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About =KoG=Rouche

  • Birthday 29/07/1991


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    Bastogne (Belgium)
  • Occupation
    IT Tech
  • Interests
    Computer Sciences

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  1. I'm ok with that Brian Nice to see you here
  2. Hi all, I try to make the Buy Map function of my userpanel working. I know i've to edit something in racevoting_server.lua but can't remember what. There is nothing in Debugscript . Does anyone have an idea ? racevoting_server.lua function buyMap(player, ...) if mapAllow ~= true then outputChatBox('* You are not allowed to buy map right now!', player, 255, 0, 0, true) return end local query = #{...}>0 and table.concat({...},' ') or nil if not query then if g_ForcedNextMap then outputRace( 'Next map is ' .. getMapName( g_ForcedNextMap ), player ) else outputRace( 'Next map is not set', player ) end return end local map, errormsg = findMap( query ) if not map then outputRace( errormsg, player ) return end if g_ForcedNextMap == map then outputRace( 'Next map is already set to ' .. getMapName( g_ForcedNextMap ), player ) return end if g_ForcedNextMap ~= nil then table.insert(mapQueue, map) outputChatBox('* ' .. getMapName( map ) .. ' has been bought and added to queue by ' .. getPlayerName( player ), g_Root, 0, 240, 0) else g_ForcedNextMap = map outputChatBox('* Next map has been bought and set to ' .. getMapName( map ) .. ' by ' .. getPlayerName( player ), g_Root, 0, 240, 0) end end addEvent("buyMap", true) addEventHandler("buyMap", root, buyMap) --Find a map which matches, or nil and a text message if there is not one match function findMap( query ) local maps = findMaps( query ) -- Make status string local status = "Found " .. #maps .. " match" .. ( #maps==1 and "" or "es" ) for i=1,math.min(5,#maps) do status = status .. ( i==1 and ": " or ", " ) .. "'" .. getMapName( maps[i] ) .. "'" end if #maps > 5 then status = status .. " (" .. #maps - 5 .. " more)" end if #maps == 0 then return nil, status .. " for '" .. query .. "'" end if #maps == 1 then return maps[1], status end if #maps > 1 then return nil, status end end -- Find all maps which match the query string function findMaps( query ) local results = {} --escape all meta chars query = string.gsub(query, "([%*%+%?%.%(%)%[%]%{%}%\%/%|%^%$%-])","%%%1") -- Loop through and find matching maps for i,resource in ipairs(exports.mapmanager:getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode(getThisResource())) do local resName = getResourceName( resource ) local infoName = getMapName( resource ) -- Look for exact match first if query == resName or query == infoName then return {resource} end -- Find match for query within infoName if string.find( infoName:lower(), query:lower() ) then table.insert( results, resource ) end end return results end function getMapName( map ) return getResourceInfo( map, "name" ) or getResourceName( map ) or "unknown" end addCommandHandler('buymap', function( player, command, ... ) local query = #{...}>0 and table.concat({...},' ') or nil if not query then if g_ForcedNextMap then outputRace( 'Next map is ' .. getMapName( g_ForcedNextMap ), player ) else outputRace( 'Next map is not set', player ) end return end local map, errormsg = findMap( query ) if not map then outputRace( errormsg, player ) return end if g_ForcedNextMap == map then outputRace( 'Next map is already set to ' .. getMapName( g_ForcedNextMap ), player ) return end g_ForcedNextMap = map outputChatBox('' .. getPlayerName( player )..' Buy Next map ' .. getMapName( g_ForcedNextMap ) .. '', g_Root, 255, 200, 0) end ) Thanks for helping.
  3. I add to : dpkg -i --arch-structure i386 apt-get install ia32-libs (need to add a old depository in /etc/apt/source.list) Then add your file in usr/lib32 Thank you.
  4. Found the problem. I use Debian 64bits. [2015-12-02 19:42:42] MODULE: Unable to load mods/deathmatch/modules/mta_mysql.so (libmysqlclient.so.15: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64) [2015-12-02 19:42:42] MODULE: Loaded "Sockets Module" (1.30) by "Gamesnert, MCvarial & x86" Does someone have the file for 64 ? libmysqlclient.so.15
  5. (Copy and Paste make more line than normal) Modules are loaded in mtaserv.conf and result of netstat is : tcp 0 0* LISTEN I tried with : local con = dbConnect("mysql","dbname=MYDBNAME;host=;port=3306", "DBUSER", "DBPASS", "share=1")
  6. Hi all, I'm back into Scripting. I have a new problem with my dbconnect function. Here is my code : server.lua ---- MYSQL Connection ---- -- Create an connection object for the Database function connectDB() local con = dbConnect("mysql","dbname=MYDBNAME;host=", "DBUSER", "DBPASS", "share=1") if (con) then outputDebugString("Connection OK !") else outputDebugString("Connection to Database failled !") end return con end ------- VARIABLES ------- rootElement = getRootElement() local connect = connectDB() When i try this it says : ERROR : line4 : dbConnect failed. Could not connect Do you see any error ? Thanks for helping.
  7. Same problem for me. https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ports/ > Success. IP : dm.teamkog.com
  8. Here is the first screenshot : http://hpics.li/db4bfc9 The second one : http://hpics.li/2e73ee7
  9. Hi all I'm back on MTA. I tried to play MTA on my new monitor (4K x 2K - 3840 x 2160) I use the last DirectX for my GTX980. When i start MTA, i change the resolution in parameters to 3840 x 2160. Then i restart my MTA. The screen is now stuck in the upper left corner and i can't use all the menu with my mouse. Mouse is stuck and monitor is not well used. I tried with 1920 x 1440 and another problem appear. Now i've 2 black borders on both side (left and right). What can i do ? Monitor : Acer S277HK 27 inch. I use Display Port. Thank for you help.
  10. You have to use "Screen". apt-get install screen screen -S MTA (create a screen named MTA) Go to the path where u can find mta-server script. Type ./mta-server (it start the server) Later if you want be reattached to the screen you can use screen -r to list all screens and screen -rd MTA to reattach it. To stop it just type exit or quit.
  11. Can't wait for the release of this version ! Youtube integration will be fun. Got lot of script idea. Thanks to all dev team.
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