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Punk-@ss B*tch

Punk-@ss B*tch (12/54)



  1. SpoC^

    ~ Closed

    #Banex ~ I love you man, peace and love
  2. SpoC^

    ~ Closed

    #The Don - Good Job, work
  3. You shouldn't speak english when you simply can't it Não posso falar inglês ? onde isso está escrito ?
  4. @Cadu está parecendo Politico, promessas atraz de promessas até ser eleito, e quando é eleito, simplesmente senta na cadeira, e soma nas estatisticas. . .
  5. Function incomplete please post all function
  6. Go [DayZ-MTA] > DayZ > survivorSystem_client.lua Look for function scoreBoard Full function that will probably be on your survivorSystem_client.lua function scoreBoard() if getKeyState("tab") == false then return end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "logedin") then local offset = dxGetFontHeight(1.55, "default-bold") dxDrawImage(screenWidth * 0.15, screenHeight * 0.2, screenWidth * 0.7, screenHeight * 0.2 + yA, "images/window_bg.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255)) dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.15, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2, screenWidth * 0.7, screenHeight * 0.0025, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) dxDrawText("Name", screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, tocolor(50, 255, 50, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") w1 = dxGetTextWidth("Name", 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawText("Murders", screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, tocolor(50, 255, 50, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") w2 = dxGetTextWidth("Murders", 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 - w2 * 0.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2, screenHeight * 0.2, screenWidth * 0.0025, screenHeight * 0.2 + yA, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2, screenHeight * 0.2, screenWidth * 0.0025, screenHeight * 0.2 + yA, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) dxDrawText("Zombies Killed", screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, tocolor(50, 255, 50, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") w3 = dxGetTextWidth("Zombies Killed", 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2, screenHeight * 0.2, screenWidth * 0.0025, screenHeight * 0.2 + yA, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) dxDrawText("Alive Time", screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, tocolor(50, 255, 50, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") w4 = dxGetTextWidth("Alive Time", 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1 + w4 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2, screenWidth * 0.0025, screenHeight * 0.2 + yA, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) dxDrawText("Players:" .. #getElementsByType("player"), screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1 + w4 + w2 * 0.1 + w4 / 3, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, screenWidth * 0.8, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, tocolor(50, 255, 50, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") playerInList = false local playerAmount = #getElementsByType("player") if playerAmount > 10 then playerAmount = 10 end for i = 1, playerAmount do yA = i * offset local offset2 = dxGetFontHeight(1.5, "default-bold") local player = getRankingPlayer(i) or false if not player then break end r, g, b = 255, 255, 255 if getPlayerName(player) == getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) then r, g, b = 50, 255, 50 playerInList = true end dxDrawText(i, screenWidth * 0.155, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawText(string.gsub(getPlayerName(player), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local murders = getElementData(player, "murders") dxDrawText(murders, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local zombieskilled = getElementData(player, "zombieskilled") dxDrawText(zombieskilled, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local alivetime = getElementData(player, "alivetime") or 0 dxDrawText(formatTimeFromMinutes(alivetime), screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") end playerLocalAdd = 0 if not playerInList then playerLocalAdd = offset r, g, b = 50, 255, 50 dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.15, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset - offset / 2, screenWidth * 0.7, screenHeight * 0.0025, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) local rank = getElementDataPosition("alivetime", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "alivetime")) dxDrawText(rank, screenWidth * 0.155, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawText(string.gsub(getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local murders = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "murders") dxDrawText(murders, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local zombieskilled = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "zombieskilled") dxDrawText(zombieskilled, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local alivetime = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "alivetime") or 0 dxDrawText(formatTimeFromMinutes(alivetime), screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") end yA = playerAmount * offset + playerLocalAdd end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), scoreBoard)
  7. Stir in java color Example 18 - guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabel, 255, 255, 255)
  8. this function is on freeroam in fr_client ... you searched for?
  9. Try this function updatePlayerBlips() if not g_PlayerData then return end local wnd = isWindowOpen(wndSpawnMap) and wndSpawnMap or wndSetPos local mapControl = getControl(wnd, 'map') for elem,player in pairs(g_PlayerData) do if not player.gui.mapBlip then player.gui.mapBlip = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 9, 9, elem == g_Me and 'localplayerblip.png' or 'playerblip.png', false, mapControl) player.gui.mapLabelShadow = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, 100, 14, player.name, false, mapControl) local labelWidth = guiLabelGetTextExtent(player.gui.mapLabelShadow) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor (elem) guiSetSize(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, labelWidth, 14, false) guiSetFont(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, 'default-bold-small') guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, r, g, b) player.gui.mapLabel = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, labelWidth, 14, player.name, false, mapControl) guiSetFont(player.gui.mapLabel, 'default-bold-small') guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabel, 0, 0, 0) for i,name in ipairs({'mapBlip', 'mapLabelShadow'}) do addEventHandler('onClientGUIDoubleClick', player.gui[name], function() server.warpMe(elem) closeWindow(wnd) end, false ) end end local x, y = getElementPosition(elem) x = math.floor((x + 3000) * g_MapSide / 6000) - 4 y = math.floor((3000 - y) * g_MapSide / 6000) - 4 guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapBlip, x, y, false) guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, x + 14, y - 4, false) guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapLabel, x + 13, y - 5, false) end end @Walid I was going to say the same lines 15 - guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, r, g, b) 18 - guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabel, 0, 0, 0)
  10. Do you speak it? you choose a color? of for
  11. SpoC^

    Help please

    where are the mistakes? No Errors , No Solutions...
  12. SpoC^

    helps ped please

    I believe you stole it from someone !? try this local function setPedAttackPlayer(thePed) if(attacking[thePed] == true) then return end attacking[thePed] = true attackTimer[thePed] = setTimer(function() if(getElementHealth(thePed) < 1) then killTimer(attackTimer[thePed]) else local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(thePed) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local rot = math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / math.pi rot = rot-90 if(isLineOfSightClear(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, true, false, false, false, false, false, false)) then setPedRotation(thePed, rot) setPedAimTarget(thePed, getElementPosition(localPlayer)) setPedControlState(thePed, "aim_weapon", true) setPedControlState(thePed, "fire", true) setTimer(setPedControlState, 100, 1, thePed, "fire", false) else setPedControlState(thePed, "aim_weapon", false) setPedControlState(thePed, "fire", false) end end end, 500, -1) end
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