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Everything posted by papsmurfer

  1. actually Luke is my brother we are both working on the same scripts O_o so do you want to help orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  2. yeah I have something similar...is SELECT the command I use? like something along the lines of SELECT 'players' (login, and password) if they match it means login? I have no clue
  3. I created a registration system where it inserts the accounts user name and password from my gui register screen however how can I apply that so they can log back into their accounts on the mySQL db?
  4. but now you can click the screen and it's like clicking the button O-O. How can I fix this?
  5. good question...lol I switched it to CHARTAB
  6. GUIEditor_TabPanel = {} GUIEditor_Button = {} CharScreen = guiCreateTabPanel(42,53,395,514,false) CharTAB = guiCreateTab("Character Selection",CharScreen) AccountTAB = guiCreateTab("Account Managment",CharScreen) SettingsTAB = guiCreateTab("Settings",CharScreen) CharSlot1 = guiCreateButton(53,120,375,105,"",false,Char_SelectionTAB) guiSetVisible ( CharSlot1, true ) --[[ CharSlot2 = guiCreateButton(53,230,375,105,"",false,Char_SelectionTAB) CharSlot3 = guiCreateButton(53,340,375,105,"",false,Char_SelectionTAB) CharSlot4 = guiCreateButton(53,450,375,105,"",false,Char_SelectionTAB) ]]-- showCursor ( true ) addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", CharSlot1, move1) addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", CharSlot1, HideCharScreen) addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", CharSlot1, MakePed) sooo how would that work?
  7. I created a gui window with a button but when you click the window the button disappears. How can I fix this?
  8. For example I have a guiWindow all created and such but are their commands or something so the player can't enter numbers must have one space and can only contain letters and if they put in numbers or foreign symbols or if there is no text in the guiEdit the next button isn't click able and save it as the playername...I can not find anything on wiki about it Thanks
  9. Well my script is a rpg script... Players would dm and break the rules drive down the street chaange their skin and their name and I don't want the server announcement everyone changes their name and I personally believe it kinda ruins the rp
  10. Hello guys I have a quick question..how can I prevent my players to change their name in game? For example if someones ingame name is Jim and he goes into mtas menu And changes it to chuck okay how can I code my server to still see him at Jim and have his name stay the same unless he registers another account? Purhaps by recording his serial? Because my server is set up so when a player logs in they are brought to a character selection screen and select their name there however right when they spawn as their character they can go to mtas menu and change the name to whatever they want, also how can I make it so two players can't have the same name? Thanks guys!
  11. Can you tell me why you would use Cheat Engine in MTA anyways? Or on another server? To get ahead in the server lol it's a private server hacks don't matter so is there a way to freeze and save my money source through cheat engine??
  12. how can we expose the memory that is protected? On cheat_Engine it shows the memory changing even when values are frozen, how can we freeze the memory or alter it to do what we want?
  13. I know there isn't a built in 1 its a script written by the scripters of the server but there has to be holes in it like loop holes
  14. I was in a server earlier today and i used cheat engine to boost my money but when I did the money ammount in game went all the way back down to my original amount, even when I froze the values I did not posses the ammount I had on screen I still only had my original amount. I know theres an anti-cheat script in effect but is there anyway around it???
  15. yes but how can you use SetAccountData to save car you have purchased, the last position you were before you disconnected, or houses
  16. Your tutorial is not confusing, reason I said that is becuase you expect the reader to have some knowledge when 80% of the time new users don't know anything and expect everything to be spoon fed to them, annoying I know but I am looking to boost the popularity of MTA and if that means I can scrap together a tutorial (with appropriate credits of course) that spoon feeds and gives them a feel of lua and basics of saving they can move on to bigger and better things and benifiting us all. We should stop helping individuals with problems a guy two days ago had and saying the same things you know what I mean?
  17. I agree 100% but there are some tutorials like RobHols (sorry if I misspelled it) that is very good but to beginners it's sort of confusing. I am just looking for an in-depth tutorial on saving positions, skins, money, weapons, car ownership, and other varibles you can use with SQL
  18. Hi I am new to scripting (who isn't right) but any way I was wondering if someone could take the time and throughly explain SQL scripting and how it works and the basics of saving, this can server two purposes, n00bs can be referred here and you guys won't have to repeats bits and parts of the same questions everyday and it will benifit the MTA community. So can someone really experianced please take the time to explain how it works and everything I know this is a huge favor to ask but if someone could do it I guarentee everyone will benifit from it thanks for your replys!!!! for example what do i use as a database????
  19. well im currently at a college campus and i want to recreate one of the servers i played over the summer i want to recreate or get the server to play on a lan connection with my friends through out our dorm rooms because as you know campus' don't have the fastest internet connection.... i had no intentions to remake it and play it off as my own and try to "rip off" the original scriptwriters.
  20. there has to be a way to manipulate the way mta sends out server side scripts to start and make client scripts operate if not then i don't see why you couldn't recreate a server side script from scratch its basic scripting and its not magic robho,l if you understood how it works youd know that lol
  21. well stealing is harsh i want to say that i want to take a script and make it better i would in no way take credit for it at all but you are saying that it is possible to recreate the server side script. Not from the server but going through the client files and putting together sever scripts to correspond. Basically cloning the server side script from scratch
  22. so using those files can't you recreate the server side files?? after all in client side scripts it has which event are triggers and such
  23. okay so i played on this server and in my mods directory Mta\mods\deathmatch\resources there's all the files of that server. Now my question is are those files in that directory only client side? or do they have both and you have to decipher which is which server side and which is client side and is it possible to recreate the server???
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