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Dark Dragon

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Everything posted by Dark Dragon

  1. According to the description you need to install the MySQL module on your server. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Mysql You might want to make sure you installed it properly
  2. I remember I reported that once and of course it seems logical that you should be able to jack passengers as well. Also when trying to jack the driver from the the passengers side you need to walk all the way around the car to jack the driver only instead of the way it works in single player (jack the passenger, switch to drivers seat) the ability tor servers and players to bind this manually + default bind on hold g sounds reasonable to me, but only if its possible to implement properly (no cuts in the animation while walking to the vehicle, that would look awkward)
  3. oh, yeah, my bad I think I start to see code which does not exist. I've probably probably seen getRootElement() there too much during my life.
  4. well you should follow his advice anyways, as the way you do it the ped is being created whenever ANY resource starts. not just yours.
  5. currently mta relies on key sync and position sync + interpolation, task sync will be part of a major rework aimed for mta 2.0 (source) other games handle synchronization differently as they have better room to work with. ideally the server would know the players environment but unfortunately its impossible to stream the entire gta world at once so mta implements syncers. eventually the same two game should generate the same reaction when there's the same action in both. we all know that this might not work perfectly but it does pretty well in our case. mta chooses which player you can mostly rely on in any situation based on their distance to the element, their ping and probably also on the players fps (unconfirmed). the implementation of server sided physics is also planned for the future but won't make it in the game any time soon (source) of course relying on what the players client says has the risk of cheating in it but there are already couple of methods to reduce the chance to cheat to a minimum.
  6. If the server disables it as part of any resource you can't enable it again as the server does not want you to see it. If you don't see your mini map on any server try /showhud 1 to see if your game has somehow locally disabled it
  7. add lil_toady again and I approve
  8. i think the fact you set the element position of a server side element client side could cause problems. try to swap this to a server side script and check if it makes it any better
  9. no you cannot execute client side code the server does not want you to execute.
  10. client side code is executed by the computer of the player while server side code is executed by the machine the server runs on. this has a huge impact on the usability of functions. for example setWeather can be used to set the current weather for everyone (server side) or just for a single person (client side). in some cases it doesn't really matter what you choose. as all client side files are downloaded by everyone you can also use setWeather client side for everyone. but keep in mind that client side code needs this procedure of downloading and client side code is easy to access for everyone on your server, so they might take the code, steal it or grab important information from it.
  11. Don't use guiCreateStaticImage, it's not meant to be used for temporary on screen pictures. If you use dxDrawImage it should be fine.
  12. script you don't find there are likely to be either restricted to only some users within other communities or exclusively scripted for the specific server you saw it on.
  13. if you continue spamming BLAST like that it won't take that long
  14. Dark Dragon


    Hello, you might have noticed by now, but people here generally don't like to help you if you haven't put any effort into getting something done yet. If you need help on how to script in general the wiki's introduction to scripting might help you https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction Once you actually have something to show us and ask for help on a specific aspect people will likely be to help you in no time! Greetings!
  15. There are currently more important things to do. If you however find someone to work on it the chances of it being finished earlier (while also usually getting support when stuck) is much higher. So if you know how to code in C or if you know someone else who is just go ahead. MTA is open source for a reason.
  16. well that would need additional scripting work you can however easily just kill people when they are too far away from the center of the cube
  17. well I don't mean to disappoint you but I think such a resource already exists. its called race_nos also the stuck keys after alt tabbing should be fixed in 1.0.5 (source)
  18. i'm pretty sure respawnVehicle respawns the vehicle at the given spawn point, at least if you created it within a map file.
  19. DARN I MISSED IT NOW I TYPE IN CAPSLOCK FOR NO REASON WAAAAAAAH RETHINKING::: EVERY DAY IS INTERNATIONAL CAPSLOCK DAY11111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!exclamationmarkexclamationmarkexclamationmark
  20. i think pumas map used my magnetwheels resource. im not sure though, but you might want to try it: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=329
  21. afaik onGamemodeMapStart is a custom event triggered by the mapmanager resource. try to add it before adding the event handler to it
  22. script realistic vehicle drafting/slipstreaming. i'd like to see that
  23. you can check if the players team is the same as the team element saved on your "Police" variable local Police = createTeam("Police", 0, 0, 255) -- this will create the team everytime the --script starts local teamMarker = createMarker(1553.33, -1677.37, 15.382, 'cylinder', 1.0, 0, 0, 255, 150 ) function teamMarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension ) if getElementType( hitElement ) == "player" and not isPedInVehicle(hitElement) then if not getPlayerTeam(hitElement) == Police then setPlayerTeam ( hitElement, Police) setPlayerSkin( hitElement, 280) giveWeapon ( hitElement, 3, 1, true ) giveWeapon ( hitElement, 22, 148, true ) giveWeapon ( hitElement, 29, 64, true ) giveWeapon ( hitElement, 25, 10, true ) end end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", teamMarker , teamMarkerHit )
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