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Everything posted by Hyunsu

  1. I cant read english well and I dont know ever about api or plugin or module. So I am requiring for the script to you.
  2. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/translat ... opers.aspx I can't make script without lua. Make translator resource for mta scripting plz.
  3. I want for ped to be smarter. If ped can think way to go players, is will be wonderful. who is someone to make this wonderful script?
  4. Before this problem, the former problem is that i should press two enter to send message in korean chat. so MTA fixed the former problem. however, this problem arise. (Two action of "Enter" in Korean chat.) forexample, when i was in car, if i press enter to send message, i was got off from car. (in korean chat) i think there is two action of "Enter" (1. ENTER to send chat message 2. ENTER to get off car) 이 문제가 발생하기 전에도 이와 관련된 문제가 있었습니다. 그 문제는 한국어로 채팅하기 위해서는 엔터를 두번을 눌러야 하는것이었습니다. 그래서 MTA개발진은 이 문제를 해결해주었습니다. 하지만 또 다른 문제가 발생했습니다. 예를 들자면, 제가 차에있을때 채팅하기위해 엔터를 누르면 차에서 내려지는겁니다.(채팅은 잘 됩니다) 그래서 제 생각에는 엔터가 두번 시행되는것같습니다. (1. 채팅보내기위한 엔터 2. 차에서 내리는 엔터). Sorry for my bad englsih.
  5. It's good!! If you have a time, can you make more realistic gunshot effect (when i shoot, when bullet crash) then original one? i hope the effects can flash.
  6. 1. why are't properties open? (In setWeaponProperty, "spread","firing_speed","life_span" etc...) I think they want to be open. 2. flags stats problem. I hope it becomes safety like it. setWeaponProperty ( int weaponID/string weaponName, string weaponSkill, string property, int/float theValue , bool flagenable); ex. setWeaponProperty ("m4", "poor", "flags", 0x000010, true or false); ex2. local booleanvalue = getWeaponProperty ("m4", "poor", "flags", 0x000010); (booleanvalue can have true or false). 3. adding new weapon skill or giving weapon stat to specific ped. If it is possible, we can make new systems about weapon (ex. better weapon skill promoting) And even, we can mimic custom weapon. (replacing old weapon model with invisiable object --- replacing any model with new weapon design object --- attaching replaced model to ped's hand --- considering the new weapon, you set weapon stat with specific ped) ex. setWeaponProperty (ped ped , string weaponSkill, string property, int/float theValue, bool flagenable) (sorry for my bad english.)
  7. If you want a different moving style, you should use setPedAnimation. But i recommend "setPedControlState ( ped, "forwards", true )". because if you use animation, you should check some special situations(in water, in car accident etc...).
  8. Like psydomin said, The problem is the lifting object don't have collision like grass, leaves of trees. (I will say a above object "A".) So, you can attach object (that imitates collision of A) to A. The collision of the attached object should be similer to "A". And you can hide the attaced object by using "setElementAlpha()". If the object in video have collision, your ped and your vehicle can stand up the object.
  9. function getParabolaPos(x,y,z, x2,y2,z2, h, p) -- p: 0.0 ~ 1.0 -- h > k local k = math.abs((z-z2)); if h <= k then h = k + 1; end local d2_c = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(x,y,x2,y2); local a2 =0; local d2 =0; if z > z2 then d2 = d2_c * (1-p); a2 =math.atan2 (( x - x2 ), ( y - y2 )); else d2 = d2_c * p; a2 =math.atan2 (( x2 - x ), ( y2 - y )); end local rv = 1-(k/(h+k)); local b = (2*(h+k)*(1+math.pow(rv, 1/2)))/d2_c; local a = (b*b)/(-4*(h+k)); if rv < 0 then outputChatBox("erre"); end local gz = d2*(a*d2 + b); local gx,gy = d2*math.sin(a2), d2*math.cos(a2); if z > z2 then gx = x2 + gx; gy = y2 + gy; gz = z2 + gz; else gx = x + gx; gy = y + gy; gz = z + gz; end return gx, gy, gz; end this is a test script. local index = 0; while true do local gx,gy,gz = getParaPos(sx,sy,sz,ex,ey,ez, 20, 0.02*index); createObject(354, gx,gy,gz); index = index + 1; if index == 50 then --setElementPosition(getLocalPlayer(),gx,gy,gz); break; end end "h" is a height on a point that has bigger "z" than another point's "z".
  10. I will make a new genre mode. But i don't have enough time to make alone. So i need people written on title. No pay, but I am also scripter and the mode will be ours. Skype: hyunsu0606
  11. i am not scolding but just want to know.
  12. Some koreans playing mta(include me) have anticipated MTA 1.1 But we are disappointed because of problem broken Korean. When i type korean in chat, Broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. You are pretty. Someday, I'll give you money.
  14. it's attaching to player. not bone.
  15. these are attaching to player. not bodypart(bone). the function is attaching to players' bone. 3.local eLight = createObject(335,0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); 4.setElementCollisionsEnabled(eLight, false); 5. 6.addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), 7.function() 8. 9. 10. local x,y,z = getPedBonePosition(getLocalPlayer(), 22); 11. local x2,y2,z2 = getPedBonePosition(getLocalPlayer(), 23); 12. 13. local x3,y3,z3 = getPedBonePosition(getLocalPlayer(), 26); 14. 15. setElementRotation(eLight, math.deg(math.atan2(z2 - z, math.sqrt((x2-x)*(x2-x) + (y2-y)*(y2-y)))), 0.0, math.deg(math.atan2(-(x2-x), y2-y)) + 40); 16. 17. setElementPosition(eLight, x3,y3,z3); 18. 19.end 20.); 21. i made similar script. (holding knife) but it's not perfect like samp.
  16. local eLight = createObject(335,0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); setElementCollisionsEnabled(eLight, false); addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), function() local x,y,z = getPedBonePosition(getLocalPlayer(), 22); local x2,y2,z2 = getPedBonePosition(getLocalPlayer(), 23); local x3,y3,z3 = getPedBonePosition(getLocalPlayer(), 26); setElementRotation(eLight, math.deg(math.atan2(z2 - z, math.sqrt((x2-x)*(x2-x) + (y2-y)*(y2-y)))), 0.0, math.deg(math.atan2(-(x2-x), y2-y)) + 40); setElementPosition(eLight, x3,y3,z3); end ); i made similar script. (holding knife) but it's not perfect like samp. if you know method, write script here. plz
  17. sorry to my bad english. i want to be added "SetPlayerAttachedObject" function in mta. Already, this function exist in samp. this function attach object to player's bone. Then, the object's position and rotation are changed by the bone's movement. i will make this fuction in MTA. but i can't make anything about this function. Now, can MTA's script make this function? (natural, like SAMP)
  18. sorry to my bad english. i want to make "SetPlayerAttachedObject" function in mta. Already, this function exist in samp. this function attach object to player's bone. Then, the object's position and rotation are changed by the bone's movement. i will make this fuction in MTA. but i can't make anything about this function. Now, can MTA's script make this function? (natural, like SAMP)
  19. sorry for my broken english i made some scripts. ----------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function() for ~~ do -- about 20 loops local ~~~ = char type; local ~~~2 = number type; local ~~~3 = table type; local ~~~4 = element type; -- In other word, there are Many variables in many types and many calculations. dxdrawText(~~); dxDrawImage(~~); end end ); ------------------------------------------------------ there is no lack in first one hour after connection. but, after one hour, the situation is changed. These problems are occured with old, or bad computer. So, I think there are memory leak because of these phenomenon. As far as I know, Local variables disappear after uses. What do you think about these problems?
  20. i verified that. And i found that other servers has same problem. Therefore i think that my "Internet Explorer" is wrong. Can you guess solution of that problem for me?
  21. i have ever typed that. but i couldn't see anything.
  22. mtasa:// mta:// i couldn't see anything.
  23. we can set camera's position or lookat. but we don't set naturally viewpoint of camera that is attached to player. so i want to add this function. setCameraViewpoint(float x, float y, float z) or setCameraMatrix to change. do i know wrong information?
  24. i can make firingrate slower. but faster is impossible.
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