[source], "Carrx" ) PlayerCarry[source] = getAccountData ( account[source], "Carry" ) PlayerCarrz[source] = getAccountData ( account[source], "Carrz" ) setPlayerMoney ( source, PlayerMoney[source]) if PlayerCarID[source] > 0 then createVehicle ( tonumber(PlayerCarID[source]), tonumber(PlayerCarx[source]), tonumber(PlayerCary[source]), tonumber(PlayerCarz[source]), tonumber(PlayerCarrx[source]), tonumber(PlayerCarry[source]), tonumber(PlayerCarrz[source]) ) end and @createvehicle
  5. Your gamemode, zombies. and the map ztown. it works, no errors but screen keeps black after connecting
  6. i load the zombies script and the map. works. after i connected the screen keeps black.. whats wrong?
  7. output is: Epic Fail € comon pls help me
  8. that works, i dont need that parameter. the only thing thats not working ist "onVehicleExit". The Vehicle should get deleted, but i doesnt get deleted.
  9. all works, only deleting the vehicle doesnt work. i tried it with if ( theVehicle == Truck[source]) then destroyElement(Truck[source]) and if ( theVehicle == Truck[client]) then destroyElement(Truck[client]) doenst work both
  10. Hi i have a problem. i have this client script: function onClickBtn ( button, state ) if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if (source == TruckArbeitBtn ) then guiSetInputEnabled(false) guiSetVisible ( TruckWindow , false ) showCursor ( false ) triggerServerEvent ( "truckerarbeit", getRootElement()) end end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), windowHandler ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", TruckArbeitBtn, onClickBtn, false ) it triggers the server event "truckarbeit" : function truckerarbeit_func ( ) if PlayerJob[client] < 2 or PlayerJob[client] > 2 then outputChatBox( "Du musst erst den Job annehmen!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end if PlayerJob[client] == 2 then Truck[client] = createVehicle( 455, -138.103515625, 1084.078125, 20.312187194824) setVehicleColor ( Truck[client], 3, 3, 3, 3 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( client, Truck[client] ) end end addEvent ( "truckerarbeit", true ) addEventHandler ( "truckerarbeit", getRootElement(), truckerarbeit_func ) works. perfectly. it creates the vehicle and puts the player in it. now i want to delete the vehicle after the player leaves it: (in the server script) function exitVehicle ( theVehicle, seat, jacked ) if ( theVehicle == Truck[source]) then destroyElement(Truck[source]) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), exitVehicle ) it doesnt work. i tried it with Truck[client] too, doesnt work too. whats wrong?
  11. oki worked fine for me thank you
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