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Everything posted by milkshake333

  1. Is there anyone who could help me?
  2. Okay, well my idea was to make a sort of online login system using php. Because it should work with mysql, and I know how to use mysql with PHP. So is there any way I could do that?
  3. Hi, I have a question. Can I just use php within an html page on the webserver of an mta server? This is my meta.xml: <meta> <info name="test" author="Rutger" type="script" version="1.0" /> <include resource="ajax" /> <html src="test.html" http="true" /> </meta> And, test.html: <html> <body> <?php echo "test"; ?> </body> </html> This doesn't seem to work, also tried it with including the mta_sdk.php, but that didn't work either. I have also tried the example of the PHP SDK wiki page, which didn't work either. Is there any way so I could get this to work?
  4. Yeah okay, I already thought there was no function for this, though I didn't know for sure. Thanks for the help anyway .
  5. That doesn't work, because I said that the files all have a different name, and aren't just numbers.
  6. Yeah okay, but the problem is that if I have to import all the files in the meta.xml, it takes kinda long. 'Cause in this case, it's like 150 files. So I was wondering if there was some sort of function for this.
  7. Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to find a random file from a folder. As example, I have 50 .xml files in a folder, and they all have different names. Is there a function to get the contents of a folder, like files at a certain index, so I could just load a file when I have a number? Like 1-50? I hope you guys understand this... Regards, Rutger Speksnijder.
  8. But will it work with other resolutions too then?
  9. Hi, I want to add something below money, something in GUI, but the problem is, I can't get the coordinates right for every resolution. Is there any calculation for it? It needs to be just below the money. Thanks in advance.
  10. Do you want it to be possible to download the map, or view it?
  11. milkshake333

    Skin bug.

    I don't mean that some dude from MTA HAS to know how to avoid, just asking IF someone does. It would help a lot .
  12. milkshake333

    Skin bug.

    But still, is there any way to avoid this?
  13. milkshake333

    Skin bug.

    Still it's weird only some people have it..
  14. milkshake333

    Skin bug.

    So anyone knows how to fix this?
  15. milkshake333

    Skin bug.

    The girl who has the bug and which I'm posting this topic for, just an admin at "our" server.
  16. milkshake333

    Skin bug.

    Yup, well she has the 1.0.4, with the annoying update that pops up when you start up .
  17. milkshake333

    Skin bug.

    Okay, First off, I don't know if this is in the right subforum. I don't know if it has to do with MTA:SA itself, or with GTA SA. Someone who plays on the server I script for, has a bug, which makes her skin goes white, or just flat at the ground. This bug only occurs when the killer has a CJ skin, and when she has the: 192, 193, 194 skins. Below is a link of an image showing you what her player get's like. It takes over the skin from the killer, in this case my skin+clothes. P.S. She has the newest version of mta. Thanks in advance .
  18. I did that, but still not working.... EDIT: Well I found out they're just too smal.. Weird ... Well it's fixed so /care
  19. Well I ran into another problem, the onMarkerHit event doesn't work. The marker: window = createMarker(-2634.2802734375,1407.00390625,905.4609375, "cylinder", 1, 0, 255, 0, 255, getRootElement()) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", window, windowMarkerHit) setElementInterior(window, 3) The event function: function windowMarkerHit(element, dimension) outputChatBox("WINDOW MARKER HIT!") outputChatBox("The element was " .. getPlayerName(element)) outputChatBox("Source: " .. tostring(source)) end P.S. The messages are just for testing purposes. Btw, sorry for double post, but I thought I figured it out, but now I got this problem. Please help meh Greetings, Rutger Speksnijder.
  20. Well I tried creating a marker via script, and it should be in the interior, I got the coordinates correctly. It's Jizzy's interior, so interior ID 3. But, the syntax stuff is correctly, my markers outside work, but in the interior they don't.... Marker code: stripMarks["guard1"] = createMarker(-2639.7431640625,1404.02734375,906.4609375,"cylinder", 2, 0, 255, 0, 255, getRootElement()) I tried it with setElementInterior(marker, 3). Also setElementInterior(marker, 3, x, y, z), but no success at all. Please help me out .
  21. And remove "n_polaczenie/" from the playSound function...
  22. Aah ty, you said this before to me, but I couldn't remember what it was. Thanks
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