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Everything posted by :Rob

  1. Nope... you press new game. Tiz what I do. Try turning frame limiter on, and uh... close other progs that might be using bandwidth. (IE: Bit torrents, limewire) Lower your res to... 800x600x16, and then start game. If it loads, then you can increase res IN GAME (Yay... I can finally change res on a mutliplayer without crashing... )
  2. Can't? I can alt+tab with any game/prog I can alt tab with Jax's GTA Rumble And yeah... my other games too.
  3. I'm not saying I'm unwilling to be patient, just not willing to wait ages for it As soon as MTA makes a release, I'll loyaly return and play MTA-SA. (If it's better than jax's mod ) But I mean... god... heh...I still remember reading the post that said sometime within the next two weeks... But naw.. I can wait. I will too. You wont see me bitching like some others... "OMG @%#@ING UPDATE ALREADY MTA TEAM I HATE j00 ALL " Boo fucking hoo. I want a release too, but bitching at them wont help Maybe if I sent hookers to their houses....
  4. Hey Njr, long time no see. ... here's my 2 cents =/ At .4, MTA was at it's highest point, twaz awesome. Everyone expected .5 to be like... the GOD VERSION of MTA. However .5 ( no disrespect meant here ) kinda bombed on itself, and people moved on to... the school year, which was folowed by VC-MP. Dreaded crap that is.. the school year.. ;x However...I think that if they actually RELEASED MTA-SA, with whatever it has now... and then if they made progress with it, released a MTA SA .2 The fans / players would be waaay happier. I'll be playing this GTA Rumble untill they release MTA-SA... Cause I wanna play an SA Mutliplayer. If MTA ever releases MTA-SA, I'll switch to that INSTANTLY. But untill then... I'mma have to play with what I got.
  5. Heh, release it soon pleash, I crash every 2 minutes
  6. Hey Jax... check this out dude... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3MMWOOD9 Vrocker said oooo hang on. its an error in the program. cuz jack0/[progs/c++ must be where the source code is stored on jax's computer its a C++ erropr, needs to be recompiled but u cant do that cuz u dont have the source just see what they say. i still reckon it could be cuz of win2k. prob aint got certain things in the c++ library Could ya help me out dood? thanks
  7. Freakin awesome. Nice job jax. Just downloaded it, hopping on that server now... EDIT: K... went on, worked fine, loaded fine, good gameplay, great car spawns, but NOBODYS there. I told VRocker and KFC Soion about it, and gave them links to the download... they'll be playing soon. Everyone join us at port and ip - - 2020 Woo Hoo EDIT 2: Servers down... someone else know a working server for Rumble:?: Soi and I were on for like 5 minutes, he killed me, I killed him. It's pretty damn good. Again, Terrific work Jax
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