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About norby89

  • Birthday 15/03/1989

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  • Retired Staff


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  1. norby89


    im gay and i suck cock lol
  2. It's probably Johnline's server hosted on his home computer.
  3. Or you could upgrade to a proper antivirus software.
  4. http://www.lua.org/pil/index.html You've got pretty much everything explained there.
  5. function GetPosition ( player ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( player ) outputChatBox("Your Position: "..x..", "..y..", "..z) end addCommandHandler ( "Postion", GetPosition ) You added an extra ". You should work in a text editor that supports syntax highlighting, which makes errors like this easier to spot.
  6. Steam (after you bought it).
  7. Also really long code doesn't show up when used with lua tags (or anything else other than 'text').
  8. Hope you aren't planning on using it on this forum because it's simply huge.
  9. The whole syntax is wrong. http://pastebin.com/U4AU2jUN
  10. norby89

    HEX to RGB

    Just in case anyone needs the opposite of this function: function rgbToHex ( nR, nG, nB ) local sColor = "#" nR = string.format ( "%X", nR ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nR ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nR ) or nR ) nG = string.format ( "%X", nG ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nG ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nG ) or nG ) nB = string.format ( "%X", nB ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nB ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nB ) or nB ) return sColor end
  11. It's also short for Ukraine, if there's a clan called US will you ask all players from the United States to change their tag too?
  12. Are you running the race gamemode? It's not a default feature.
  13. In fact that's quite easy to do: http://www.lua.org/pil/2.5.html tl;dr version: houseData = {} houseData[houseID] = {} houseData[houseID][something] = cake
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